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Everything posted by Meatplow

  1. Amen, but I still reserve the right to say !@#$ you Dareus for being a dumbass in the first place! He should have been out there for all 7 games!
  2. Yes. He can't run, throw and catch the !@#$ing ball all by himself!!!
  3. Really, you think McCoy was actually playing today? Wow, I watched a different game apparently.
  4. The plane was late. Threw off the timing of the Offense.
  5. Yeah good call chief. The QB carousel has worked WONDERS for this team in past. How about we get Taylor someone to throw the ball to that can actually stay healthy.
  6. This team is without KEY STARTERS on both sides of the ball, everyone seems to forget that. This is not surprising at all.
  7. You're right, because we've said the same thing so many times and had such tremendous success over the past 20 years drafting our QB of the future. Good call.
  8. Yes I do like Tyrod at 6 - 6. He's the only reason this team isn't going to be one of the top teams picking in the draft. If you want to get rid of him for that I can understand, but he is FAR from the problem on this team. I mean really, he throws arguably one of the best deep balls in the game (that's saying something), he can shake and bake like shady and he protects the !@#$ing football!!! WTF more can you ask for in a first year QB?!?!?
  9. Are you !@#$ing high? Apparently I shouldn't have created an account and started posting here. For every 20 people that post on this board about real issues, like defense, O-line, discipline, schemes and coaching across the board, there are at least a quarter of them that still point at the QB spot as a position of concern. I clearly DON'T belong in the dumpster fire that is the fan base on TBD.
  10. These are examples of why public forums are just that.... Public, and NOT sources of insight. there is absolutely NO football reason what so ever that EJ should have time with the first string. Tyrod Taylor has done everything he needs to do to lock up the QB position for the foreseeable future. It amazes me that there are still people who have actually watched this team play this year who still think otherwise.
  11. Are you and anyone that agreed with this even !@#$ing slightly serious?
  12. I agreed right up until the last bullet point. We do need a competent backup though. We are set at QB and the people that can't seem to grasp this really baffle the **** outta me.
  13. This Tyrod thread looks so much smarter than the other dumpster fire that keeps showing up.
  14. I know but I'm sure I've even had moments of mental lapse over the last 20 years being a Bills fan.
  15. WTF is this stupid post still hanging around? It's proof-positive how ignorant we can be as Bills fans.
  16. Taylor is far from the problem. I have no idea what it is but it's definitely NOT Taylor.
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