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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. I like the helmets and the orange tops. They really need some white or blue pants though. I'd like to see our reds with blue pants.
  2. The Bills started picking it up. The vertical stack in the backfield to sort out protection is new.
  3. Oh I agree, I haven't bought one by choice in a long time. I just don't get the marketing.
  4. Am I the only one who doesn't understand the Sam Adams commercials? So your beer is a beer for #######s? Or you become an ####### when you drink it? What are they going for there?
  5. It would be great if the Bills could stop aggressively soiling themselves
  6. The Browns are right on their heels for the division. Steelers need to keep winning
  7. Win the Super Bowl and you can have any animal you want. Bison, jackalope, blue whale, IDGAF. Win the game.
  8. He's not wrong. On the goal line they love the play action half roll to the left with the te dragging across the back of the EZ. They run it all the time
  9. Watch it come full circle and BB leaves to take the Jets job. 🤣 I overheard some students say something I have literally never heard them say in my entire professional career. "The Bills are good"
  10. Seems to me most cities have some of this when they win something. Buffalo wouldn't know that because they've never won anything, but don't let that stop you.
  11. I think Mahomes was on it last year wasn't he? Didn't seem to matter. Besides, it'll be Russ Wilson.
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