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Everything posted by Billsmovinup

  1. Not the point. No the single mom who works three jobs to support her kids cause her ex doesnt pay child support has the right to be upset. Pro athletes should be dancing in the streets over what they get paid. And I just love how you koolaiders twist things. Im critical of watkins so I have a personal bias?
  2. Exactly. Lmao. Imagine the body count if these guys played 84 games. Youd need a roster of 500 guys.
  3. Sounds like you love the koolaid. Chug. Chug. Chug. Yummy.
  4. Hope hes in the twenty %. Really do. Just tired of multi millionaire athletes complaining about their finances
  5. Id be happy with 80 million. I dont need 200 million.
  6. About 80 percent of pro athletes go broke within 5 years of retirement. Makes it likely hell do the same. Not a real big leap. Maybe its not hookers and drugs. Maybe its 100 hotel rooms on game day for his friends and family. Maybe its 50 million dollars for a bad business investment that a five year old would be smart enough to steer clear of. Maybe its 400k a month in child support for those seven kids. Just sick and tired of listening to these clowns gripe when theyre so reckless with money you and I could live on for 300 years.
  7. Yep. Anyone who critcizes the team or a player must be a hater. You forgot the agenda part though cause he clearly has an agenda against a franchise that hasnt made the $$$@#%!!$@ playoffs in seventeen years. 19-0 this year. I can feel it. Average margin of victory 55 pts. Pass the weed please. The really amusing thing here is its likely this guy will be broke and/or bankrupt after he retires. I mean really, is there that big a difference between a 100 million dollars worth of hookers and drugs vs 300 million dollars worth of hookers and drugs. How much sex and blow does one really need?
  8. People in large cities whose income is substaintially higher than ours get credit for buying higher price tickets. Assinine criteria.
  9. Which NFL scouting dept do you work for? Your logic goes both ways. Clearly your a scout of some NFL team. Youve had fred in for a workout and know for a fact he has one year left. Just dont understand why you cant convince the GM of your team to sign him?
  10. I want these guys being forced to do pushups on their knuckles in shards of broken glass everytime they make a mistake.
  11. Im all for the Bills leaving when NYS employees agree to a 30% across the board paycut, complete elimination of their pensions, and a 50% out of pocket contibution to their health insurance benefits with all savings being directly reflected in lowering of our income taxes, property taxes, and sales taxes.
  12. Hopefully there comes a day when stadiums are half full and these a-holes are scratching there heads wondering why
  13. You have to understand that some people exist solely for this team and in their mind any critcism of the team is a critcism of them which is something they simply cant handle on an emotional level. There are a pack of them here and they attack like wolves if anyone is critical of this organization.
  14. 17 years and no playoffs clearly means we go 16-0 and win the Superbowl by 42. And yes this is a negative tgread. If I was an optimist Id say wed win the Superbowl by 150
  15. I would have gone with re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-recharged!
  16. Like this pick alot. Many said hed be gone in the 3rd. Mechanical issues that can be fixed hopefully with good coaching. If anyone in this forum can comment on that from a technical standpoint and you know what your talking about it would be appreciated. Can this guy be developed into a good starter. What needs to be fixed, etc.
  17. I would have stayed put and not traded away my extra picks. The draft is an educated crapshoot. The more picks you have, the more likely youll hit on two or three. Sometimes you just have to hold your breath and hope the guy you love falls to you. And if he doesnt pick someone else. Its not an exact science. The more picks the better. If Whaley was hitting most of the time on these moves up I could see it. But the results are mixed at best.
  18. The last seventeen years are the problem. The Bills are grounghog day. Same thing year after year. Over and over. The koolaid runs deep in this one.
  19. Youve been saying this the last seventeen years havent you? Copy and paste...Copy and paste...Copy and paste...
  20. Thats hilarious. NFL scouting Dept's can't get it right but you know. LMFAO.
  21. Some analytics guy on WGR today said he had Ragland as a sixth rounder. Im not saying I agree with that and I thought the guy was nuts at first but he did have some interesting thoughts on analyzing players. Given that the failure rate is about fifty percent in the first round NFL scouting clearly has plenty of room for improvement. One thing I didn't hear him address was players and the specific system they might be used in being a factor. That matters and it sounds like Ragland is a great fit for this particular scheme. Well find out come the fall. My gut tells me Ragland will do just fine.
  22. Anybody know what kind of offseason Miller had? If he put on thirty pounds of lean muscle and dropped his body fat percentage by 7-10 percent and increased his strength substantially that could make all the difference. Hasn't Whaley said most pros make the biggest jump from year one to year two. Plus I think Miller played hurt 2nd half of the season. Little early to give upnon him.
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