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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Another league could def work, if they used it as an NFL minor league. If every team already had a tie in with an existing fan base, it would certainly help the interest. Every NFL team brings 90 guys to camp and there are so many other UDFAs on the cusp of getting a chance but not able to get an oppertunity. If each nfl team was able to send some of the extra camp bodies and practice squad guys etc to a developmental league in the offseason..it would benifit of parties. The NFL would have another revenue stream, people would get more football, teams would have a place to develop players without needing to use roster spots. It could work but it would only work with NFL involvement. Plus you could play in smaller venues close to where the nfl teams play. That would create a more affordable experience for family’s. Maybe the Bills team could play in Rochester or Toronto. Just saying.
  2. Instead of building a new stadium, they should just put money into improving the physicsl structure of new era and make sure it will stay up for 50 more years. Then maybe because of the height of the top of the stadium in relation to the ground level, put some sort of cover over it. As long as it doesn’t fall down, we probably don’t need a new stadium.
  3. Next year fantasy football team name: “kings of Dion” wish we traded Glenn to Seattle now. What a waste that guy has turned out to be
  4. Just make the playoffs and everything after that is okay with me. Get blown out in the wildcard game, struggle next year, I don’t care...just end this stupid drought.
  5. Yeah me too. If somehow we make the playoffs, I will lay off the guy for good. This entire team would probably get a 2 year pass from me if they finally ended the drought
  6. I would love to see 30+ carries again for Shady Sunday. These games are our whole season here. If we go down, might as well go down swinging. Give the ball to our best player and hope it’s enough. Shady 33 for 140 and 2 tds..Just give it to Shady and block like hell.
  7. The Peterman thing was something that seemed to be common sense. The guy got knocked out cold and was placed into a protocol that he was never cleared of. I don’t think anybody is surprised about it. Them not bringing in a real back up qb is nothing but pridefull lazyness. Hopefully it doesn’t cost us a season.
  8. Here’s another chance for this guy to just separate himself and play well enough to make the Bills keep him. Let’s hope he takes the hint here and gives his Recievers a chance to make plays down the field. It’s there for him if he wants it. 3 games in the Div. The 3 biggest games this team has played in 13 years. Go out and win them, play well and he could probably be back. End the drought and he would pretty much be a god to Bills fans. Go out and checkdown play after play again and give us no chance to win and this guy will be booed off the field and probably never start in the NFL again. Go out and make them keep you.
  9. How many times in your life have you seen the losing team take a knee to end a game? I get that they aren’t going to win, but that to me is sickening. I hope Pagano gets fired before the next game and I hope that has something to do with the timing.
  10. I know it sounds kind of crazy but if I was the colts, I might Trade luck. Get a Kings ransom for him. Then also trade out of my own real high pick with one of the teams wanting to jump up for a qb. Get a ton of picks for that. Keep Brissett, fire Pagano and let the new coach start over with a ton of great picks and Brissett and TY. Probably would be better off.
  11. At this point, might as well just let Dawkins be the LT. See if you can’t get a 3rd or 2nd for Glenn around draft day. Lots of teams would love to have a solid, proven LT.
  12. I hope we use Joe Webb in the wildcat a lot Sunday. He does a great job running the ball and is probably starting to gain some rhythm as a passer.
  13. At this point as long as 1 of these guys starts I’m okay. It just can’t be only 1 of them are active and Joe Webb is the backup. That’s way to dangerous with a physical Miami front and QBs that are going in at less the 100%. If you only have Tyrod, we should bring in another guy. Thad Lewis or Shaun Hill. Both guys could learn enough by Sunday to be better then Webb.
  14. If these guys go out and sign Kenum I will be disgusted. That guy is the biggest case of fools gold imaginable. A career of not being good enough and then being a passenger in a perfect situation. Cousins I love. That’s the A number 1 priority I would have. I hope the Beathard and Kenum thing is incorrect. The draft thing I agree with. It’s pretty obvious to me that the good QBs will be gone by the time we pick and these teams at the top will not be trading out. They will be taking the good QBs. Two mid-late round firsts are not getting us up there. Anyone that wants us to draft a qb early, get ready for EJ Manuel and JP Losman. That’s the type of guys that we will be stuck reaching for by the time we pick in round 1. Go get Cousins.
  15. There wasnt really any warning for any of us to all come up with a plan. The dust settled and everyone just went their own way. It was like the walking dead. Everyone kind of just roaming around trying to figure out where their home went. I just remember hearing about this place over there so I went here first. I’m not going to lie, I’m glad a few of those guys didn’t make it lol. I just kept the same name so if a lot of other refugees did the same, it would feel a little more like home.
  16. Why would there be any update on Dennison now? The 3 most important games of the year are about to be played. If we go 3-0 and score 115 points in the last 3 games, I bet he’s back. If we score 10 total in the next 3 I bet he’s not. I doubt they are making a decision on him before the most important part of the season.
  17. That is something that I think would be a very good idea. That helps a defense a lot.
  18. Nope not joking. I don’t care what we pay him. If he’s here I won’t even care to look at the price. I just simply don’t care. I’m tired of losing. He’s a very good qb. That way we can use all our picks to get good pieces in. I don’t trust these guys to identify the right rookie qb or to develop one. I don’t care what we have to pay him, just get Cousins.
  19. I would sign Thad Lewis. He was actually not bad and was way more fun to watch the EJ. If one of these QBs can’t go Sunday, sign Thad Lewis and let him back. Can’t be a Suh cheapie away from Joe Webb playing qb.
  20. Fake or not I want Cousins. I literally don’t care what the cost is. Just get the QB.
  21. I was real confident about this game until about 9pm last night. If the dolphins play like they did against the Pats, we are going to have to play our best game of the year to beat them. Hopefully last night was just an anomaly and not a sign of Dolphins things to come.
  22. Jackson? Are you serious? That guy will be a WR in the NFL or not on a team
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