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Niagara Dude

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Everything posted by Niagara Dude

  1. This guy is another Dick Juron, lets get an experienced college coach. I say David Shaw from Stamford.
  2. This will never happen, no team wants a run happy coach in a passing league. They will bring him in for interview to cover league requirement.
  3. Very well done, this was perfect! Firing Rex is only getting rid of a portion of this problem. Whaley still does not get it, you need a QB to win this league. Also DT is not a position that you pay 100mill for, perhaps yes for an elite pass rushing DE or Franchise QB but not DT. How many picks for Sammy who if we don't fix our QB situation will leave in a few seasons. Get someone who understands that it starts and ends with the QB. I want someone who drafts a QB every season until we find the guy.
  4. Taylor is looking more like Trent Edwards each week, holds onto the ball/ zero pocket awareness/ will not throw the ball down field and passes that get his receivers killed. The guy sucks and is a gimmick QB that Rex decided to bring her. PLEASE MOVE ON
  5. Passing league and losers are still playing caveman football.
  6. I just never saw the big play ability in this guy from day one, looks slow and gets lost in coverage more often then not. The also is one one worst tackling corners on the team. At the end of the day we need to ask how many big plays has this guy ever made, at this is not because teams avoid throwing his way. If another team wants to give this guy big money then great for Gilmore, this guy is an average NFL corner at best.
  7. Who the hell is Ed Eagan? and why is the best thing we can do at WR?
  8. Brady is the diffrence and we never seem to have an answer, too scared to bliz and he kills you with time. I say you rush 4 or 5 guys every down and beat him up like we did in NE last season. The hits and maybe sacks will add up.
  9. I still cannot believe Marcel could not play at all even a few snaps, i really have to question his commitment to this team. How does a big guy miss three full games with a hamstring? you could argue yesterday was the most important game of season . If we had won we would have been 5-2 and guaranteed no worse then 5-3 after the first half of season. Our tough part of schedule is coming and we really needed to win, i look at Shaddy and he gave it a go and here we have the highest paid player on our team sitting on the sidelines with this huge simile on his face watching Kyle bust his butt against double and triple teams. I am disappointed and pissed with this guy who has let his teammates and ownership down big this season.
  10. TT is just not throwing QB, he is a gimmick QB. He still has no 300 yard games in 23 starts, just hope we draft a QB in first or second round because this guy is about to turn 28 and is still average at best.
  11. Taylor is not a franchise QB, if the ball is placed well to Goodwin then it is for big yards or a TD. The guy is just not a gamer, fans want to believe because we have not had a decent QB for years but the good ones win you games in the 4th quarter. Something he cannot do, the gameplan every game tells the story. We had 2 drives in the second quarter with 1s & 5 and end up with no first down. Please draft another QB in first round because this guy does not have it. So please stop making excuses, until he wins games in the 4th he is just another guy playing QB until we find a real franchise QB.
  12. I agree , he has failed his teammates and the fans of Buffalo, not to mention ownership who gave him a ton of money.
  13. I would take him for a second or third, Taylor is not the answer.
  14. Why is post still alive? come guys there has to be better things to discuss. This guy is a team cancer waiting to happen, so lets move on.
  15. No and it is not even close The only thing they have in common is last name, please drop this stupid talk
  16. The point here is not if Sammy is talented, there were many other WR'S available. I am not blaming him for Sammy's health issues but this team was not set at QB and he goes all in for WR in a drafted that was loaded with WR talent. Now this year our first round pick was damaged goods before even being drafted.
  17. This guy is a joke for GM and his moves or lack of them are franchise killers, drafting a player with a #1 pick (Shaq) that was damaged goods before the draft. Drafting EJ and then throwing away picks to get Sammy in a draft that was loaded with WR talent. Hey Sammy may be a great player someday but we could have really used those picks and still got ourselves a very good WR. The depth at WR even before Sammy was injured was just not good enough . Was it not Whaley who said EJ had the "it" factor? The guy needs to shown the door and bring in someone with experience who clearly understands that you need a QB to win in this league. Is anyone happy with the contract he handed Taylor after just one decent season? but hey Rex said we won the offseason with all of Whaley's great moves.
  18. He was fired in Denver because he sucked, not interested thank-you
  19. Right i only wish we had him as our problem, maybe they will accept EJ in a even one for one trade. Perhaps they could throw in a couple of first round picks for EJ, at least Steve Tasker thinks so.
  20. Very little credit here, how about saying you lost to a good team that played better then you. The Bills were better prepared and made more big plays, calling it one of the most embrassing moments in their coach's career is a joke.
  21. Please no Chad Kelly, he is not that good and will set the franchise back again.
  22. No he is not, the guy is about 6'1 maybe and the only thing they have in common is last name.
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