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Everything posted by RobRyanFan

  1. Unsurprisingly, this happened in Canada.
  2. Can I get a bear that helps with chores?
  3. This is almost as entertaining as soap opera! Oh wait, it is.
  4. Trade for him! He could fix our LB depth problem.
  5. That's horrible. He must have lost over 100 pounds, judging by that picture.
  6. I think I figured this out, guys. Dri Archer was visiting the North Pole and abducted by a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and sent to Mars, and is now living with Matt Damon on Mars. That is why he hasn't reported.
  7. The Bills still have rights to Archer, if he decides to show up.
  8. Him getting his act together is seeming less and less likely.
  9. Those Taco Bell burritos can do that...
  10. Probably a secret visit not publicly announced by the Bills.
  11. And the post was on his Facebook page for about 6 entire hours, according to the article. Big time oops.
  12. Just a tiny difference between 500 and 500000
  13. Shaq will finish the season with 500 sacks and 1 million tackles.
  14. That is great. Tyrod makes an appearance!
  15. Does that mean KW might be cut if Adolphus is a Day 1 starter?
  16. No. The Browns aren't that stupid. They aren't trading Thomas.
  17. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-1/Bills-host-free-agent-G-Matt-Slauson/9e39c42d-7a12-499d-a67c-c0506ab91c0b Visit starts this evening and continues tomorrow.
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