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Everything posted by Billsmovinup

  1. Very good. Finally got our guard position straightened out. Would have sucked to see him walk.
  2. So if Kiper readily admits that no one can predict anything exactly why does this jackbag have a frigging coronary every time someone deviates from his board and why are we always subjected to the idiotic they could have traded down crap. Really Mel? Your on the phone with all 32 teams and you know for a fact that everyone that deviates from your board had offers to trade down and you also know that nobody that was behind said team before the trade down that is now in front of said team after the trade down isn't going to pick the guy said team likes. Oh that's right. I forgot. Every other team in the league except the one that traded down fired their entire scouting Dept and it's just the GM sitting in the war room with Kipers draft guide ready to pick whose ever left at the top of Kipers cheat sheet. Darby is a classic example. The hair was completely disgusted that the Bills took him in the second round. He had Darby as a fourth rounder. In hindsight one could argue that Darby should have gone in the first. So if I have this correct the Bills should have moved down with every other team and should have picked up an additional 62 picks before selecting Darby. I'll readily admit that Kipers a moron. Not because of how he grades players. Everyone knows it's impossible to get even half of these guys right. What bothers me about this clown is how he acts like he knows when nobody, including NFL scouts, knows for sure. Must be all that hairspray fogging his brain. One other thing. The day I join insider is the day I stick my head in a pot of boiling oil. Absolute joke that those clowns try to charge for their crappy opinions.I don't care if it drops to one cent per month, I'm never subscribing to it.
  3. Yea. Because he can run a toss sweep like nobody else which clearly proves he's not a wife beater or a homicidal maniac. I mean look at Peyton Manning. No way anybody who threw for 55 tds in one year could possibly act in a sexually inappropriate manner and then violate a confidentiality agreement by defaming said victim years later with malicious uncorroborated stories which cost well respected victim her job. I mean no way any of that's possible.
  4. I would assume his attorneys know the law. If there is no legal liability on ESPN/Schefters part they would be morons for filing this suit.
  5. To an addict drugs are far more important than money.
  6. I can't believe I'm still employed. Sincerely Doug, Rex, and Russ!
  7. Really hate when people defend somebody then say they aren't defending them.
  8. A huge round of applause to the writer of that ESPN article. The Lance Armstrong comparison is perfect. Manning tried to destroy this woman's career, plain and simple. Listened to Polians take and he sounds incredibly naive to me. Just cause Manning spent 15 hours in the film room doesn't mean he doesn't have a dark side. The most damning thing is Manning's inability to corroborate his characterization of this woman's character. This guy just couldn't let it go. Maybe the DAILY NEWS writer has an agenda. I didn't really give it much thought when I first read the article. I was more focused on the relationship between Manning and this woman. But that doesn't excuse what IMO is absolutely reprehensible behavior on the part of Manning and his father. I used to love OJ too. Sometimes we just don't know the person behind the facemask.
  9. Lots of anger on this thread lately. Everybody take a bong hit and chill out.
  10. Athletes, actors, politicians, musicians, and other people in the spotlight are just as flawed as the rest of us. Money and FAME is not a cure for drug addiction, sex addiction, gambling addiction, physical and psychological abuse, and any other thing you can think of. In some cases it seems to magnify these problems. Just because you can throw a fifty yard strike between the seem of a two deep zone doesn't mean your a good person. It's a simple concept some fans just refuse to accept.
  11. I'm an attorney Boyst62. Nobody in the profession says they lost a lawsuit when they settle. If that's the case then Manning lost also. Stop talking out of your a$$. Well said.
  12. Absolutely. The bozos at WGR keep going on and on that it's only been one year. He's been a head coach for six and he's been a 500 coach for six. Found it interesting how Denver defensive players praised Wade for the simplicity of their D yet we have a guy who insists that you need a defense that is as complex as an MIT physics doctorate thesis. I love the Pegulas but I think they got snookered on this hire. They fell in love with his mouth during the interview. Hope I'm wrong but a six year track record of mediocrity is pretty substantial evidence IMO of what to expect next year.
  13. Yea. Everyone applaud the angry moron. He has low self esteem. He needs to be proper up.
  14. Where is the black person in this story? I must have missed that? If your trying to imply that this is some sort of payback for the bad press Newton got I'd say that's a bit of a reach.
  15. but, the world moves on and in due time things balance themselves out. some times life isn't fair. So true. Her career was destroyed by this fraud and he still gets to do the late night TV tour to celebrate his victory. You should share your wisdom with the brown and Goldman families and just tell them to get over OJ practically cutting of her head and stabbing him thirty plus times. It's really no biggie if you think about it. We are all gonna die anyway. Right?
  16. And here we have the hero worshiper. His/her hero's can do no wrong. The accusers story is always false no matter how damning the evidence. Let's see if good old Peyt sues the NY Daily News. Of course you'll have an excuse for that if it doesn't happen. Pathetic.
  17. The legal analysis is amusing in this thread. Any of you do brain and heart surgery on the side?
  18. It was a synopsis of his play the entire game. The moment got to him. It showed in the first quarter and continued throughout the day. He hesitated on the fumble and it sealed the Panthers fate. Not the reason they lost but the final nail in the coffin.
  19. Leave me alone punk ass cop! Can't you see I'm trying to break the law here?
  20. Now now. Everyone just stop it. No way our pro bowl running back could be involved in this. He runs a 4.45 40 and runs a wheel route better than any back in the league. Plus he's great at pass protection. If he played for the Pats Wed all know this is true but he's a Bill so he gets a free pass.
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