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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. He was probably Dorsey's emotional support animal. No Dorsey, no need for Shula.
  2. MLB? Phillies because I've lived here longer than NY at this point and I can't stand the Yankees and Blue Jays. Only championship a team that I watch and semi care about has won, so thanks for that adopted home. I was a Mets fan when I was a kid, but then I learned they were all on coke so that kind of wrecked the innocence of it for me. Piss on the Mets, so that lines up with being a Phillies fan as well. The NBA is dead to me. I liked the Patrick Ewing/John Starks/Charles Oakley era Knicks but I haven't paid any attention to the NBA in almost 20 years now.
  3. The offense puts up 7 in OT then it doesn't matter does it.
  4. And he'd have signed back with KC for free and still caught that pass.
  5. Not all jackasses are criminals. I'm a jackass with a clean record.
  6. The choir boys don't always win. In fact they usually don't.
  7. He's got multiple rings and the team that won went and got him back.
  8. What I don't understand is why we are willing to accept that certain dogs have certain behaviors because of breeding, such as an instinct to herd, but we won't also recognize that other dogs have been bred to kill things. The point of every terrier is to hunt and kill something, it just is. Most of them are small so the damage they can do is limited and most of them are no longer selected for that instinct so it is lessened over time, just like any other dog breed group. A herding dog you get from a breeder selling pets isn't going to be as good at herding as a herding dog who has continued to be selectively bred and used to actually herd but the instinct is still there. If you buy a large dog who has been selectively bred over a long period of time to actively attack and kill things that instinct is there, just like with a random collie and herding. I don't get this willful disconnect between what is normal and expected behavior from one breed to another. Why can we just ignore the purpose of the dog? It's why it exists. I'm glad you have dogs that are well trained and listen, and I agree that any dog can bite and cause injury, and I also agree that in many cases poor dog behavior is caused by poor ownership. The person across the street is a very nice person, the dog is treated well, it doesn't have any of the built in excuses we've made for it. The dog is an actual, not theoretical, killer. It attacked and killed another dog who didn't do a thing other than walk past its house. It leapt out a second story window to do that. If you have a large dog from a breed that was specifically bred by man to hunt and kill other large animals and continually selected due to its aggression and propensity for violence I'm not coming to your house nor can your dog come to mine. I've asked my neighbor not to walk his dog in front of my property and he doesn't. That seems reasonable to me. I also don't walk past his house on that side of the street and my children have been advised to avoid that house in general and to never ever run past it or ring the doorbell. Almost every other house on the block has at least one dog, that's the only house with that rule.
  9. The power of college football. It says ALL sports, all sports the MAC offers. Not hockey. They will stay in Hockey East.
  10. Totally disagree. Psycho dog across the street isn't mistreated. Still a psycho dog.
  11. So we agree. A pit bull's job is to murder other things, like a collie's job is to herd. They were bred to be aggressive and to kill other things. Things like other large dogs and people. When you take away its job, it becomes problematic. It still has blood lust and a screw loose. It's still a physical specimen of an animal that is fully capable of killing a person. Unlike a Jack Russell Terrier who was also bred to kill things. Most humans can punt a Jack Russell about 40 yards. Pits aren't the only dogs with this issue, but they are the most popular, the most poorly bred, and the least removed from their violence. I wouldn't want a 15th century Mastiff hanging around either, but they've had a good period of time where they haven't been specifically bred to hellspawn so it's less of an issue. Pits are still in that breeding for violence phase and it leaks out into the general population of pits and put mixes. I don't really care what the breed used to be. That's what it is now.
  12. Neighbor two doors down has one. It jumped through a screen, out a second story window, to murder a smaller dog that was being walked past the house on the public sidewalk. Totally normal behavior. Owner is a nice guy. Captain of the local fire department. Dog is psychotic. Picture that for a moment, you're walking your totally normal dog on a totally normal day and suddenly a huge crazed dog comes flying out a second story window and murders your dog right in front of you. In my state the dog gets to live if it does that. The owner has to register it as a dangerous animal, pay a $500 annual fee, and not let it outside without a leash and muzzle. Keep in mind, this thing YEETED itself out a window already, but inside is good enough. Walkies outside are still ok so long as it's muzzled, which the owner doesn't do. No signage warning the general public about the dog either. Sidewalk in front and a public trail in the back. In short, lots of people, dogs, and kids can and do walk past the house. Zero warning that a 100 pound death machine lives there. Seems totally ok.
  13. If Sirianni needs his emotional support meathead with him to control himself maybe we've discovered the problem.
  14. Fun fact, Swingline didn't make a red stapler until after that movie came out. I also have a red stapler which my students are not allowed to use. I don't like talking about my flair.
  15. Not only will he not be a Bill in 2024, I will go so far as to say he will never be a Bill
  16. Closer, except, you know, not. This is place I will realistically go two, maybe three times in my life by the time it's built. The longer this process goes I realize the less I care.
  17. They were hoping they'd win a Super Bowl before then so they could justify making the fee higher.
  18. Thank you to this thread for presenting a microcosm of our society and demonstrating why nothing will ever be done about any of the problems that have been brought up. Have a good night everyone.
  19. One of the suspects was stopped by two random people today. Chased him down, tackled him, and held him until the cops got there.
  20. Yeah, nobody ever killed anyone over that.
  21. Nah, that requires responsibility which is something we are great at passing off. And this is why I rarely go to large public gatherings. Security is for show and really can't stop any of this. At least they caught the people this time. Didn't prevent it from happening though.
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