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Everything posted by DaBillsFanSince1973

  1. definitely a need and he looks good but they could go corner or wide out? I'm leaning towards defense at 10. he be trolling...
  2. same here. as for why, good question to ask him. could be he did not want the responsibility, health issues or just the fact he never wanted to be? anyone's guess
  3. 10 wins and a wildcard. anything can happen after that? I like grape, grape (since I'm a concord grape belt native) was always my favorite flavor. since there are some that want to insist you drink the kool-aid for being optimistic, give me the whole pitcher.
  4. yet another good pick up...positive off season, so far
  5. oic...gotcha well, since he was given another shot, even if it was a pay cut, then we have another chance to see if he remains terrible (not that I saw him as terrible yet struggled) or turns the corner and picks up his game? I already know your stance so no need to share your prophecy (again) as it'll be a "wait and see" deal before making any final judgement on him or the team as a whole?
  6. well said. last sentence is where I stand and he is part of the team I support so call me a "fan" of the team.
  7. what's a tyrod fanboy? do you support the team? I know you don't support the organization. but if you do support the team, like I do, that includes all the players of the team. now if that's the case, what do you call fans who support the team? as for your use of imagination, that would never happen so fortunately for you, you or the organization wont get to feel embarrassed.
  8. couldn't tell you the last time I watched espn...all the more reason not to start again now
  9. atta boy, way to be classy... so much for those clamoring for him to go the the cfl. Quarterback EJ Manuel likely will sign with the Oakland Raiders although not confirmed best of luck to the kid.
  10. pretty much every board or on a stool in the local tavern. we may all not have common ground on our views and outlook but at the end of the day, no matter the board or tavern, we're all die hard, dyed in the wool, red, white and blue...bills fans! GO BILLS!!!
  11. yeah, I'm definitely not in the church of taylor, or any church for that matter and don't worship players. more of a team fan. that is why my hopes are that both sides of the ball improve, including taylors game as well as special teams. new coach, new season and hoping for the best. the one thing I don't have the ability to do as some in this thread have shown is state as a fact that he fails. frankly, if he does then you may as well call the season a wash. hence my stating I will just allow everything to pan out and wait patiently for the season to get here.
  12. I was as disappointed as the next fan with those games and put blame on both sides of the ball as well as coaching. one thing is certain, you can cry B word and complain and it wont change a thing. so rather than do that I'll allow the off season/season to pan out and hope things get turned around on BOTH sides of the ball. sorry, I'm old and ignorant to some of the slang out there, what !@#$ is a CoT'er?
  13. year 3 as a starter. don't know how anyone can claim his time in baltimore as on field experience? key phrase in your last sentence.
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