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Everything posted by Meatplow

  1. I'm still trying to figure out why we're even arguing about who the starting QB should be for this team... I actually watched the game, several times... I'm not quite sure why I'm such a masochist these days when it comes to the Bills, but that's beside the point. EJ is not the reason we lost by a long shot. However, I also don't believe he will be the reason we win a game either. Can he make plays? Yes. Is he athletic? Yes Is he a leader? My opinion, not so much. The latter being arguably one of the most important jobs a QB performs out on the field every game, Taylor appears to have the clear advantage here. There is a calming confidence that he brings to the team, even when they're stinking it up with dumbass penalties every 3rd play from scrimmage. It doesn't stop there either... Defenses have to game plan against Taylor for both his ability to hit the long ball, as well as being one of the most dangerous threats with his legs in the NFL currently. I know he's often compared to Mike Vick, I've even done it myself, but his center of gravity and compact build almost make me think of Barry Sanders when he tucks it and runs. He seems to be able to sense the hits coming and either move enough to break the tackle completely, or just enough to avoid taking any serious punishment. The awkward tackle in the Titans game where he injured his knee was just that, awkward. EJ is what every team would like to have as a backup QB. He's a great team player, humble, hard working and he can bring some constancy and play-making ability to the position when called upon. That being said, Taylor is much more multi-faceted, has the experience of sitting behind a very good QB for four years, and at times, has shown true signs (for the first time in 15+ years), of possibly being the answer at a position that has been a wreck since Jim Kelly retired.
  2. Oh I dunno, maybe because he throws one of the best long balls we've seen from any of our QBs in years and is more dangerous with his legs than Mike Vick was in his prime.
  3. I really wish the EJ **** would stop. Regardless of what Rex tells the media in public, there was a reason why EJ was the #3 behind Cassel before he was magically traded off to Dallas. Maybe now after this last game and possibly / probably another in London, Whaley will finally resign to the fact that made a mistake and move the !@#$ on.
  4. Bengals 7 Bills 3 Shitloads of questionable penalties all over the place, on both teams. Rex will eat his headset, net an unsportsmanlike penalty and it'll be shown on replay at least a dozen times while Solomon Wilcots narrates... We'll all end up following suit and eat our TV remotes.
  5. I really hope that EJ has a stellar game tomorrow... for the sake of the team and no other reason. I'm of the opinion that this is Taylor's team now and EJ is part of that team.
  6. Let me know if it does.... I'm also bleeding Buffalo but planted firmly in Raleigh.
  7. Nothing from the team officially yet though? Smells like Rex playing games.
  8. Has it even been confirmed by anyone that Taylor will sit this week? For having a knee injury he still looked damn mobile out there for the entire game.
  9. This is hilarious...There's no such thing as a sorry Dick LeBeau defense.
  10. Didn't they just say he's out with a knee injury?
  11. So we have one running back in Boobie Dixon left that can start?
  12. Typical Bills fan fail... 4 games in, none of which have been terrible by the QB all things considered, and who's first to get chucked under the bus but Tyrod. With today's game plan, god himself wouldn't have made much of a difference.
  13. To say that the thought of the "officiating" having an ulterior motive has never crossed my mind would be a ball-faced lie. Very well articulated. Quickly becoming one of my favorite posters. Keep it coming Mr. Gold!
  14. Agree with everything you said. I have learned something from the refs in the first 4 games of this season too.... I learned that the officials are making this game unwatchable.
  15. Never would have happened with this officiating crew.
  16. Until Buffalo proves they can be a consistent winner, they will always be out of favor with the NFL and the refs, especially if the Bills are playing a marque team. The Bills absolutely beat themselves today but the refs should be playing for the Giants officially.
  17. Even if the Bills somehow managed to pull this close, the refs would have no problem finding a way to make sure the win didn't happen.
  18. Luck didn't have a damn thing to do with today.
  19. See Rex, that's what bullying looks like.
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