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Everything posted by Billsatlastin2018

  1. Damn you Taylor! Can't hit a wide open 5 yarder for a TD! then the little Smurf looks like his normal shite, because he can't see over the line!
  2. Now THAT I loved! and TT actually hit someone in stride. 100% Cheatriots prepping for a Shady run there!
  3. Can't believe it! brady missed a cinch pass and it's still tied in the 2nd.!
  4. Need 7... for once! Oooooh, that shuttle was turnover dangerous!
  5. Are we EVER again going to see our QB hit a Receiver in stride- consistently?
  6. Is there ALWAYS a moron Bill screwing things up thus entire Millennium?
  7. Why don't the long time sideline women get this job? Erin Andrews immediately comes to mind or Hazel Mae! And a 1/2 dozen more. Which Owner's daughter is she, anyway?
  8. Bottom line: The Bills are extending the pathetic string of hapless losing to the Age of Majority... EIGHTEEN FREAKING YEARS... and counting! And absolutely nada is any better! This year's version has a star RB & we're not in the 1960s anymore. He is in front of castoffs and rejects from the Sunday Beer League as Wideouts! Headed by another loser as QB- too small to see the field & with little ability to throw passes to the proper spot & shoulder! TT will never, ever, ever be even a Top 10 QB, let alone a standout. What's worse about this sad sack org, is that they never reduce the number of holes- only increase them. Arguably, they still need 4-5 improvements on either side of the ball. Simply put, one of the most incompetent orgs in Pro Sports History!
  9. Well, it's officially cold out. and the Bills have officially stunk it up, going on 18 straight years!
  10. Funny... pathetically funny! How do you get to Year 18 with so little talent? Abject, Millennium institutional incompetence at OBD!
  11. See you later. High point of the Season comes to an end. ONE Offensive Player... cannot get you to the Playoffs- ever!
  12. Don't think so. Bills fans have seen a ton of smelly losses this Millennium. They know where to point the finger and it's not on that side. Maybe, whoever is responsible for Zay 'Can't catch a Football' Jones!
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