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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. if they are serious about helping main street, it will come in the form of checks mailed directly to them. tax relief does no good, right now.
  2. Trump seeks stimulus package potentially worth more than $1 trillion, including direct payments to Americans if it happens, better main street this time than wall street. although, i'm sure they will not go without either.
  3. are you feeling alright? whether you know it or not, you just gave Trump big time credit here.
  4. good thing i am just under the threshold. /sarcasm
  5. Obama claimed credit for the economy when it was booming, logically it dictates that now that we are tanking, it is Obama's fault as well.
  6. Monroe County DMV is open but it is now on an appointment only visit.
  7. https://twitter.com/martincpvalk/status/1239889077840891906
  8. i'm certainly not knowledgeable but just using past history as a guide, trusting the numbers put out by a communist regime is not a wise course to base a theory upon. not a slam GG, just saying the foundation would be suspect.
  9. https://twitter.com/jessefelder/status/1239626865477857290 might just be me, but shouldn't they have to sell those shares to remain solvent?
  10. all of which presumes that we can believe China's reporting.
  11. did it though? seems it might be putting everything in lockstep.
  12. is this the point where we all laugh?
  13. well, again... i don't necessarily disagree, however i'm just wanting to see how things play out a bit longer before making a statement along those lines. coming within inches of the second circuit breaker on a Monday i feared is not good, imo. i am going to continue to watch and see what is going on, the investor is still way too spooked.
  14. you'll have to excuse me here, Bob. can you please link where anyone has said that they were not going to be changing their routines because if they did, i must have missed it. TYIA
  15. wait a cotton pickin' darn minute here... is this sentence alone a tacit admission that you guys have been wrong on the 99% of everything up to coronavirus? oh the things you guys let slip when your guard is down.
  16. i guess the protests this weekend cinched it, eh?
  17. well, we didn't hit the second circuit breaker of 13% but we came damn close at the close, closing at 12.93% down. close was, 20,188. expecting an equally eventful day tomorrow. overnight Futures should be an adventure again, wouldn't be surprised if they limited down right out of the gate again.
  18. with Rivers too, sounds like the Colts are going for it this year and next.
  19. if true, it will be interesting to see what Ariens and Brady do together.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xwUuSM06xQ
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