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Niagara Dude

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Everything posted by Niagara Dude

  1. This has too be connected with the hiring on Rex's brother, should have been done after the season with our loser ST'S coach.
  2. No i think we will be worst then last season and i expect both Whaley (made a mess of our cap) and Rex to be fired after the season. This team has lost way more then they have added.
  3. Looks like the Dolphins are getting stronger while Bills if anything appear to be weaker. Who is going to play the defensive end position left behind by Mario Williams? Whaley has made a mess of our salary cap, way too much dough for average type players. I am just not seeing how our defense gets better with some major subtractions and nothing coming back our way. Where are the play makers on this team with all the money we have spent?
  4. On the wrong side of thirty, could care less if he returns. Not interested in seeing the Bills hand over a 33 old guard big money when guard is one the easiest position on the line to find a replacement. Alex Boone is younger and would be a much better investment.
  5. They have some true stars that make plays, we have a bunch of guys that just make big dough. This defense will never be more then average to good with the current talent they have. Our staring LB'S are one of worst in the NFL,
  6. Good there are better younger options, would not pay more then 4-5 mill for 3 years with 8 mill guaranteed.
  7. This is one of worst free agent signings for sure, there are bout 15 guys they could cut right after the game
  8. NE passes the ball more then running, they throw a ton of quick short passes that allow the WR to get YAC. This would & can work here in Buffalo, running the ball is old school football and just makes you an average team.
  9. Brown should keep his mouth shut, was rated the worst inside starting LB in the NFL. How many tackles can one guy miss
  10. To start the season fans wanted pretend that this defense was playing well, we had limited sacks/ turnovers and everyone used the " Well the QB is getting rid of the ball quick". You could see almost every QB we faced had time to throw and scan the field for second & third options, we just did not produce any games (other then in Miami) where our defense had explosive game changing plays. How can you go from leading the lead in sacks to the production we saw this season? This failure is all on the defense (this is what everyone wanted to talk about), our offense was not great but they did put up enough points to win more games. Everytime we needed a stop or big play our defense could not deliver.Thurmond (Rex is not going anywhere) should be fired and hire someone that will best use what we have here. Perhaps Petite who will soon lose his job can return and get this defense to a more competitive level, was disgusting watching us play whimpy/scared football. (always rushing 4 & sometimes 3 guys).
  11. Graded out as the worst starting inside LB, the guy cannot make plays
  12. This was another bad move by Whaley, yes Mc Coy does not have elite breakway speed. There were plays this season that he could not break and take it to the house. Not a very good trade at all
  13. Of coarse Rex will put everything into beating the Jets, i hope the Jets crush his head
  14. Can we just fire everyone right now, this team is not prepared to play this game today. Not even close
  15. Yea lets throw Richie some huge contract at 32 years old
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