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Bray Wyatt

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Everything posted by Bray Wyatt

  1. How could I forget Gtwon Gulf coast and the Duke Lehigh ones! I remembered back when Hampton beat ISU I thought that was #3 but it was #4. I thought Jamaal Tinsley was going to tear it up, had them in the final 4 and they screwed my bracket up big time
  2. a 2 has only lost what, 4 or 5 times? MSU last year I think was #5?
  3. Most games are going to be close in the first half, it is when it gets down to the last 8-10 minutes that the games will either tighten up or pull away (unless it is one of the 1-16, 2-15 matchups)
  4. I have filled out 3 brackets, with 3 different winners, Villanova, Arizona and UCLA
  5. I think Battle is closer to being NBA ready now, but someone with Thompson's size and ability to shoot means he has great potential. Plus I think based on their attitudes, and this is all my speculation, that Thompson will jump as soon as he can, whereas like you said Battle indicates he will return Normally, I agree, but the bubble was so weak this year and if Wake was considered to be in, then Cuse certainly deserved to be in
  6. Would love to see styles main even WM, he is the best in the business in the ring.
  7. Please no, I am starting to sorta come around on Roman as a performer, he is starting to be a little more heelish with the match against Undertaker and I hope they turn him. If this rumor is true, I expect him to be the face and I am sick of Roman the baby face
  8. I watched the game for the most part and am still mad that we weren't in the tourney. Nearly all of our bad losses happened months ago, this was not the same team then that they are now. Typically I think the NCAA gets that right for the most part but for some reason overlooked it this year. I think this year was a big learning experience for Howard, and should hopefully tighten up his game next year. Battle looks so much better already than the beginning of the year, imagine next year with a full off season. I expect Lydon to return and be the leader that he should have been this year and take more control of games. The wild card is Thompson, if he returns we will be a very good team next year I think
  9. Who's everyone got in the final 4 and then winning it?
  10. Are these like Elaine's sponges in Seinfeld? I believe those were discontinued too haha
  11. Agreed, and yes something I watch now on the network every year. It is great to see the emotion and hear the stories from these legends
  12. appreciate it Well I am not sure she would let you take her purse with out her, I mean you would need to have what is in the purse to even ask right?
  13. Do you have to give up a 1st rounder or can that be negotiated with NE?
  14. This is where I am at, with an outside chance of Foster
  15. Austin/Hart as you mentioned was one of my all time, up there with WM17 Austin/Rock and Austin siding with Vince was a shock to me at the time. I think it was WM15 where Undertaker hung Big Boss Man from HIAC, I always thought that was pretty cool as I did not expect that More recently, Orton throws up Rollins who was attempting the curb stomp and RKO's him
  16. I don't know where Vanderbilt got put into this conversation, I did not say anything other than Wake did not deserve to be in. Based on your comment (since I did not know the road records of those teams) it lead me to believe they had similar road records, but I misinterpreted what you were saying. Road records, however are just one determining factor and not end all be all. How about this: Cuse beat Wake head to head in their only match up Wake is 1-7 vs ranked teams this year, Cuse was 3-5 Cuse had a better conference record
  17. If they all suck away from home, then it comes down to the rest, and Cuse has a better resume.
  18. Yeah, Stings only WM match, and they have him lose. McMahon was not going to have a WCW icon beat a WWE star, which is sad bc Sting >HHH I think the Lesnar match is the one with the most obvious finish, Lesnar is pinning Goldberg. And no way should Orton go over on Wyatt, now is the time to push Bray to the moon
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