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Everything posted by JC2002

  1. Stop Charles and Davis ,dont turn it over and dont give up the big play.We have to get the lead early Force Smith to use others
  2. Ultimately it depends on how far we go as to how much his salary we would be willing to offer him above what he is making now . However I believe that him staying will have to be a top to bottom decision as I a franchise has never really backed him as the guy. That is what we are fighting against imo Will the new owners ,coach,and GM be willing to say Orton is our guy for the next 3-4 years ? and what other teams out there depending on how well he plays and we do will be willing to do the same ?
  3. You read so desperate now its not even funny ? What does Grossman or tebow have to do with anything ? Your argument is based on 5 + years ago ? the offense was good enough to win 3 of the 4 times which is all it has to be . Good enough to win the game its playing on that particular. They had 9 three and outs and scored 43 points which means obviously they should've broken the single game scoring record . From day one you keep moving around these imaginary goal posts of yours looking for something to complain about . the fact that you said B4 this weekend ? What exactly does that even mean ? How does a person want to talk football seriously when they want to omit facts simply so they can complain. All we can judge Orton is by the last 4 weeks but as i said a few weeks looking at rankings and making absolute judgments is silly because in todays NFL there are 5-6 guys locked at the top and then the next 15 guys will move up and down that list over the course of the season . The entire offense is basically starting from scratch .You don't undo what EJ did to the offense and team in a week or two . The offense will be working and improving each week and I don't see anyone saying that is what they expect .
  4. playoffs= extension with moderate dollars playoffs win =extension with large dollars no playoffs = possible short extension of current deal
  5. Sorry should've posted link with that http://www.syracuse.com/buffalo-bills/index.ssf/2014/10/doug_marrone_says_you_can_go_out_in_buffalo_and_meet_kyle_orton_mornal.html
  6. One thing that occured to me after reading that was if Williams was showing up in the morning and making an extra effort to jell with Orton . As a vet you would think he would drop everything and move in with Orton to get those targets . and then I read this . I think Williams was expecting snaps based off rep and the other receivers at this point have simply been out working out and outproducing him and now his agent is looking for someone to blame but the truth is his client was dogging it for months and the qb change exposed him .
  7. The offense has improved dramatically.The amount of points the offense has scored is not sole criteria for saying the offense is improving . This offense especially the passing portion of it is basically starting from scratch since Orton took over and is making tremendous strides . We are maybe 20 points outside of the top ten which is a blowout a victory away which is what many of the team ahead of us have had so far in this season . We need to get continue to improve but the offense under EJ was getting worse week to week while under Orton we've already seen a different guy step up each week and when I read things like this This tells me that we have someone on the field that can actually move the offense forward . I wont say whether EJ can ever get to that point but I wont say he wont either but right now EJ simply is unable to provide it with what it needs to win games and continue to grow .
  8. and if Sammie didnt drop the pass at the 2 yard line on the first drive we win 7-0
  9. We have seen noticeable improvement you are just in denial . What does posting the Qbs with losing records have to do with anything ? Its scary that you don't even realize how how crazy that sounds .
  10. I agree I think the bye is coming at a great time for us to iron out some kinks and to actually get some real practice time in . The last 3 games we are 20th in points scored (21. ppg) 17th in redzone off. (55%) 17th in 3rd down off. (36%) so we have improved over the last few weeks but after the bye we want to get into the top 12 . The run game has declined every week thats why they started going away from it and thats mainly has been because the line has struggled .With the line struggling you simply cannot afford to have a bunch of 3rd and longs as they cant provide protection consistently. So we have to pass to try to keep us in manageable situations and the are still struggling.
  11. Found this on youtube the other day Orton is not a instinctual runner and he doesn't want to run ala Brady or Manning but he can slide in the pocket and move around but you have to think hes really just finding out who he can trust on that line .
  12. This type of stuff is just embarrassing . It aint about yardage lol hes a upgrade across the board there simply is such a huge HUGE gap in ability that its just silly to keep trying to compare them
  13. My point was not about excuses it was about the reality of the situation that some of you are having a hard time adjusting too. You can play would've could've should've so yes while we could say the same thing about EJ and the early drops my point was that you cant play that game because it goes on forever with that many moving pieces . the assumption if A doesn't happen then B is guaranteed to happen in football is wrong . We made the switch because we didnt have NFL caliber QB play to start the season and the entire league knew it . he is a bigger upgrade nobody in the league believes that its not except for maybe a handful of people on this board who simply refuse to acknowledge it . This is below is your clear proof of a upgrade and it has been since day one but again you guys are so intent on nitpicking individual stats that you cant see the other areas in which he has been huge upgrade .
  14. Why is it that people always inserts words like "fantastic" or "great" into people who defend ortons comments ? because without those obvious exaggerations your claims would be frivolous
  15. Again people who keep playing the if only game are simply wrong its football and thats not the way it works Sammy dropped a 1st down pass at the 2 yard line and then we fumbled on 3rd down the very next play . If only sammy doesn't drop that pass we would've scored and would have had a early lead and CJ and Fred wouldn't have been hurt because wouldn't have call the same plays with us being ahead Do you see why you cant assume one thing would have led to another , Turnovers are bad especially in football but then again NOTHING has really worked out the way we thought when Orton took over and now the offense is basically 100% reliant on Orton throwing for nearly 300 yard every game which is not something you would expect of someone7 weeks off the street
  16. But that hasnt been ortons career I dont know why you are even tossing that out there . He has never been a big turnover or sack guy the fact is that that is more a result of the two things a poor Oline and the fact that the running game has failed so we have to lean on the pas more which just puts more pressure on the Oline . Orton was on the Bears and was traded for Cutler He was never the guy in Denver and he asked for a release late in the season(he was gonna be a free agent anyway) after several qbs went down around the league he played well for the Chiefs in a even crazier situation(playoff race) that we have seen the past few weeks but they had big money already on the table in cassell he signed with the Cowboys as the highest paid backup in the league and even the cowboys acknowledged that he could start around the league thats why they paid him as much as they did We signed him for how much ? How much did Fitz sign with the texans for ?
  17. Orton played simply okay today but he did for the 3rd game straight raise his level of play in the 4th which is always good to see . But lets get one thing straight to most of the NFL the Bills did not have a passing game until 3 games ago so anyone talking about the how the QB play has not improved is just living in some alternate reality. What EJ was doing 4 games ago as fine for college but nobody in the nfl regards that as NFL caliber QB play . That's no knock on EJ but thats just the facts . I expect a ton of improvement from Orton post bye as well as some line changes . Right now they are not having real practice but instead are installing game plan every week. During the bye time they will be able to actually practice and work on situational football that has nothing to do with an opponent.I cant imagine how hard it must be to go from a run heavy scheme to a pass heavy scheme in the middle of a season with a QB and coaches who are unfamiliar with each other and the system. Orton wasn't on a passing club or one which catered to his offensive abilities . You are comparing qbs drafted in two different ERA'S
  18. There was nothing miraculous about those wins .I dont know how anyone can follow the NFL the past couple of years and think a one score lead is safe in a passing league. the ability to close out games is paramount in this league GB,Cards,Cowboys have all been on the ropes in the 4th but they found ways to pull out wins even though they may not have played there best . I dont get why fans put these unrealistic conditions of winning on their own teams but nobody elses .
  19. well last week he was targeted 10 times and caught 7 and people complained Sammy didn't get he ball enough and when samy gets the ball this week and now Woods is being underutilized ans its because Orton isn't targeting them . You said neither guy was being thrown to but Woods has been thrown to Hogan has been thrown to Chandler has been thrown to its only one ball
  20. So do you guys want the ball thrown to Sammy or not ? Woods was targeted 5 times today for and caught 4 of them . last game he was targeted 10 and caught 7
  21. Tebow took over for Orton because Tebow was a 1st rd qb drafted by the previous regime and Orton was a free agent to be . They were trying to go for RG3 or Luck and fell into Peyton Manning yeah but as someone else pointed out . That Orton is out there moving people around as much as he is considering hes only been here 6 weeks tells me that some of these guys don't have a full grasp of the playbook so adding in plays that they are not comfortable with could cause even bigger problems.
  22. yeah but at the end of the day the player has go to step up and make plays especially a wideout in todays game and even more so one on a team with several other good receivers. mike has spent quite a few years on a bad team in which there was no competition for snaps and now he is on one in which there simply are no free snaps .
  23. You have no point you say absurd stuff and then quickly switch topics when confronted with stats disproving your claims Its simply embarrassing
  24. just embarrassing that you are just clinging to whatever meaningless stat that you can . Fitz in 2 full seasons threw 24 tds and 23 tds but also threw 23 picks and 16 picks Orton has never started 16 games due to injuries mostly so his best numbers are actually in 15 games but he did in Denver throw 20 tds and 9 picks in 13 games somehow those 3-4 extra tds are what you are gonna cling to back up your argument ? You completely ignore the fact that Fitz has yet to finish a season with a .500 or better record as a starter but yet of course you would take someone who has yet to play a meaningful game in his entire NFL career So no Fitz and Orton are not the same game because one has played quite a few games that mean something in November and December and the other one has not its that simple
  25. if you are gonna live in fantasy land he could very well be 2-0 if not for someone telling the defense how to get off the field ? the patriots only only won because no one told their defense how to contain the QB in the 4th quarter !! The nonsense you are talking could be applied to every team in the league but no one bothers because most rational fans knows that in football games the team that tends to make the fewest mistakes usually wins . Please tell us how hes looked INEPT the majority of the past two games You do know what that word means right INEPT -lacking skill or aptitude, esp. for a particular task The past few people have said some of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard from football fans on these boards . Just straight up embarrassing themselves.
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