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Yo no se

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Everything posted by Yo no se

  1. Lol. I was close to switching my pick to Arizona. But I ended up sticking with Miami because of Cleveland starting a rookie.
  2. You still have to pay him, the interim taking over is a joke, and they'll still end up in a bowl game. I would let the guy who got you a national title finish the season.
  3. It was down. But only for a few minutes for me. Maybe the system wasn't used to so much positivity after a win.
  4. Wow. Thought he would be gone after the season. But now?
  5. I took Miami in the survivor pool. Thought they could at least win this one.
  6. Even if they end up winning. F@#* Miami for letting Cleveland get this to overtime with a rookie at QB.
  7. Is that the third dropped int of the day? Have to make those plays.
  8. Peterson with the crazy int. Ends up working for us though. Bad feels position for them
  9. But there was also a ten yard penalty on the cards. Even if they win the challenge. We would have a first down in almost the same place.
  10. Play action end around that takes too long to develop. Incomplete pass to Mccoy.
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