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Everything posted by Governor

  1. Why Ivanka put herself right in the middle of the inauguration fund corruption, I’ll never know. That was really stupid.
  2. Right, those are unskilled, low wage jobs and we’ve been told for 20 years that adults shouldn’t be working these jobs. That’s been the entire argument for not raising the minimum wage. I guess it doesn’t matter since judges are stepping in and reversing those new laws and those unemployed people will get paid anyway, but something isn’t adding up here.
  3. Right, so why would they cut unemployment benefits from adults when it’s the restaurant industry that’s in tears about being short on staff? Those are kids jobs. Hire some kids.
  4. It’s interesting what happens when power shifts slightly towards workers. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/29/more-people-plan-to-quit-as-return-to-work-plans-go-into-effect-.html?__source=sharebar|linkedin&par=sharebar
  5. Those jobs are low wage entry level and just for kids. Why would you think grown adults on unemployment would take those jobs? Aren’t you punishing the wrong people? You lose again. Judge suspends early cutoff of unemployment aid in Indiana, saying it could cause "irreparable harm.” https://www.cbsnews.com/news/indiana-unemployment-judge-early-cutoff/#app
  6. The goal is to get Ding-a-ling Donald to run again. Trust the process.
  7. Obstruction doesn’t seem to be working so well this time around.
  8. Right, but when you’re talking about bundles of heroin, it isn’t uncommon for a “user” to have a brick in their possession, which is just many individual, tiny bags, that could appear the same as what the street dealer would have in his possession.
  9. I’m not really convinced that our problems magically disappear by putting more black cops in certain areas, just like I wasn’t sold on body cams. I guess you could just get rid of the intent to distribute altogether and hit people with simple possession. We basically have a tug of war with police and the courts. Judges are moving away from long drug sentences and often drop many charges, so the cops feel they have to stack more charges to get a few to stick to keep that individual off the street for awhile.
  10. It’s a trick! US is `printing' money to help save the economy from the COVID-19 crisis, but some wonder how far it can go. https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/money/2020/05/12/coronavirushow-u-s-printing-dollars-save-economy-during-crisis-fed/3038117001/ So, what would happen if Biden spent 10 trillion more dollars and the next president did the same? The answer is nothing. Nothing would happen. How do I know that? Because we’ve been doing it for 20 years and nothing happened.
  11. Now you know how I feel about you savage beasts eating meat and dairy. But you’re right. I made some mistakes in my life but I definitely made a few really good decisions too, none better than the decision to not have children!!!!
  12. I dunno. If a white kid goes into your city and buys heroin then gets pulled over on his way home out of the city, they will usually get hit with possession of heroin. if a black kid does the same exact thing, they will get hit with possession with intent to distribute AND trafficking heroin, which is a total game-changer.
  13. This is often the case but what you’ll notice is that cops oftentimes stack charges on blacks and multiple charges will stick when whites can usually plea down to 1 or 2 charges, or get a felony knocked down to a misdemeanor, etc.
  14. You’re supposed to mix and match. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2021/6/28/study-mix-match-method-boosts-immune-response-of-astrazeneca-jab?taid=60da2dcdfdc7d30001f5362b&utm_campaign=trueAnthem%3A Trending Content&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=twitter&__twitter_impression=true
  15. You’re assuming for some weird reason that I am attacking Trump for his Covid spending when I am not doing that. I supported the spending bills. “And, if you cannot see the difference between a near unanimous passage of a massive $4T relief bill passed during a once in a century pandemic and a $6T "infrastructure" bill shoved through with a budget reconciliation measure and without a single republican vote ...then there is really no need to continue this discussion.” Tell us what the difference is. Was the money spent or not? Debt spending is now only recorded depending on who supported it and the particular crisis involved? Every president faces a crisis that they didn’t ask for and that’s usually when the spending occurs. Why are you trying to pretend that we’re supposed to put Covid spending in it’s own separate column?
  16. What did DeSantis know and when did he know it? NEW: Pres. Biden believes "there should be an investigation" into Florida building collapse.
  17. But Chef told me I would need 17 booster shots each year until I die.
  18. You said that adding Covid spending to Trump’s term isn’t intellectually honest. Why? We have almost 8 trillion added to the debt and Trump had the third-biggest primary deficit growth, 5.2% of GDP, behind only George W. Bush (11.7%.) Are you disputing those numbers?
  19. I wasn’t making any argument. I simply stated what Trump’s spending was during his term. I don’t care about spending. You appear to be the one to care about spending. Then you tried to pretend that Covid spending somehow didn’t count when Trump was president and the GOP controlled the Senate, which is false.
  20. Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years The “King of Debt” promised to reduce the national debt — then his tax cuts made it surge. Add in the pandemic, and he oversaw the third-biggest deficit increase of any president. https://www.propublica.org/article/national-debt-trump You’re talking about deficit spending and we’re talking about debt spending.
  21. Key Takeaways During his campaign in 2016, President Trump promised to eliminate the national debt in eight years. Instead, it was projected that he would add at least $8.3 trillion. In October 2020, the national debt reached a new high of $27 trillion, an increase of almost 36% since President Trump took office in 2017.
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