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Everything posted by shoshin

  1. 1610 is no joke. Highest I ever got was 1500, with lots of studying that felt like an addiction! I got out of it because I started to obsess about it like a crazy person, making moves in the middle of the night, checking my phone at all hours. No idea why I started to get so sucked in but I did.
  2. Here's the Krakken. This should be fun! https://t.co/jXMnKnK8hf?amp=1
  3. On Twitter conspiracy theories about Covi D in Italy and applies here too. https://www.politico.eu/article/italy-coronavirus-doctors-face-conspiracy-theories/
  4. A theater where the evidence of fraud is on Twitter (or I guess Parler is now where the echo chamber HQ is), not in the [Deep State controlled] courts. Seems like Occam’s Razor missed you as well. Tens of thousands of people in on the conspiracy vs just happened to lose an election. Hmm. 2 more weeks I think she said. December 15 is about right.
  5. Trump: PA was rigged, he won, etc. All the things that he can't prove in court...and all the things he does not even allege in any pending case. Just doing this for the show and really, a bad show...can OANN not get proper lighting over to Four Season Total Dil do Factory?
  6. Each person speaking is telling a story that Trump's task force has not presented in court, and hasn't proven in court. That's a PR stunt, not a legal team. Is today Powell releases the Kraken in GA?
  7. This hearing seems really credible. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-giuliani-gettysburg-pennsylvania-hearing-election-issues-alleged-irregularities-live-stream-today-2020-11-25/#app
  8. Georgia Secretary of [DEEP] State Brad Raffensperger : "By all accounts, Georgia had a wildly successful and smooth election. We finally defeated voting lines and put behind us Fulton County's now notorious reputation for disastrous elections," Raffensperger wrote in a USA Today op-ed. "This should be something for Georgians to celebrate, whether their favored presidential candidate won or lost. For those wondering, mine lost -- my family voted for him, donated to him and are now being thrown under the bus by him." Shocker.
  9. "Dr." Jenna Ellis. More honesty from the vaunted strike farce legal team. I assume that the more reasonable among the defectors are feeling abashed by now at the carnivale Trump is running post election. This isn't about the "legal right to challenge," it's about putting on a farce and the only clowns he can find are people like Giuliani, Powell, and Powell, with Wood proving to be something a little better...maybe a court jester.
  10. There's a little envelope in the upper right corner of your screen.
  11. Thank you again. I go by this adage. "Three can keep a secret if two are dead." If there was a wide-ranging deep conspiracy going back 80 years, we'd know about it.
  12. Trump just Tweeted about the thoroughly discredited Exhibit Q. When they make the movie of this post-election, I hope it's a musical. Nothing else could capture the over-the-top carnivale atmosphere.
  13. Great, so now I'm talking to a racist.
  14. Good quote. I prefer some of Gaiman's other works: Neverwhere, The Ocean At the End of the Lane. Really don't like American Gods the book, like the series. There is something to self interest serving itself: The military industrial complex needs to eat. The social welfare programs need to employ more people. Etc. But this is not conspiracy: It's just humans trying to get a little more on a large enough scale to create leviathan. Neither party ever has the stomach to knock it back.
  15. Do you really want to get into the middle of these two?
  16. Hopefully the Trump Party and the AOC party make it easy for a third party to make progress. I like the ring of The Lincoln Party. Centrist Constitutional folk. I won't say Libertarian because that "party" can't stop tripping on its schlong. [I can't believe the auto-censor won't let me say d o n g]
  17. I appreciate the respectful discussion. Bush's NWO is not where I thought this would go. You said that he sought "to eliminate nation states, and put them under the rule of a one world government...there would be one global religion (ie the state), one global currency, one healthcare system, and no private property or ownership of any kind. And, supposedly, there is a massive movement toward this that goes beyond Republican or Democrat. But in order to be successful, the US constitution must me torn down and replaced with a more “global” document..." Since we are here, with your interpretation, and I don't know how old you are so I'm asking: Do you realize that none of that was described by Bush? And that the left at the time saw his NWO wording as creating a monopolar power in the US (the opposite of what you're saying) and an invitation for US to soft-colonize the world? The reason I ask is this: NWO (not to be confused with NWA, same era though) was interpreted by conspiracists of their day as many things, very little of which were in Bush's words, and almost none of which came to pass. Could it be that he was just a guy voicing a certain vision, without malice or deep conspiratorial interest, that some people just didn't agree with? The conspiracy thinking is always 10 miles from Occam's Razor. It assumes that groups of people form cabals of interest that never get exposed...but that run everything. The Occam's Razor thinking is more like this: Politicians and people mostly do their best, people often act in their self interest as well, these things sometimes conflict...and that's all that normally happens as we go from birth to death. Basically, we're all human. And that's the same cycle we see play out in politics. Politics is merely the arena where disagreement becomes law. The new ingredient is the echo chambering where there's no ability of people to appreciate the other's ideas and discuss them civilly. The Reagan/O'Neil story is overplayed but it's not wrong. And in my neighborhood, we have a gathering of 12ish people every morning that comes together and talks about things, sometimes politics, around our circle of dogs who are all jumping on each other. Some Ds, some Rs. Sometimes it gets a little awkward but we all keep coming back and in close like that, we make it all work because we're not behind anonymous usernames or keyboards. NWA > New [world] Order
  18. Vaunted legal team...still making no sense. Giuliani had to split with Powell (who is not/is/maybe is on the legal team) to get more cases to SCOTUS. Sorry that I keep using Trump's legal teams words against them. I can't find a less reliable source.
  19. "Deep State Globalist." These have become so loaded that I don't even know what they mean. If by using "deep state," you mean that he's a more traditional politician and will do deals with others and not demonize them. I agree with that. I think Joe is a compromiser--he's shown that by living so long and successfully in the swamp. And globalist, I'm not sure what anyone means using this word these days. I'm for global free trade, good treaties so people and goods move freely around the world. I'm for having allies that we trust via our agreements. I'm against tariffs except for countries who use/abuse them against us (China obviously). I think the UN is EXTREMELY helpful as a way for countries to dialog. I believe the US should play some role on the global stage in helping less fortunate countries and people, though how and when we do this is always a hard question. So...I don't know what "deep state globalist" means to you and generally the terms have all three been so overused as stereotype that I don't use them. I look to specific policies and policy declarations and try to attack those. That said, I'm guilty of using "trumpism" to capture something so I should be careful myself.
  20. And I thought the Democrats were divided. Trump's lawyer threatened just about the same thing. Come on third party!
  21. This is the crux of Trumpism's problem. I also was OK with much of what he did: China, withdrawing troops from hot spots, and court choices being the three biggest items I agreed with. The Trumpism problem is the the rhetoric inflamed real division. His Captain Chaos approach to our managing the country tore apart America. He is the Twitter president, for worse only, not better. I believe Biden will at least not be that and that's important. Make American Politics Boring Again.
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