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Everything posted by boater

  1. Agree with the premise of OP. Just want to add a twist: why point to Rex Ryan as the problem. People love to bash the man on top. Mainly because it's easy to do so. Yes the man on top is overall responsible (like those Captains who go down with the ship). But if you want to be an insightful fan, you do some analysis and bash root causes. To do that, you most often have to go down a few levels.** The defensive coordinator is Dennis Thurman. That is the operative difference from last year--Jim Schwartz to Dennis Thurman. The difference is not Rex Ryan. ** The offensive coordinator (who I suggest is also under-performing) is Greg Roman. Footnote: ** I say this assuming Rex Ryan is behaving as a HC.. it could be he's still playing DC while HC, in which case I recant all previous statements.
  2. THIS!!!! All you faggot immature coaches/players need to remember this: 3-3 ain't great, but it's not's so bad. WTF... if all the 2-5 crowd had their way, we'd be 2-5 for eternity! Somebody help me here.
  3. No. Schwartz > Dennis Thurman The Head Coach sets the tone overall, big picture stuff. He makes game day decisions like clock calls, going for it, timeouts or replays. The OC or DC are responsible for the actual strategy and play of their units. 6 games in, I'm not at all impressed with our OC or DC. Frankly, with the weapons our OC and DC have at their disposal, I'd say they are under performing (aka SUCK).
  4. I absolutely love what TT brings to the table. On the other hand.. EJ brings some serious goods also. Recall (many articles in media this week) college QBs are ill equipped for NFL life, But, TT had the benefit growing as a NFL bench warmer for 4 years. TT is awesome, and is #1. But EJ, if you remember.. can scramble as well (I remember a Marone criticism, and others, that he did not slide early enough.. deja vu?) All is well! (said the same as the guy in Animal House movie, before he got trampled)
  5. Agree.. more than once. I'm not reading 35 pages before jumping in. In college, for large reading assignments, I was taught to just read the first line and last line of each paragraph. It worked amazingly well. For a TBD post: I'm reading the first two pages, and the last two pages... jury still out.
  6. If EJ sat on the roster for FOUR years behind a starter, he'd be every bit as successful as Tyrod. Tyrod and McCoy should sit this weekend. Why risk it? 3-3 is worse case scenario, and I can live with that (as opposed to TT & Shady maybe progressing to season ending injuries). Besides, I have faith in EJ.
  7. EJ is just fine. If the OL performs reasonably well.. EJ in turn will perform reasonably well. But if the turnstyle turnstile OL shows up again---we're dooooomed (and EJ will be given an oversized share of the blame).
  8. Like.. RE the incrimination of the original author, but no Like button to hit.
  9. Really..??? WTF? This is the best the main-stream sports media has? http://espn.go.com/blog/buffalo-bills/post/_/id/21487/bills-handling-of-aaron-williams-lesean-mccoy-deserves-scrutiny I've had mild doubts about the Bill's hadling of injuries.. but not so over the the top as this. I think the Bills have bordered right on the line. Thankfully the game is played on the field.. not in the network ratings (aka click bait).
  10. You Delore's me when you should have Belinda'd me?? No leg lamp for you!
  11. This. Be conservative with injuries. If EJ were to start and loose against the Bungals, 3-3 big deal! Besides, I think EJ could win. In any event... why takes risks with Tyrod?
  12. Good point: you are correct, in those years. With the new ownership factor, and tricklkedown.. is a brighter future ahead? All praise to Ralph, for whatever reason you may imagine,
  13. Animal House references.. the only thing better than Seinfeld references. I was miserable yesterday with the first half play and coaching. I hope the boys/coaches work off the first half jitters. Later, when the alcohol wore off (about 0600 today): I had an epiphany (a very cool word, though more feminine than I'd like). Epiphany: these are: new owners, new coaches, new system, new playbook, many new players. They are just getting familiar with each other and their system. Factors of extenuation and mitigation (very cool Military Justice words, which I have never been involved with formally): the superstars (Williams. McCoy, and that other guy) are injured. I'm reserving the "Oh my God, we're the balls" testations (there's a Latin double entendre there for someone else to workup). But I do feel very good about the Bills future. Cinci is down next week.
  14. I agree. Bills will prevail. I was down on the Bills first half yesterday, but am optimistic again. Why I am optimistic again? It occurred to me that this team is all new coaches, combined with significant roster churn of new players. These players/coaches are just getting familiar with each other and system, that's a big deal. AND the playmakers are out. Actually I'm pretty comfortable with 3-2. 4-2 will feel better. Sure, Tom Brady, on one team for more than a decade, with the same coach/system his whole career, and mostly the same roster around him, can do it. Pffttt.. Ryan Leaf could succeed there.. Bills gel more each week, and will beat Cinci, and NE at home.
  15. I hope not. I only say that because hamstrings are bad news. They give you false hope you're recovered, so you play--then Zap! you are even worse than before. (which pretty much describes McCoy's progression to this point) I'd like to see McCoy miss the next two games, then the bye, and then play. 3 more weeks should put his issue to bed. If McCoy plays this weekend, I'll know the Bills have thrown all caution to the wind (wierd phrase)--and will lose faith.
  16. OK.. Thank you God.. I love the result! Still some concern for the O.. but.. ..Butt.. yall know what I mean.
  17. Pretty sweet recovery by Tyrod.. into TN territory!! !!!! He did good! Please dear God.. prove me wrong for being negative.
  18. Ahh.. he's a geologist, smarts there. But he combined those smarts with business acumen to make billions. He is a smart mofo.. hands down. OK.. you are right. But, I'm still upset. You may be wrong. If I've waited for a moment like this.. it's been like 2 or 3 days ago when I got my TBD access. 2cd half is on.. and I want to be proven wrong!! Ugh... but their Top-10 D (is only the top 1/3rd) is making our offense look like bottom 1/10th. God save us!!! TV flashed: "plays in opponent territory" TN: 17 Bflo: 0
  19. I so desperately wanted my first post to be positive. But. alas.. I remember, somewhere, was it Rochester D&C, or Buffalo News.. regardless... the storyline was "how do we keep Greg Roman with regard to his huge success in Bflo." I write with confidence: I do not worry that suitors will come 'a calling for Greg R. This offense SUCKS. It's an offense. I give GR a grain of salt.. cuz Sammy is out, Shady is out, Karlos is out. But I degrade that grain of salt to 1/3 a grain.. because he's got weapons. 0 points against a mediocre D at halftime: GR is doomed. Pegula is a wicked smart man as his 4billion+ attests... the offense better turn around, or some firing's gonna happen.
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