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The BLUES Brothers

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Everything posted by The BLUES Brothers

  1. This is a great example why I love this website - this evolved to not just be Buffalo Bills related but still NFL related and the connection to Bill's fans and their family's hometowns make it personal and interesting. Thanks for sharing those beautiful pics and good luck to this Vikings rookie (as long as he is not playing our Buffalo Team) for a long healthy career.
  2. I want to win every game but this one will feel extra special if we do... Belichick will come up with something defensively - extra pressure at Tyrod and then at times do the opposite where he floods the lanes and makes INTs more likely...but this is where Greg-Roman-Empire will play chess and utilize Charles Clay and Shady catching passes out in the flat counter punch Belichick and we score points to make it a game the Patriot fans want to forget. I am a Bills Fan and I support this message.
  3. Astute observations and great insight on the synergy and play by play that we will never hear from local news...Loved it! The bit about the irony of the girl wearing a Spiller jersey struggling with her snow cone, made me laugh out loud! Great Work and Thank You, Mr. Astrobot!
  4. I am Happy that a WNY Company is getting promoted and believe that RCW will live as a Legendary Owner in our hearts forever. What I was fascinated about - sort of off topic from above - is that the when I hit the link about Cousineau - is that he was the #1 pic in draft - as Wikipedia helped me see why we had #1 is because we got that pick from San Francisco for trading OJ Simpson. It brought Jim Kelly to us in a way you can't make up. Now New Era is helping us bring in The New Era! Go Bills!!!
  5. Yes to Big C's List including a Good Call on Seymour. WR Boykin's one handed TD grab helped the cheering where we were watching in WNY
  6. I give Gailey Props for his strategizing and the D can be tough - but not sure if they will make it to the playoffs without Fitzpatrick being stellar which is hard for a whole season. A Buddy of mine is a big Jets fan...and he says to me : "This year the Jets are going to The Super Bowl!" and I replied - "Really? - well if they buy their tickets early enough - maybe they can all sit next to each other."
  7. I was going to add as possibilities: Favorite place to sit in stadium, or what is your favorite Bills game memory but just read and really liked Boater's suggestion -
  8. What a Great Question! Reggie Ragland was the first name that popped into my mind - could flourish in his role! I don't think Lawson can have enough productivity to make top 100 in partial season but could be wrong and would love to be. Then I though of the veterans and Clay and QB Mr. Tyrod Taylor. I really want Taylor to be our franchise QB for a long time -he brings excitement to the role with his dual threat skillset. Last year ~ I went to the LeSean McCoy Charity softball game in Rochester and they had an auction for Bills autographed stuff and I bought his autographed shirt from the event and it was while he was not considered the Starter. If he stays healthy - he probably has the best potential to crack it - imo.
  9. Rob: "My belly is so big that I can hardly see my pecker when I take a leak" Rex: "Maybe you should diet." Rob: "Good idea - what color?" ha ha ha Just a joke - really want these Guys to be Winners for our Team
  10. They had a Guest on from ProFootballFocus.com that said they offer Fans an opportunity to watch and report on Games for them - and I have been enamored with the wealth of knowledge that the members have shown here. Thought I'd pass it along in case you get to use your football prowess for your benefit. The Guest said that he gave us an A- for our very good Draft selections - Go Bills!
  11. I would like to think that Whaley is so crafty that he already has a plan to sign Tyrod for extension but making it look like he wants or even needs a QB so GMs will trade Large with us so they can Draft a QB - or even trade above us and push better players down to us. It is probably just the voices in my Buffalo Bills crazed head of mine - but its ok- they know me there.
  12. I had the very same panic this evening and while on hold to get a live person at Time Warner to get NFL Network re-activated early ...I saw ESPN had it too...Thank God TWC has a long phone wait. ;-) Looking forward to reading your Draft comments, Astrobot as well as select other in-tune and inspiring Bills Brothers.
  13. Joining the Ranks to say your Critiques were a Great Read, Sir! Always enjoyed the recap and Bills Game Review from a True Bills Fan! Respect all the reasons to Pass it on Thank You and hope/know you'll make some great family memories this season! To Greater Success! Go Bills!
  14. I was traveling when the word cam through and recall listening to the WGR Radio (through their APP) constantly following his Passing. Hearing people, Fans, Reporters call in including Bill Polian and so many others speak of the fond memories of this Courageous, Very Smart, and Humble Man made me appreciate him even more. Thank You "RCW"!
  15. I was texted with the sad news by a Bills Brother who let me know - made me remember how exciting he helped make us ~ Thoughts and Prayers to his Family and very nice sentiments from here to them
  16. I know what you mean - even in last week's Pats* win over the Giants - when Giants DB dropped the late 4th Quarter Interception - I thought - this is going to allow the bad guys to pull off a win and they did... Seems like some of those kind of Plays were happening to us Thursday when the Jets were catching up - but was so pumped that we turned it around - Stopping them on the 4th Down in the Red Zone was one of those plays! McCoy's Runs and Rambos's Pick! We Stepped Up Bigger! I am not sure what is going to happen - but in talking to some Bills Brothers at dinner last night - if we can't get to hit Brady - we should flood the middle and have D Line get our hands up ~ it can be enough to disrupt the timing of the quick throw. Refs can't screw with us for Pass Interference once we tip a pass.
  17. This is what I was going through too!!! We ( Wife, son, daughter & I aka "the one with the wallet" are at the game and we are Loving Life!! Lost my Voice in first half. Yet even in the 3rd quarter I was queasy thinking of that awful Dallas MNF game - and how Luck can do big comebacks... but still smiling Big on Tuesday Morning that our Coaches & Players did not allow that to happen. One thing that was reassuring was we managed & performed the plays to burn the clock - We have smart Coaches and that'll help the players to follow. I don't know what it will take to shake the PTBS for me but big step for me Sunday. Go Bills!!!
  18. In a bit of a movie-like twist... I re-reading through all of your awesome posts prior to departure - and my son comes up over my shoulder and sees what I am reading... I let him know I was going to speak from the heart when saying Goodbye/See you soon - but I wanted to do a great job and see if there were some words of wisdom that later I really wish I knew of to say. I tell him I am amazed at the Greatly Appreciated replies from all of you! Not to steal my own thunder of incorporating the great advice for the Campus Goodbye ( and him seeing the very funny Buffalo Cartoon much earlier than I planned - but I asked if he would like to see what advice was shared and he agrees and gets infused with more great advice of what a Freshman needs to hear... So when saying your post was heard - it really was. As an 18 year old young man - he needed to hear a lot of these to keep his eyes open and on the right path while having some fun along the way. We had a chance to expand on much of them on the ride and truly believe he was infused with the wise insight and seeds that were planted to make him even better along the way! He certainly had heard some of them from me before but I know when someone other than "Dad" says it - he actually may listen better or better yet - help make the point and grow stronger roots. So Cool that his Freshman weekend was when we rolled the Steelers. Thank You for helping these Two Buffalo Bills Fans - (my son and I) it means a lot to me.
  19. I am humbled ....the more I read - the more I am glad I had the courage to start this - as hoped and pretty much expected - Great cordial, compassionate and funny replies to make my day! YOU are The Best Fans (and People)! Thanks for sharing! Go Bills!!!
  20. Niagara University, a smaller school about 90 minutes from Rochester - Not too Close Not to far. He has his Bills Blanket packed that he will display on his Bed Proudly! His roommate is going to be from Syracuse and surprisingly is a Philadelphia Eagles Fan - so it starts the other learning part of college - learning to get along with others ha ha. Thanks Again for all of your Valued Input & Go Bills!
  21. I read the forums Every day here at Stadium Wall and rarely post but again - so very glad I asked! I have literally taken notes to blend just about All of these nuggets of Gold into the wise nurturing guidance I want to use to help him succeed while having some fun making these College memories. I also even took a picture of the Buffalo & Bison cartoon for a little timely humor (like when my wife will get emotional during The Goodbye). Words may not express my Attitude of Gratitude - Continued & Genuine Thanks to you All from the bottom of my Heart.
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