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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. right. because not questioning your government has always been a good practice to employ. serious question did you just crawl out from under some rock or perhaps just fall off the turnip truck? maybe this is your first rodeo?
  2. to my way of thinking, regardless of the actual severity of the Corona Beer, we are not going to be returning to Kansas anytime soon. if there was an over reaction by TPTB and they needlessly crashed the economy, there are going to be some severely pissed off people. how they express their displeasure is going to be interesting to see. conversely, if it is worse and we experience a significant fatality rate, there is going to be an equally irate response the other way. what about if this thing is severe and it drags on for 6/8 moths or heaven forbid a year? there is no way in hell the JIT supply system will stand up to that kind of stress. things would get very ugly in this last scenario.
  3. with roughly half the reported cases, Italy has just surpassed China in fatalities.
  4. the obvious answer is, 42 you lemming. everyone knows the answer to everything is, 42. you.
  5. or, in other words... 'i've really got nothing because i'm an asshat but.... '
  6. seems to imply? here let me quote for you the very first two sentences: "i'm not saying the Kung Flu is a hoax and i am also not saying it is the world ending event some would have you believe. i honestly do not know exactly what this thing is." my query here is 100% completely serious. why aren't we seeing the same images we saw in China and Iran of people keeling over in the streets? seems like we should now be seeing that in the US, don't you think?
  7. alternative title: Corona Beer Skeptics. Would you like Lyme with that? okay... i'm not saying the Kung Flu is a hoax and i am also not saying it is the world ending event some would have you believe. i honestly do not know exactly what this thing is. we simply have way to much disinformation out and about and too little actual hard factual evidence to make a well informed, educated conclusion from. certain things are becoming more and more clear as we move along in time but as yet... knowing exactly what this thing is is impossible right now. as an example of things i am looking at, to give a better insight to what is actually happening (being i am naturally highly skeptical of the 'official word'), i wonder why somethings are not like others. what i mean is that here in the US we should be approaching the point where we should be seeing certain images, if not already there. anyone who has been following this down here in the dungeon should remember the vivid images of victims keeling over while walking down the street, faceplanting on the sidewalk or in hospital corridors in China, Iran and selected other places. damn near everyone in the US has a phone so there is really no way that TPTB could reasonably suppress these images from escaping into the wilds. hell, even China couldn't do that. please do not misunderstand me here, in no way do i want to see these things but, all things being equal, should we not be seeing things like this in the US?
  8. it think it is much deeper than that. after all, whichever currency is utilized, value will be denominated in that particular currencies valuation. the desire by a good portion of the world, not to mention Russia and China (the main two culprits) has been to move away from the USD. several attempts have been made in just the last decade alone. the problem is the stability factor which the dollar provides.
  9. big if it goes through. Pakistan, China and Russia decide to conduct trade in local currencies skip dollars The eight-member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), including China, Russia, and Pakistan, have made the principle decision to conduct bilateral trade and investment and issue bonds in local and national currencies instead of US dollars. As per details, a road map will be finalized and signed at SCO's Finance Ministers' meeting in Moscow on March 18th. ...
  10. the DOW has now reached the point where it was prior to Trumps coronation, Dec. '16 @ 19,935.
  11. the JIT delivery system is is beginning to experience unprecedented stress. if indeed the CV washes through the States, how it fairs in the days ahead is going to be tantamount to how society's reactions fair. as long as it remains essentially viable, things should be okay. however, as i would think, due to logical progressions, there are going to be severe breakdowns in the JIT delivery system which will precipitate ensuing chaos.
  12. someone should tell the Democrats this.
  13. thanks. i did read that and wasn't quite sure that was the 'scientifically plausible' item you were referring to.
  14. https://twitter.com/MichaelCoudrey/status/1240281991771123718
  15. i think i may have missed what you are talking about. could you point me towards what it is you are referring to? TYIA
  16. you just love to see this. https://twitter.com/NotLacazette/status/1239860872119496704 https://twitter.com/Schot_Capital/status/1239873445053292545
  17. you're an idiot. you were provided context up thread that clearly debunked your claim, yet you still insist on promulgating the lie.
  18. the divide and conquer meme has been around longer than man has been alive. if you had eyes and ears to see and hear and a brain that was capable of cognizant thought, you would understand that it is not Trump's fault, though he certainly abet's it. the current iteration has been stoked by the deep state and their lackeys, the main stream presstitutes. there is a reason for this, as his mere presence threatens their continued existence. their graft, criminal activities and thoroughfares is being outed on a scale not really seen heretofore today. do you like living in a two tiered system of justice? is your paradigm so precious that you would sacrifice liberty for tyranny?
  19. just wanted to clarify, the announcement was for HUD foreclosures/evictions and now includes Fannie & Freddie.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79PqB6_Hmx4&feature=emb_logo
  21. Dow below 20k today. also, the 7% down circuit breaker has kicked in.
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