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Everything posted by SouthNYfan

  1. Did Russ Brandon get a job with the dolphins and is now jealous??
  2. Saw that. Read the list. He's like the #8 edge rusher last season. He's also been in the league 9 years and this was by far his best season. Was it an outlier? Or did he finally get a coach+DC combo who used his properly? He had a dominant season. I hope he does it again. I'll gladly eat crow if he does @eball and @formerlyofCtown I think it was a career year for him and he will come back to earth, though I'd prefer it to be the new norm. Point was that singular stat isn't the whole story. Know who wasn't on that graph?? Khalil Mack. He was also the highest rated edge on PFF last year. That graph doesn't tell the whole story. I bet every GM and coach in the NFL would take any guy on that graph over Hughes.
  3. Pff didn't act like he's the best de in football Pff just said he had the most pressures from the right Bills forum fans are the ones who took that and ran with it (By the way I just realized what your avatar is, I love it) Thank you.
  4. You act like I called him trash. He's solid to good. Meaning above average to borderline probowl. Not elite or dominant. Take off the bills-colored glasses.
  5. Typical response telling somebody to "learn football" while providing no actual substance in the response Like I said I'd like to see other numbers to go along with it Double teams faced Percent of snaps he had pressure Etc Actually everybody is acting like he's Bruce Smith reincarnated because of this one stat
  6. One statistic does not equate dominance. Let's see some other supporting statistics such as number of snaps played, % of snaps pressure generated, number of double teams faced, etc. I don't think any GM in the league would choose Jerry over any of the other guys on those charts. It was my, not mjs. Jerry isn't dominant. Jerry is a solid to good player. As I said before earlier in this post, one stat doesn't equate dominance.
  7. There seem to be some people who think he's up on dlaws level. No. He isn't. He's a nice, solid player. He is not dominant.
  8. Lawrence is 26 (almost 27) Hughes will be 31 when this season starts, and 32 soon after signing his next contract. That's a huge difference. 5 years (4 years and 8 months of your want to be exact) Plus, you know, Hughes isn't as good as Lawrence. Hughes is a good player, but he's not elite.
  9. How many times did you have to wipe away the tears from laughing so hard while typing this?? ??
  10. Agreed. I didn't read through all of the thread, but the op asserts, even in the title, that he's better than any draft prospect. He's also 25. DK for example is 21. That's 4 years, which isn't peanuts in the NFL. Drafting a guy who might be with you for 8-10 years vs 4-5 for Duke before they hit that 30-31 year old wall, is something that shouldn't be ignored.
  11. That I agree with. Mecalf is very polarizing Similar to Allen and Edmunds Athletic freaks with huge upside but big risk (boom/bust) Beane's track record last year would suggest that they want high upside freaks, at least early in the draft, which would point to Metcalf/fant They also may decide that wr/te aren't as important as DL/OL right now They also might decide to play it safer this year with the lower ceiling/higher floor prospect with less risk It's all a crapshoot right now haha
  12. So which is it?? No one is worth 9th overall TO YOU. beane/bills might feel a wr/te IS bpa @#9. You literally just invalidated your first statement by saying you feel it's subjective (which it is, I agree)
  13. Or duck? Or deck? Either you're now talking on 2 accounts or you fergy has a groupie. Either way that's sad.
  14. Yes because you referred to the elbow humerus ulnar abduction 90 degree bracket (which doesn't exist) and how it relates to injury The elbow doesn't abduct. The shoulder does. Having less than 90 SHOULDER abduction while throwing is what leads to UCL injuries from valgus stress. I've explained this in detail. Try reading.
  15. No. Just no. No terms that I didn't understand were used. He incorrectly spoke about throwing mechanics, using completely incorrect terminology.
  16. Unorthodox methodologies and track records don't change incorrect information.
  17. The topic was about Murray and his throwing mechanics. Sorry I corrected your misinformation. Troll.
  18. I mean in fairness they weren't grading them on anything but "improvement from the end of last season" It doesn't take into account that they put themselves in the dumpster, then lit themselves on fire, prior to to the off-season improvement cycle ??
  19. The combination of rolls, spins, and slides that create movements between joint surfaces in the body. This is very relative in throwing mechanics. One part of this is the articulation of the glenohumeral joint. There is an anterior (forward) glide at this joint which helps increase extension and external rotation. Typically we see your posterior (back) joint capsule being tight, so then it won't allow the orientation of the humeral head against the glenoid fossa to adjust properly during the throwing motion. This reduces the range of motion of the shoulder, causing increased stress on the elbow and/or thoracic spine, most notably the thoracolumbar transition at T12-L1, which is why back injuries are not uncommon amongst pitchers. Hope that helped ?
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