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Yo no se

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Everything posted by Yo no se

  1. I'm only 29. So the super bowl years only amount to a few hazy memories for me. 99 was the first year I can remember really paying attention, knowing the players, and knowing what I was watching. We all know there haven't been a ton of great moments since then. But the one that stands out for me is the season opener in 2003. 31-0. I had never been to a game, and a few weeks before I won season tickets from Fox 29. (Watching the Simpsons). I was so pumped up, yelling and screaming like I never had before. The game seemingly got better with every snap as the score for more out of hand. I loved it. I remember everything from Lawyer Milloy exiting the tunnel and pumping his fist, to "the keg" running down the sideline for a TD. By far my best memory.
  2. I think that's part of it. But what does he have around him? A 33 Frank Gore, a blocking TE, and three 170 lb. WR's. I like Kelly, their rookie center. But the rest of that line is pretty awful imo. Not to mention their defense is weak, and I'm not a fan of the coach. I heard a Stat this week that he's only had a 100 yard rusher in 1% of his starts. Lowest in the league by far. Not many quarterbacks would look great.
  3. The problem isn't changing coaches. The problem is hiring people like Dick Jauron and Rex Ryan over and over again. Hire the right people in the first place.
  4. I don't even mind using a timeout on third and long. IF you actually try to get a first down. But to use a timeout, then throw a two yard pass is what gets me.
  5. Still alive after week 1. Better than my typical survivor pool.
  6. Nice rendition of the anthem on a trumpet before the New York Dallas game.
  7. Is it really that hard to get lined up and snap the ball?
  8. So much for the CM Punk experiment. He got mauled. Badly.
  9. I thought it was Jacksonville. They had a hard on for a WR if I remember correctly.
  10. The picture of Terry Sawchuck is unreal. The Coney Island picture is crazy too. What possible enjoyment could you get from a beach THAT crowded?
  11. Big potential, big arm, has the opportunity here to sit and learn.
  12. Swing pass to the left for McCoy. Gains 8 yards. 17 first downs.
  13. Why did the click stop? After the Williams run.
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