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Everything posted by shoshin

  1. the polling mess showed them to be Trump voters, but they still didn't have enough. It's just a loss. No need for them to fabricate stories like the Dems did in the last 4 years.
  2. Evidence shmevidence He's a conservative member of The Federalist Society. What does he know? Even Pat Toomey backs this decision. Trump lost. It remains alarming that no one can accept losing is actually possible. It does happen.
  3. In which we meet Trump lead Atty Sidney Powell, mayor of conspiracy town. Hang in there till she says she has no evidence. https://mobile.twitter.com/alexsalvinews/status/1330341145805611008
  4. Deep state Q et al. Election grand conspiracy involving many thousands of federal crime committing co-conspirators, Chavez voting machines, etc Hold press conferences and tweet while admitting no fraud in court, presenting embarrassingly wrong evidence and admitting it, and losing 30 plus court cases, none pending now. We are here.
  5. Were you this supportive of the Democratic Russia investigation? It was, after all, legal. Though it had the potential for loss. No doubt you were as vocal in defending their rights to that and impeach, because legality is your low bar.
  6. At what point then will you acknowledge Biden is the president elect? Would you agree that Trump’s lawsuits have not only been poorly received by the courts, but they have been almost completely devoid of credible evidence? And at what point in your life did you acknowledge pres elects before? You seem to be white knuckle hoping for an alternate universe to present a miraculous new set of facts. My conclusions are based on historical precedent and facts currently presented, as well as the lack of credibility of the cases presented thus far and the people presenting them. I’m not a particular Biden fan. He’s the second dem president I’ve voted for in my 7 presidential elections.
  7. I believe there are no more federal cases pending. Well done Trump legal team.
  8. It is exciting to be invited into all these potential diversions but I’ll stick with this: Is there evidence that has held up in court yet? Or do you also need two more weeks because each theory keeps popping like soap bubbles? I have no problem with credible challenges. Note the adjective. I understand that you are not interested in what the courts keep saying but here’s the latest for that crack legal team: "One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption, such that this Court would have no option but to regrettably grant the proposed injunctive relief despite the impact it would have on such a large group of citizens. That has not happened," ... "Instead, this Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence." ...”In the United States of America, this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of a single voter, let alone all the voters of its sixth most populated state. Our people, laws, and institutions demand more," ..." At bottom, Plaintiffs have failed to meet their burden to state a claim upon which relief may be granted."
  9. This is the Trump legal team that has lost 30 cases and held a press conference around their star Affidavit, Exhibit Q, which is now wholly discredited and they should have known it was but did no work to find its gaping fault. And the same team that asserts machines changed tens of thousands of counted votes...yet a Georgia HAND recount that would have easily revealed the machine error, found no machine error? The same elite task force that is getting mocked by judges and admitting the huge flaws in their on the record? And now this brain trust needs two more weeks, well after everything is certified and 30 plus losses to date, to make their case. Who’s letting their hopes get the better of critical thinking? Your guy lost. It happens. Last time I voted for a guy who had no chance and America lost but so did I. But I got over it. Suck it up and let’s get on with being rational Americans.
  10. The more better info, the better. Anyone can make up a theory. That’s not evidence.
  11. I assume there’s just a new story being written now that the first 36 tries haven’t worked out. Sidney Powell says the best stuff now that the previous best stuff was found to be totally false is two weeks out. No rush.
  12. Throwing crap out there is not how rational people make cases. I assume you’re familiar with Exhibit Q from yesterday and also the below: The affidavits are mostly spam, and none shown to be true. This is not how you build a case.
  13. Since voting machines added tens of thousands of votes to Biden, the hand recount must have found a ton of discrepancies, right? Right?
  14. I guess they are saving the evidence from courts because why prove your case in court when you can just do a press conference and some guy on YouTube can grow together a video. Videos like this are why Trump’s elite strike force team base their legal case on star witnesses like the guy that got busted yesterday (and no one questioned): The now infamous Exhibit Q error.
  15. Are we down to one pending federal case now? (The last one in PA.) That’s probably the one that will turn this all around.
  16. Are gems like this from Trump’s elite legal strike force being covered on Parler and in other echo chambers?
  17. pfizer says end of December for first doses. He’s ill informed.
  18. Giuliani’s elite strike force team is releasing the evidence in the next two weeks. ya know. Long after every state has certified its results. More Exhibit Q?
  19. Seems like a lot of people in the hospitals and dying are in on the hoax.
  20. Can’t close this thread yet. Giuliani’s son, also present at yesterday’s press fiasco, positive for Covid today. Clown car couldn’t more apt for the Trump legal team. This will be a hilarious movie.
  21. This was no misspelling. That would be no big deal. This was a numerical analysis that is completely wrong because of a fundamental error in their "star" exhibit that Trump's elite strike force: (1) waited to introduce until the last minute as the big litigation reveal; (2) was the basis of all of the legal team's confidence at the press conference yesterday; (3) labeled as a cute nod to the cultists as Exhibit "Q." The level of arrogant stupidity in this is off the charts.
  22. Exhibit Q : DJT election cases :: PPP : covid projections PPP is actually more credible on Covid predictions than Exhibit Q, the lynchpin of that press conference yesterday.
  23. I kid you not, really, that critical and convincing affidavit, the subject matter of which has been the root of Giuliani's strike force presser yesterday was...Exhibit... Well just open it and see which Exhibit # it got: https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.gand.283580/gov.uscourts.gand.283580.7.1_2.pdf Minnesota, Michigan...what's the diff. Sure seems that way. Their star witness (this after their last star witness recanted his testimony and later recanted his recant) screwed the pooch but not until after they had a press conference all about him! What. A. Shock.
  24. This from the elite strike force legal team. The judges are dismissing these cases as fast as they are filing them, but Trump's attorneys have now asked for a reset and would like to make their "opening statement" again.
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