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Julio Hopkins

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Everything posted by Julio Hopkins

  1. At least we would have a QB prospect on the roster if they drafted Jackson.
  2. "6 starters" is a good way to paint a pretty picture. Zay Jones for example (so far at least) has been a horrible draft pick.
  3. The rebuild is going to take at least two more offseasons if they nail a majority of their additions.
  4. It's insane how much worse Nate Solder looks without the Patriots ref help.
  5. They should make a 30 for 30 about Peterman. It's insane how he consistently does the worst thing possible.
  6. No, I think McVay understands how to build a winning team. While McDermott's plan is essentially replace the previous regime's guys with my own guys. You can keep preaching culture, but forgive me if I call bull **** when guys like Kelvin Benjamin are on the roster. That's fine if you don't think Sammy is worth his contract, I'm gonna go with Andy Reid. We'll see what happens in two years, I personally believe McDermott will be gone after the 2020 season. That said, I'm interested in what McVay/Snead do when Goff's contract is up.
  7. The Rams did try to sign Sammy, they valued what he brought to the offense. McVay immediately replaced Sammy with Cooks, because McVay understands how to build an effective offense. By the way McVay proves everything McDermott believes is wrong. Probably shouldn't bring his name up, seeing as he's the best argument against McDermott. I'm sure LA fans are sitting in worry about their cap space and lack of draft picks though.
  8. Sammy, Cordy, and Dareus do add to a winning effort. Interestingly enough, all three teams are they play for are winning. Lotulelei is a significantly less impactful player than Dareus and it shows, same can be said for the replacements for Sammy and Cordy. I love the money argument people go with while we have one of the weakest rosters in the NFL. Especially considering guys like Robert Woods, "we can't pay for a number 2 receiver!"
  9. Give it a couple more off-seasons, we might be finished rebuilding by 2020.
  10. Glenn is a top 10 LT, and he is absolutely better than everybody on this O-line.
  11. Kelvin Benjamin's size doesn't mean anything because he doesn't utilize it, he might as well be 5'10 190 pounds.
  12. Jordan Mills might be our best offensive lineman at this point. ?
  13. I doubt it's ego, just a lack of competent planning. These guys don't seem to have a plan B.
  14. Huh, people are complaining about the offensive scheme/playcalling in a preseason game.
  15. Just what the organization needed, another evaluation season.
  16. If he's as bad as he was on Wyoming, then starting him would probably be the worst thing they could do.
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