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Everything posted by PO16FFS

  1. Tyrod Taylor cant hit anyone in the numbers with consistency. JESUS..OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE. without SHADY, he is terrible...never can get 300 yards ever. JUST THROW THE BALL! He's looking at O'leary in the eyes. 15 yard spacing ...he doesnt throw it to him...WTF?
  2. Bills have a 3-25 record against Brady. Bills are missing Watkins, Woods, Goodwin, McCoy, Dareus, Aaron Williams and have Tyrod at QB. GIVE ME A BREAK! Pats 42 Bills 0
  3. Who is this chap called Clay? Oh..that overpaid guy who sometimes catches the ball, sometimes drops the ball and other times no one knows if he's on the field. NEXT MAN UP!
  4. Lynn is definitely getting the play calling in faster. I noticed that yesterday. Right after the play is over, TT is already listening to his earset. Anyone notice yesterday when TT got hit, after he got up he was listening to his helmet and gave a thumbs up saying that he was ok. I wonder who asked him?
  5. How you doing Bandit? I've always liked your posts and its true, you are always positive and dont go down the " Trump " road. Game 1: Flacco Game 2 : Fitz Game 3: Palmer Game 4: 3rd stringer Rookie Game 5: I couldnt even tell ya cuz I was working Game 6: Kaepernick ( First game in 1 year ) During the games, if a QB wants to pass toward Gilmore, he will without worrying about SG24 Gilmore has not shown any flash. He does a good job but in his first 4 years he has taken stupid penalties, looked lost at times, looked disinterested at times, trouble tackling. In my humble opinion he's a JAG. All the best and keep your great posts coming.
  6. hes a top 5 corner in the league and deserves to get paid as one......in the CFL!
  7. Also, last year he was kept on the team because others were interested if Rex and Co. tried to put him back on the practice squad. O'Leary > Gragg, Mulligan, etc...
  8. what has Gragg done for the Bills...Give me a break. Next man up. No gloves will wear gloves after the first missed catch in late November or December. Then in Early February he will take them off to hold the Silver Trophy.
  9. If I remember correctly it was Gillie that ran that play.
  10. I do like his voice. But man, I wonder if they even care. and saying how great Kaepernick was today.
  11. You keep biting all the time. You're too easy buddy.
  12. Gameballs Shady O'leary Robey Deflated gameballs Gilmore Clay Gilmore
  13. Cuz Tyrod was struggling to pass more than 3 yards. Rex didnt want his #1 running back to get hurt
  14. - Counting Crows Long December - Oasis Wonderwall - Black Crowes Wiser Time - Hip - Grace Too - MatchBox 20 - Push
  15. I take back my comment after seeing the other angle. Blount literally headbutts Gilmore and he kind of was surprised and just moved to the side. Also, Felton creamed a couple corners in the game as well, so yes 250 versus 190 does make a difference. Im not a Gilmore Fan by anymeans, but Ill give him a pass on this one.
  16. Here is one that no one, and I mean no one knows...He wears his wedding ring when he plays. I agree to a degree. Last year some teams wanted him when he could have been sent back to the practice squad and Rex kept him on the roster. But to say that a 3rd or 4rth rounder is living up to his potential is kind of weird.
  17. How do we not have a video of this.... BTW, Gilmore is not worth the big $$$
  18. Great Video here: This poster has great Bills videos. Enjoy
  19. Second Opinion confirmed. Bad case of Toe Jam affecting his play.
  20. If our allstar was getting 4-5 passes per game, Imagine the second coming of christ! Somewhere tonight Glass Goodwin is saying...Wait a minute....HMMM!
  21. I am the biggest Ryan hater. BUT.....that was pretty funny.
  22. Because I didnt watch the game and predicted a 102-0 win by the Cards.
  23. Who is Walhberg? Does he play football? He and the funky bunch can lick the split in my underwear!
  24. Was thinking of you today. Hope all is well! Cheers
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