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Everything posted by Logic

  1. This "rumor" is absolute nonsense. It's simply untrue. Shady will be a Bill in 2018. I'll happily eat crow if I'm wrong, but I'm confident I won't have to.
  2. Wow. Just wow. The evidence pointing to Trump team collusion (things like, ya know, statements by the FBI and actual indictments in a counter-intelligence probe) is FAR AND AWAY more voluminous and compelling than whatever unfounded Infowars conspiracy theory Alex Jones is peddling this week. But sure Tasker, whatever you say.
  3. One thing I find consistently interesting is that each side -- the left and the right -- feels that the other is living in an entirely alternate reality. The right feels that the left is just part of a baseless witch hunt and is blind to the great and wonderful things being done under Commandant Trump, who is "Making America Great Again!!!", while the left feels that the right have their fingers in their ears over Russia and are backing a vile, disgusting, criminal thug. Cognitive dissonance, echo chamber social media, and 24-hours news channels with agendas sure are making for an interesting debate amongst a fiercely divided populace.
  4. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2018/feb/15/russia-investigation-and-donald-trump-timeline-rec/ The Russia investigation and Donald Trump: a timeline from on-the-record sources "At least eight Trump associates had contacts with Russian government officials or business people during the campaign and presidential transition. To date, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation has swept up four members of Trump’s campaign, including two who have agreed to work with Mueller’s team as part of a plea deal. As the investigation has unfolded, we’ve learned that some things the Trump team claimed never happened, actually did happen. Stories have changed, recollections have been refreshed and government officials have come forward with new assessments of the intelligence." (because...ya know...people ALWAYS enter plea deals when everyone involved is innocent and there's nothing to see here!)
  5. Sure. And in exchange, I expect YOU to offer the same type of mea culpa if/when it's proven that Trump's white house colluded with a foreign enemy?
  6. Cool. This pretty much tells me all I need to know. Thanks. So we're just going to pretend that Mueller's investigation has Trump's full support, and that the GOP hasn't spent weeks and weeks trying to discredit the FBI and pretend its some sort of Obama-and-Hillary-run Deep State conspiracy, while Trump himself refuses to impose any sanctions, against the wishes of his own congress?Cool. And I'M the one not rooted in reality. Right.
  7. Voted for one criminal to keep another out. Right on. And you approve of the job he's doing thus far?
  8. Says the guy who, I assume, supports an obviously unqualified and morally reprehensible reality tv show star and failed steak salesman as president.
  9. It is positively AWE-INSPIRING how far righties are willing to go to defend the man who refuses to defend his country. Whether or not you believe in collusion -- and at this point, the evidence and indictments indicating collusion are beginning to stack pretty high -- the fact is that there absolutely WAS Russian interference in our election. To deny that at this point is the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and going "la la la I can't hear you!"...so the fact that so many people have absolutely no problem with the fact that our president won't lift a finger to protect us from future interference or punish those who DID interfere is beyond ludicrous. And if there's no collusion, why won't Trump do anything about Russian interference? For a bunch of people so adamant about his innocence, he sure doesn't ACT the way an innocent person would in this situation. You Trump defenders KNOW that if Hillary was president and was refusing to punish Russian interference or act to prevent it in the future, you'd be losing your mind and chanting "lock her up!" at rallies, foaming at the mouth. It'd be a non-stop Fox News scream orgy of the highest order. And yet, Trump sits there, totally okay with the fact that our country continues to be vulnerable to these security threats -- all while running a "wall and deportations!" dog-and-pony show and claiming to care about our security -- and you all have no problem at all with it. Hypocrisy of the highest order. No other way to put it. History will remember and record all of this. If you're still backing Trump, you're on the wrong side of history. Laugh now and call us lib-tards and snowflakes and whatever else you want and make clever little "nothingburger" comments.Continue to turn a blind eye to the treasonous and dangerous actions of the disgusting, vile thug in office. But again I say: history will remember.
  10. Maybe now president ****-for-brains will finally agree to some sanctions? Hah, who am I kidding?
  11. I agree with the Dude on this one: Best QB draft in recent memory, and Bills have two 1sts and two 2nds and a screaming need for a quarterback. It's not rocket science. We shouldn't overpay for a free agent, we shouldn't get cute, we should just use our draft capital to move up and take the QB we like best. I don't want to hear "fill other holes and wait 'til next year!". No. We've been filling holes for years, but because we haven't had a good QB, we've been spinning our wheels. Epic QB class, lots of draft capital, big need...don't mess this up, don't overthink it. Trade up, get your guy, and let's roll.
  12. I don't know why people keep saying this. The Giants are NOT guaranteed to draft a QB. Manning has said he wants to keep playing, and earlier in this thread, this Eric Galko person said he has heard that the Giants WILL likely trade down for more picks. This whole "the Giants are DEFINITELY taking a QB at 2" thing is mere conjecture.
  13. I don't know how credible they are, but I have heard that the Browns are considering taking a non-QB at 1, knowing that they can get one of the big four with the 4th pick. The same line of thinking states that Josh Allen is the apple of their eye. Something like pick 1 being Saquon Barkley, pick 4 being Allen. I'm not saying I lend any credence to this idea, but I've heard it floated. I definitely WOULD believe the idea that Darnold is the ACTUAL favorite of the Bills. Everything about his off-field demeanor, christian faith, and general way of being seems more Bills-friendly than Rosen. Darnold seems like a "process" guy through and through.
  14. http://www.newyorkupstate.com/buffalo-bills/index.ssf/2017/12/rival_scouts_say_buffalo_bills_love_usc_quarterback_sam_darnold_report.html Buffalo wouldn't be able to select Darnold with their current first round pick, but they could package draft picks to move up for the signal-caller. Would the Bills go all-in on Darnold? According to Bleacher Report's Matt Miller, rival scouts have told him that Buffalo loves the quarterback.
  15. Agreed. Mayfield is my guy. Unfortunately, I don't think the Bills will take him. I think it will haunt them, because he's gonna be a good one.
  16. Three things: First, it's funny to hear that the Bills are into Rosen, since I ALREADY heard they were into Darnold. So let me get this straight: The Bills happen to like both of the consensus top 2 QBs in the draft? Get right out of town! Second, I find it quite believable that the Bills would trade with the Giants, given the connections of Beane and Gettelman. In fact, I'd consider it the MOST likely scenario. Our two firsts this year and a first next year probably gets it done. I'm fine with the price if they really believe in one of the top QBs as a franchise guy. Third, I find it quite reasonable that the Giants WOULD trade out of the second spot. I believe they load up on picks, build around Manning, and go for a QB to groom somewhere in round 2-4.
  17. I saw plenty of rollouts and play-action predicated on the outside zone this year. Plenty. By the last few weeks of the season, the first offensive play of nearly every game was a playaction roll to the right with a pass to the TE, FB or WR in the flats. I agree that the preference for 3-step drops, snaps from under center, bunch formations, and timing-based offense were not fits for Taylor. I completely disagree that rollouts were not a big part of Dennison's bag of tricks. they absolutely were. Its one of the big reasons that he clung so stubbornly to the outside zone run even though it wasn't working: because so much of the playaction game in his playbook was predicated on said run.
  18. Right on. I'm pretty much at the "how could it get much worse?" phase with regards to the Bills offense. It was already so putrid in so many ways in 2017 that it's hard for me to imagine it getting worse. Now, that doesn't mean it WON'T get worse. It certainly could. It's just...it was almost historically bad as it is (ONE second half touchdown scored across the final SEVEN games!!!!), so just about any degree of change or innovation is bound to bring some improvement. The number one thing I'm excited about is Daboll's recent college coaching experience. I've made it known that I am of the belief that college offense is a few years ahead of NFL offense in terms of cutting edge formations, concepts, and plays. The best NFL offenses this year (Eagles, Rams, Patriots, Chiefs) all made heavy use of RPOS, jet sweeps, spread passing, etc. Just the integration of those concepts alone should drag the Bills' offense kicking and screaming into the 21st century. That, in my opinion, is reason for optimism.
  19. I realize that not all coaches who come from the Belichick/Saban "tree" succeed. Many don't. HOWEVER...To be employed by Belichick for that many years, you absolutely MUST be an incredibly hard and organized worker with a great attention to detail. Saban (possibly the greatest college coach of all time) called Belichick (possibly the greatest pro coach of all time) and said "You HAVE TO hire this guy!". And he did. Furthermore, after Daboll left New England for greener pastures and didn't find them to be much greener at all, Belichick (who notoriously holds grudges) welcomed him back with open arms. Finally, I don't see how it can hurt to have someone on our staff who has intricate knowledge of the New England offensive scheme, the tight end usage, strengths, and weaknesses in particular, and knows how Belichick thinks in certain situations. Daboll has also coached for all three other AFC East teams at one point or another, so he's familiar with the division. I'll readily admit that this hire is not without risk. Few are. From where I'm sitting, though, I understand why the Bills made the move, and I'm cautiously optimistic.
  20. It is true that they are optimistic in their reporting. That being said, it wasn't really a stretch to think that an offensive system built on rollouts, moving pocket, and throwing on the run would play to Taylor's strengths. It didn't turn out that way, but it's not as if the prediction was way off base.
  21. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I'm gonna go ahead and guess that you did not read or digest the article I posted. It very clearly demonstrates creative, modern playcalling. Not "very basic". It also shows how his playcalls changed when a superior passing quarterback came into the game in the second half. It demonstrates that he called the game one way when he had a limited QB in the first half, then called it a completely different way when that changed in the second half. Again, you're entitled to your opinion. I just happen to think that your opinion is off base and indicative of the fact that you did not read the article posted.
  22. Below is an article from Cover1.net. If you don't already follow this guy on Twitter or subscribe to the website, you should. Tremendous breakdowns of players and gameplans, often with great videos, gifs, and pictures to accompany the articles. Below, he breaks down Daboll's offensive gameplan and playcalls against Georgia in the National Championship game, and after reading the article, I can't help but be really excited for the 2018 season to get underway! http://www.cover1.net/offensive-coordinator-brian-daboll-could-bridge-the-college-and-nfl-game-in-buffalo/ "Landing Daboll is the best of both worlds as a Bills fan. The organization hired a guy that has experience game-planning and play calling on the biggest stages at both the NFL and collegiate level. He has championships with New England and now with Alabama. He was groomed under Nick Saban dating all the way back to his Michigan State days and then under Belichick in New England. So he has the attention to detail that McDermott wants, which includes teaching young QBs like Hurts and Tagovailoa, but he also has a touch of modern football in his arsenal. Daboll is able to use creative personnel groupings and looks on offense to confuse defenses, all while making things as easy as possible for his QB and offensive unit as a whole."
  23. Didn't they just give him an extension last season? And McDermott called him out by name as one of the guys he was happiest for when the drought ended. And he played every single snap this season and was a leader and productive player. He's on a reasonable contract. There's also no one behind him that's better than him. He's not going anywhere, I don't think.
  24. The bolded is nothing more than conjecture. The Giants are in year one of a new GM's tenure and very well may be willing to roll with Eli and trade down for more draft picks. The Browns, meanwhile, also pick at 4 and are rumored to like Josh Allen best. Simply saying we definitely won't be able to get one of the top two is pure speculation. Besides, maybe the apple of the Bills' eye is Mayfield or Allen or Jackson, and they need only to get into the top 7 or 8, which seems very doable. As for the second bolded part: many teams in the NFL have holes. It's a never-ending thing. Sometimes you finally DO get a roster all the way built up, but if you don't have a QB to go along with said roster, you wind up 8-8, as the Bills and their all-around-good roster in Whaley's last couple years can attest. You know what's a really big hole for the Bills and has been for 22 years? Quarterback. It also happens to be the most important position in the game.
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