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Everything posted by PO16FFS

  1. I thought they started off slow. He was just yelling for those first songs. Then when they played their new material and finished with the song Machine, I felt they found themselves for the rest of the show. Epic song for me was GRACE TOO, NAUTICAL DISASTER and LOCKED IN THE TRUNK
  2. Funny stuff guys! I'm glad to see we are on the lighter side of things!
  3. Well said KD and to the others, no need to argue about this stuff. Brazil is !@#$ed up. The people know it. But it's like anything else. You don't want to hear it from other countries. Everyone believed Lochte and it did dampen the mood of the Games. I was there for 15 days at the Olympics. Every tourist I met enjoyed Rio. I met some that were staying to visit the rest of the Country. I went to the Holland House. It was great. Live DJ until 1am. You don't go walking the streets at 2 am. U call a cab and go home. Brazilians know the country has issues but they are also proud people who welcome foreigners with open arms and are happy to show what they have despite their shortcomings. At the end of the day: they broke the law.
  4. Cant believe Im reading this. Lochte is a douchebag and everyone knows that. Go watch his reality show. How come this kind of stuff doesnt/didnt happen to other countries...Poor me Americans take so much crap...haha!
  5. Oh well, Olympics were a success. Everyone enjoyed it. The atmosphere was great. Cheers all, Frank from Curitiba ( the 44th most dangerous city in the world..ya, im gansta )
  6. Not bad for a third world country. I would never expect an American city to be there....oops..4 of them! Had friends, parents, brother visit Brazil. They still alive to talk about it! Ive bee talking nice about RIO and I see they are not in the top 50. However, I can tell you for a fact, Rio is more dangerous than Curitiba.
  7. So true, American government is not corrupt...HAHAHAHAHA! That Lochte situation has happened to you over 12 times? What da hell you doing man? Been living in Brazil for 14 years, have traveled Argentina, Chile, Columbia, Honduras, DOminican, Peru and all over Brazil....Guess how many times this has happened to me? 0! Now, yes there are dangers. Been broken into 2 times and my sister in law got hijacked coming out of her car. I will now give you the last word as I am going to the restaurant to meet friends and have a good steak and cold beer...for cheap!
  8. Keep diggin. You getting deeper and deeper with your ignorance! I can speak for the golf. The only countries that had security were the Americans: 1 per player and the Australians, 1 for the team. So the thousands of fans, volunteers and workers didnt. Your statement is crazy. I once drove from Toronto to Pittsburgh and when I got there at 3 am. I ended up in the wrong area. It wasnt a fun situation. For visitors: tourist Attractions: The beach, Christ Redeemer, Sugar Loaf, Great restaurants and cheap whores. What else do you need?
  9. Well, let me tell u guys first hand. I met hundreds of Americans and many more from other countries over the last 2 weeks and they absolutely loved Rio and Brazil. Not one tourist, volunteer or worker complained about the Country and the city. A few told me it was their first time and wont be their last. You fine Yanks have a strong dollar. You can eat the best steak and have a few pops and pay about 30$. I'm talking the best of the best. We saw Kuchar, Grillo, the Basketball Australian team eating at the high end restaurant and you would pay 100R$ ( 33$ ). The fine Texan I met, and had supper with, said that the meal we ate ( Shrimp and risotto with 3 pints ) would cost about 60-80$ in the States if not more. He paid 28$. I guess I am a little sensitive cuz I live in Brazil and the Olympics went very well. Especially after reading and listening to all the problems there were prior. One thing I believe more than ever after the Olympics. DONT BELIEVE THE MEDIA. I witnessed it first hand on how they spin a story to what they want. Its unreal. Cheers all, Go Bills. BTW, if I someone can show me how to post pics, I would post them. I got many from my olympic experience. I guarantee you every athlete had American Special Agents. For example, the golf team had 2 agents assigned for the 4 players including the 2 PGA tour security. I walked with Bubba for the first 3 days as he had the biggest crowd and the Security Guard never left his side for the whole round and to bring him to his hotel. They also had armored cars to drive to and from the golf course. These 4 swimmers went out on their own after the agents told them not to.
  10. Only Americans don't get it! He !@#$ed up, admits he !@#$ed up and yet some of u clowns can't see it! If a Foreigner made this **** up in the States it would be big news as well. Note to self: when in another country, don't act like an American Ignomorus! Every athlete had security yet these 4 clowns ignored them and snuck out on their own then talk **** about the country that embraced them.
  11. Do teams really draft players to be #2? SOrry but that is BS. Teams draft what they believe will be the best player available and hope they can be the best at their trade.
  12. well with all do respect Beerball, cuz ur a good bloke, I remember that game like it was yesterday. Rex jacked his team so high all week. AW seemed like he was on another planet taking stupid penalties and just out of control. you guys love that he showed effort and went for that tackle. I normally agree, but it was not time in that circumstance. Bills were losing big and the Pats player was either gonna get the TD or go out of bounds. It is what it is. Cheers.
  13. The true definition of FLYWEIGHT! Boxer throws punch. Fly buzzes in between Punch and face. Boxer lands punch, Boxer retrieves Glove and fly keep on flying unharmed. The rest of the world. USA always different.
  14. Truly is an idiot! Is a one nut loser!
  15. The orignial 7-11 was never open and always short 1 yard. He learned from SJ13
  16. Yes. Helping out with Golf as a Rules Official Assistant They are for seeds. Athletes each got a tree seed. They will then seed them in the city.
  17. Sad, no commercials in Brazil and its a great ceremony
  18. When I was in Canada a few weeks ago: Fat Tug and Red Racer
  19. If something is going down, Im going down with it!
  20. Aaron Williams would not have to worry about his ROAD BACK had he not been actin a fool in the Pats game. Also, when losing by 30 points, no need to make a superman dive on the 2 yard line trying to stop the Pats going up 37. Just my 2 cents. and screw Rex!
  21. I was the #1 WR on Friday nights as a kid. Means about the same thing in regards to Johnson. #1 In Buffalo usually means #4 on the depth chart of other teams. Look at our #2 Robert Woods. He wouldnt sniff a #2 anywhere else. Hell, look at how many are sad about our #3/4 Hogan.
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