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Everything posted by teef

  1. i'm not a fan of goodwin as he really did nothing for the bills, but the guy lost a kid and had an emotional day. badol just likes to hear his own voice. we all know people like that. i've seen a number of times in his posting where he's made comments that just weren't true to back up a point that didn't need to be made. for example, when cyrus kouandjio was released, he and scott couldn't wait to complain. obviously there was something up with the guy, and he was released by the lions shortly after. when discussing how ck wasn't a loss, he came up with a story about how talked about cyrus's off season was ,and he how he was being touted as one of the hardest working guys in the offseason. i had never once heard that, and when called out on it, he just made a comment like i wasn't paying enough attention, and that it was on me for missing it. i mean...why bother?
  2. not terrible. he looked the part, but as you mentioned, it's tough to really evaluate a qb in that scenario.
  3. between the draft picks and some money to work in FA, this team should be going through a rebirth...hopefully.
  4. i just don't know how anyone can argue that tt is a better qb than goff.
  5. i don't think this team is going to look anything similar next year as it does this year. i think we all knew this was going to be the case.
  6. this is exactly it. we all knew that this year would be like hitting the reset button, and i realize that the very early success threw everyone off, but good lord this place is nuts.
  7. we had an early snow already, and it finally knocked all the leaves off the trees. it's going to be wet here the next week or two, so i decided to record the bills game and watch it when i was done. i was bombarded by angry texts, so i looked at the score. i didn't even bother to watch the game. that being said, was it really that bad? i know the score showed it, but people are pissed. we all knew that this is a rebuild project, but wow are people pissed.
  8. why in god's name would you drive on your wedding day? i could barely get back to the room.
  9. some my happiest times were when i lived in a tiny apartment in buffalo. it was almost a glorified studio. i never worried about a thing. oh man...this exactly where we're at. it ends up costing a lot to put on events like that. sure people bring stuff over to help, but the hosts always end up taking the hit. once the family knows the house works for larger events, you become the go to for every damn function and party under the sun. i do like having family and friends over, but i hate missing out. comparing it to a wedding is perfect. in my defense though, i enjoyed my wedding. everyone kept telling me i wouldn't have any fun at mine because it's just so busy. well...i spent about half of it shaking hands and saying hi. for the second half i said screw it, and got plastered with my friends. my wife had to send someone to come get me to cut the cake. she was not happy, but she knew what she was getting into. maybe i'll use that same strategy for thanksgiving.
  10. at one point i loved thanksgiving...until we started hosting it. we bought our forever house a few years ago, and made sure it had enough room for holiday throwdowns. mistake numero uno. 45 people come over, eat our ****, drink my booze, and !@#$ my house up. i don't think i've actually eaten a full dinner in 3 years. i honestly just want to go out to eat at this point.
  11. i think mack is from fla if i'm not mistaken. i don't think hometowns matter too much. it can help, but i think most of it has to do with money.
  12. in what world is goff a much worse qb than tt? this is my point...some posters are trying far too hard to defend this trade for la.
  13. i'm sure you have, and i'm sure you have a much better understanding on the rams offense, but i think people are trying to hard to plump up sammy's importance to that team. i agree that with having him on the field helps, but as others have mentioned, it's just not worth the 2nd pick and a player for a guy that's probably going to be a one year rental. if sammy is so important, do you think the rams production is going to fall off the side of the earth next year if he leaves? i certainly don't, although i could be wrong. if the bills made a similar move and traded a for a guy who has so little production, some of the same posters who are praising la would be destroying the bills. some people were so bent out of shape by the watkins trade, that no matter how bad it works out, they'll find a way to defend it.
  14. And you really think this is in a large part due to Sammy presence?
  15. I can't wait for the bills to trade a second round pick for a decoy. I can hardly contain myself.
  16. but scott's post doesn't make this board any better in november. how does it help the board now?
  17. i think it's nice that you guys are trying to explain things to scott.
  18. maybe the entire team has mono. did you ever think of that op? now you seem like an inconsiderate turd.
  19. meh. i didn't expect playoffs this year, so whatever happens, happens. it's all about the future. future cakewalk bitches.
  20. it looked like something was completely so out of sync, which hasn't been the case at all this year. the entire team was just a let down. i'm giving the staff the benefit of the doubt on this one, but sunday should be interesting.
  21. i'd assume so too. it would likely be someone who is good at growing, that provides pot to a smaller group for a decent price.
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