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Everything posted by Figster

  1. The negativity is a natural occurence when the football team you stand up and cheer for every Sunday hasn't reached the playoffs in over 17 years. The reality is the negative posters love the Buffalo Bills just as much as the positive posters. maybe more...
  2. DE going way back, nicely done ... you've been huffing paint...
  3. ...Benjamin Williams you mean... ...Moore or less...
  4. T Mobile could possibly gain a couple of inches with some ballet now that you mention it
  5. Yet we can jump all over Taylor for not finishing games off? Why is JM's point so hard to understand when the QB/ game manager ultimately is going to shoulder a big part of the loss. Use the clock up and the Pats can't win...
  6. Along with the gravitational pull, absolutely
  7. Lack of continuity causes to many scheme changes which in turn puts players out of position from doing in many instances what they were originally drafted to do in my humble opinion. Resulting in more injuries (IMO) Grass> artificial surfaces
  8. I really do think two seperate game plans, one for the 1st half, one for the 2nd half is what it takes to beat BB because the Pats half time adjustments are what championships are made out of in my humble opinion.
  9. What happens on game day is a reflection of what happens in practices, spring training, preseason and every working minute leading up to the 1st game of the season in my humble opinion. A Pats/ BB football team is next to impossible to beat because they're prepared for anything. Buffalo hasn't been coached properly since the days of Marv Levy. McD is the key...
  10. You know JM over 17 years of what ifs might have a little to do with it. McD is the key...
  11. So when Tyrod Taylor somehow manages to come out on top with a winning record in his 1st 2 seasons... despite a lackluster D... and enough turmoil and poor coaching to send a whole regime and scouting department packing... it might tell you something... ...Taylor is not the problem...
  12. Bo Jackson was a beast...wish we could have seen more of him....
  13. Which boggles the mind considering Buffalo specializes in running the football and the Bills D faced more running reps in practice in all likelihood then any other team in the league.
  14. I've always been in favor of logging the win/loss stat as part of a QB's record because regardless of the circumstances his performance and leadership is critical to the success of the football team in my humble opinion. The game managing skills of QB's like A Smith might actually mean something ...
  15. The game itself is more exhibition then competition and getting recognized by your peers is what really matters in my humble opinion.
  16. I agree, I get trying to limit giving the opposition to much game tape to study , but generally NFL coaches already have a good idea of what other NFL coaches may try to do IMO. It also works both ways because when a regular season opponent studies preseason film to gain an advantage the plays Buffalo executes successfully is forcing the opposition to gameplan for certain plays Buffalo may or may not even use.
  17. As do I, The word is already out, contain Taylor and keep him from breaking the pocket and he struggles. Its important Tyrod Taylor changes this league perception IMO.
  18. Cam really stunk the place up with his 1st appearance. Kid turned out to be pretty good...
  19. Its hard to determine how well a team is executing plays going against your own players in my humble opinion. Rex screwed us by getting the Bills off to a slow start last season in my opinion. with all due respect Chandler#81
  20. The NFL has evolved over the years and the QB position has evolved along with it. Holding the lowest wonderlic score in the league Tyrod Taylor is attempting to turn back the hands of time. At '6 1" the traditional pocket QB functioning produces inadequate field of vision adding more obstacles to overcome. Myself personally, Tyrod Taylor is one of the most gifted athletes in the league in my humble opinion. with a big up hill battle underway in Taylors quest for greatness... ...I'm a Billiever...
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