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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. while that may be true, i certainly do not want to reside in an echo chamber.
  2. Christmas presents? bundles of new year joy?
  3. this was my thought as well. they should shut them down, only bad can come of leaving them open right now. which, i guess, the questions would then become, when do you reopen and what is the criteria?
  4. btw, glad to know you are back home, in the states.
  5. as i have said, i am afraid of what tomorrow may bring. Emini futures down limit 5% March, June and Sept all down 5%
  6. out of bullets now. unless of course, NIRP is also in the pipeline. Fed Cuts Main Interest Rate to Near Zero, to Boost Assets by $700 Billion
  7. the infrastructure the economy has moved to in the last decade (hell, five years even), shutting down UPS and FedEx would be like punting. i do not want to see this happen.
  8. agreed. all it is going to take is for him to see ghosts one time then it is going to be all downhill from there.
  9. a tribute to the crusty curmudgeon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6I_dKUYyI4&feature=emb_logo
  10. https://twitter.com/BNODesk/status/1239277174550597640 https://twitter.com/BNODesk/status/1239283929103896577
  11. the population in Italy, on average is considerably older which could quite possibly explain the rapid increase.
  12. cheers. i see you reacted to another post and in light of the current situation, it is quite apropos to maybe bring it back to the fore. so for an encore....
  13. that's ***** up so we just throw out the curriculum? wait, what the hell am i talking about our kids are coming out of the 'schooling' so ***** up, they threw it out a long time ago. let's just give them participation trophies and call it even. hell, we will just declare them all edumacated and whala, they are graduated!! isn't that what we have going now anyways?? are you kidding? they won't report these numbers in the Democrat controlled districts. can't have Nancy and Ted looking like the incompetent fools they are.
  14. right. with no corollary to contrast it, it is hard to know whether or not they would have had higher numbers in cold weather.
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