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Everything posted by SouthNYfan

  1. He's not an avg rb He's been on a team getting smashed in the box because his QB is garbage Numbers don't always tell a story Watch him run He gets consistent grindy yardage
  2. Wahhhhhh he made fights words with our guys. Wahhhhhh wahhhhhh wahhhhhh. Get over it. You can argue all you want but getting a 24yo stud on the cheap is worth the risk.
  3. AB hates us. Our running backs are collecting social security. Zay Jones hasn't gotten naked in public yet. DK Metcalf is following Josh Allen on Twitter. Rex Ryan thinks we won the off-season. The moon landing was fake. The Earth is flat. ? Really though we made some good free agent signings Hoping the draft works out in our favor Solid off-season
  4. I mean he was on thin ice last year with ol' Tommy boy, so who knows what caused this. Even just the arrest for suspended license could have triggered a "third strike" for him within the organization Or it might be something worse that hasn't come out... Really would like to see. Maybe get him even cheaper ??
  5. Fanbase is filled with teenage girls who hold grudges like it's sweet valley high
  6. His career is 4.8 ypc on 1st and 10, and 5.8 ypc on 3rd/4th and short. These are the two most crucial downs for a RB to not get stuffed. He's a good rb who consistently grinds short yardage when needed.
  7. The difference is he gets you that 3.3 every single time he touches the ball. As somebody said earlier he's a grinder who is rarely stuffed. McCoy might average 3.3 on a game, but it's two carries for 15 a piece then 8 carries for 3 total. Didn't style of rb With a aggressive QB line Allen who goes big a lot, you're better off with a grinder power back why can still get you yards every play, instead of having both a rb and a QB who have boom-bust on every play. It's like baseball lineups You need some hr hitters, but they tend to have a lower batting average (.285, 35+ he) who will go like 1 for 5 with a HR and 2 strike outs. Then you have the guy who's not flashy, gets slap singles, but on base all the time, goes 2 for 6 with a walk, and is there to be driven in by the big hitter. Allen is the inconsistent hr hitter. Four is the in base% guy. If you remove the fact that he's an idiot, and the fact that he made the bills mad during that fight last year from your craws you'd see that. It's an adult, professional sport. Fans hold grudges like middle school girls. attempting to get him on a low round draft pick is smart. I'm not advocating to pay a 1st, 2nd, or even 3rd. If he's available for a 4th or less it's worth the risk. 10000%
  8. You do realize he's been playing on a team with Blake bottles at QB, correct? They have basically been stacking 8 in the box every play. If you think he's Trent Richardson then I'm positive you're doing nothing but looking at a stat line that you googled and haven't watched them play.
  9. The only think KB opens is the front doors to the local golden corral
  10. None with his talent level that aren't going to use a higher draft pick. If you can get him cheap then do so.
  11. Leonard is 24. Our top two backs are a combined age old enough to collect social security and be on Medicare. McCoy and Gore will be a combined 67 when the season starts. If we can get this guy cheap you have to do it.
  12. There is a yard, and I heard there are many boys that have been brought to it.
  13. What am I missing? Why would Buffalo fans give a crap about this?? Did I miss something??
  14. People love this adjusted narrative. He left of his own decision. Now, maybe we had talked to him about an extension and it was nowhere near what he was asking for, so he just said "forget it I'm not gonna even bother negotiating" or the bills said "not then going to bother giving an offer when he hits FA if we are that far off now" That's possible. Either way he decided to leave.
  15. He was demanded out of Pittsburgh. They didn't trade him because they were "tired of his crap" per say. They traded him because he wasn't going to show up to work anymore. Yep.
  16. I think it depends on what else he does. If this is the end of it?? Not worth it. If he releases a sex take y with Peterson and gruden dressed as oompa loompas?? Totally worth it.
  17. Oh definitely. I think it was more the fact that he equated it to being forced to"work for a racist QB" in order to make his living at his chosen profession. I think it would hold more water if he was on a rookie deal and had not signed an extension, so he was "forced to deal with a racist QB" until he could walk and choose his own team. Again, I think if was a lot of an exaggeration, but I do see the sentiment behind it.
  18. ?? What ?? Not every QB is racist. Going into a professional, such as WR in the NFL, you don't know if your bosses/etc are going to be racist heading into it. Now... AB did have a choice as to what team to play for. He didn't have to sign that huge extension with Pittsburgh if he hated Ben so much. I mean maybe it came out afterwards though?? I dunno. I think there is blame on BOTH sides of this situation, and honestly, the whole truth is only known by a select few. People do this a lot. There is a situation and people "pick a side" and then vehemently defend that side to the bitter end, no matter what they do. They act like the other side is 100% wrong. The truth is almost always somewhere in the middle. Maybe ben got special treatment that ab didn't like, so ab started acting out, so then ab got punished and Ben didn't, which in turn ab acted out even more. Who knows? It's like if a husband cheats on a wife, then the wife goes and screws half the block. It doesn't mean she's right for doing it, but you do understand her actions. Then after the divorce, she continues to do things, like slashing her ex husband's tires and such. She scorned. Not saying it's right, but there's usually a root of the behavior, and it's not always originally caused by the person acting out. I know it's a touchy subject but you see it a lot with police violence/shootings. One side backs the police, and does so every time. They start making comments about the person the police shot/beat up, diminishing their character, and acting like the police are 100% right across the board. Then you have the other side, those backing the person killed/beat up by the police. They start acting like ALL cops are bad, and that the "victim" did nothing wrong. The reality is somewhere in between almost all the time. (By the way, at the end of the day, I think ab was right to be upset and even act out some, if you believe the things about Ben/Steelers org, which I do. I do not think he's correct to CONTINUE to push the issue. It's over. You're traded. Move on.)
  19. Sounds like that fat lazy "#1 receiver" we sent to KC to die.
  20. Well he did have some injuries, which is a risk. The video also goes deep into why he "wasn't the number 1" on his team. Statistics aren't everything. Juju had better statistics than brown last season. No GM or coach in the NFL would say juju is better than brown.
  21. Yeah I called him this year's Josh Allen in a different dk thread the other day also. Allen and Edmunds were boom-bust homerun swings. That's what dk is. Will beane and co go for another home run swing, or do they go for the slap-single this year? I think first round picks need to be home run swings on big talent, later rounds go safe imo
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