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Everything posted by Meatplow

  1. Very tough / good learning experience for Tyrod. Let's hope he learns some very important lessons from it.
  2. The defense as a whole has not been as advertised... No pressure up front, more yardage in penalties than the offense had as a whole, very poor ball awareness. They just don't look prepared at ALL for today and that's squarely on the coaching staff. It certainly isn't lack of talent.
  3. I love the calls that they continue to make on the Patriots that we would never accept.... Hilarious.
  4. It's hysterical reading all the laughable **** you guys are writing about TT. It's his second game for **** sake and everyone wants to crucify him already. That throw he just made across his body, on the run for a TD is the reason this kid is starting. The Offensive coordinators and line coaches should be ashamed of themselves.
  5. Can someone please explain to me WTF is happening with this game???? We look completely unprepared and rattled. The bad calls, no calls and phantom calls are really irrelevant when you play as badly as we are.
  6. Jesus they're making our defense look pedestrian at best!
  7. Murphys Law is being executed masterfully in this game!
  8. We are being completely out played now. Making us look like a high school football team.
  9. This is beginning to look like the second half defense of last week
  10. Some hills just aren't worth dying on. Get's to keep that challenge for later though so that was good.
  11. No disrespect K-9. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Roman was sandbaggin' in a huge way today after our early lead considering who we're hosting next week.
  12. This is hysterical. First game of the season, we hang 27 points on a pretty damn good defense, none of which came from our own defense for once , and we already have complaining about the offensive coordinator. That's truly OFFENSIVE!
  13. Bring on Darius... he was severely missed today.
  14. Isn't one of the only negatives that stick against Rex Ryan teams lack of discipline? Maybe due to him being a "Players Coach"? He's gotta tighten these guys up, they are really beating themselves in the second half, without the refs help.
  15. Holy ****! Where are these god damn calls coming from?!?!?!
  16. I've seen bigger leads dissolve over the last 20 years... However, something feels a lot different about this Buffalo team.
  17. My hats off the the buffalo legions in the Ralph today. They have certainly had a major impact on Indy's ability to audible at the line!
  18. Refs are trying to do something to salvage this game for the Colts.
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