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Everything posted by Billsmovinup

  1. Translation. We wanna sell another 2500 seasons tickets before sept 1. If we do I get to upgrade my company car to a Mercedes convertible.
  2. "It starts with one." Worlds greatest snake oil salesman comes up with another gem. What will next years motto be?
  3. Talk about a dog who keeps getting kicked only to come back for more. Exactly right.
  4. And of course 17 years of no playoffs has nothing to do with their irrationality does it?
  5. As much as I question Sammys durability I need to look no farther than Julio Jones to hold out hope for his long term prospects. He absolutely has shown ability to dominate. I find this to be a very short-sited trade with minimal upside. In addition, why bother bringing tyrod back. If your gonna tank dont go halfway. Get rid of your older vets and go 1-15. Wonder how Kyle Williams feels about this?
  6. Would you expect anything less? Chris Brown spinning right along with him.
  7. Gonna get an early start on trout season. Hope the streams are running high in early Sept. 18 years and no playoffs. Bitchin.
  8. There is no upside if hes not a worker and doesnt understand the offense. This is a guy who lost his starting job in college. Dont think thats because hes a Tom Brady clone.
  9. Its what ive read and heard and no Im not going to go back and conduct 48 hours of verifiable research to prove my point. I have better things to do. Feel free to find the articles that say the opposite. Think youll be taking a pretty long look.
  10. Enough of the big bad 'mods' threat. Its really gotten old. He doesnt like Tyrod. Oh the humanity.
  11. He played against guys who will be washing cars in a couple weeks.
  12. And exactly what are you gonna get for a second year guy who hasnt played a down in the league and is coming off a major knee injury. What a stupid article!
  13. Johnson conveniently forgets that he was about as durable as fine china. Big arm. Not much else.
  14. Curious as to what makes you say that. Ive read the opposite not that it means anything. If you could elaborate that would be great.
  15. Good signing. No need to rush Zay Jones now. Id expect 50 catches for 500 yards and 5-7 tds.
  16. I disagree. If he isnt on the field for the last play of the Superbowl THEN its an issue!!!
  17. Im sorry but is this is just a thread full of hate by a hateful hater with a hateful agenda. Please produce xrays, an mri, a video of all tests performed by the bills medical staff plus a 450 page medical report with a detail analysis not only of Watkins alleged injury but a detailed analysis of all other players who have had the exact same injury since 1925. Failure to produce all requested iformation by 11:59 this evening will simply verify that you are nothing more than a troll and I will fully expect the wrath of the mods to be cast down upon you with such fury that you will rue the day you were born.
  18. Great. Lets see it translate on the field starting in September.
  19. Good to hear. Hopefully a diamond in the rough. Lets see how he looks in preseason.
  20. Its funny. I remember somebody being ridiculed, which is common on this site, for having the nerve to suggest glenns issues with his foot last year might be cause for concern this year. Oh the irony!
  21. Usually a response is preceded by a question. I dont see the question that illicited this response. Anybody know what the question was?
  22. I wouldnt put any stock in this report. Mcdermott is clearly a hateful hater with an agenda and its obvious that he simply doesnt know the game.
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