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Everything posted by JC2002

  1. passing to setup the run has nothing to do with getting into a shootout . Its about using the short passing game to move the chains and keep us in favorable position . On 1st and ten a completion for 4 yards is better than a negative or no gain run play . At 5 weeks teams are looking our tendencies and they know that the first play is for Spiller . I wouldve came out in spread to start ran some trips sent sammie down the sideline on the first place and then ran some out of the trips simply because BB will study what your tendencies and they will be ready for it which they were .
  2. We have to start passing to run instead of running to pass
  3. I dont know if I would say anyone let the team down today . We just had too many mistakes but I honestly feel like we will be better 6 weeks from now than we were today. One thing that stands out to me though is that whatever they are scripting to start the game with offensively is not working . Next week I would love to see the coaches come out and simply open it up and try some new stuff and then adjust to whatever the defense is giving them moving forward
  4. The league cant cover up anything. Do people understand how the justice system works in case of domestic violence ? All Angelo can really claim is he dismissed or ignored incidents that reached him but half the time one of the parties does not press any charges or refuses to press any charges .
  5. and as I pointed out with the link that it was organizational thing and it had nothing to do with Orton as a player .being good enough. They didnt care they had just drafted and paid for a 1st rd qb the year before so when healthy it was his job Being able to start at qb in the NFL and be successful is about opportunity,circumstance, and luck .
  6. But in reality he didnt suck the bears organizational outlook on offense sucked . They wanted hester to be a #1 and just look at how much seasons of offensive rebuilding they went through to get a passing attack AFTER they traded for what they perceived to be a franchise QB. EJ was playing in system that catered offensively to the things that he does well while Orton was never in that position . He was basically told this is how we will win games and it was not about developing him as player . Do you really believe the last year hasn't been about developing EJ as a player ? Im still waiting on the folks who say they won in spite of him to answer they can argue that considering the bears had one playoff appearance in the 15 years prior to Orton rookie year and that was 4 years earlier under an entirely different coaching staff . Things came together for the first time in years for the bears with Orton at QB and then they had a decision to make between Orton and Grossman and they chose Grossman and then a couple of years later Orton beats him out and then they trade Orton for another Grossman in jay Cutler . My point is that in todays NFL its always in a state of flux especially for the losing teams and to get out of that rut sometimes you have to consider psyche of a organization because you cant always be rebuilding and waiting on one guy to development . THIS season is shaping up to look an awfully lot like we have a legit shot to beat anyone because of our defense and run game with some solid qb play and so you have to go for that chance after 15 years . You cant 3-4 years for it to click with EJ with him in the starting lineup especially when you are not seeing the sharp improvement in play week to week .
  7. The key to this game is winning 1st down on both sides of the ball . For the defense 2nd and 3rd and long lowers Bradys success rate a ton he will eat you alive if he is at 3rd down and <4 all night On offense 2nd or 3rd and <5 keeps the entire playbook open and doesnt allow BB to get too creative , So we've got to run the ball well
  8. Yeah that was true 10 years ago but the league is changing and if you try and take the one guy is the franchise going forward I don't think it will work nearly as well the next 20 years as it has the previous 20. Its easy to dismiss BB but you can't dismiss the continuity as being a huge help as well because its allowed them to make changes in philosophy over the years that most other teams only are able to do after bringing in a whole new staff
  9. Thats because Orton was mad that he was not allowed to compete for the job when Orton was allowed to compete in 2008 he beat Grossman out for the job easily but because of the friction Orton caused the GM wanted him gone and thats why they got Cutler even though the coaches and the players loved orton http://www.buffalobi...=tw_buf_article Brian Urlacher says the bears would have won a SB had they kept Orton under center and Ruben Brown says that the bears basically missed out on Orton because they really never tried to develop Orton or have the patience to allow him to do given what he was already capable of as a rookie . People want to say hes like Deberg or some of the older Qbs they remember as stable game managers but honestly you cant compare him to them simply because the league has changed so much since the past 10 years .
  10. Good stuff its exactly how I feel. Orton is not Andrew Luck but he can be good on talented team and we have a talented team .Hes one of the rare available qbs that has had success as a game manager and in a shotgun passing attack. I said the other day that the thing about Orton is that he has never been someones guy and I think we benefit from all the drama oton has been through and the changes the league has undergone since orton came into it in 2004 . I think people forget that in college Orton was a BIGTIME shotgun QB . At Purdue he as breaking and pushing up on all of Brees records but in 2004 the league was not that into shotgun passers and if you wanted to play you had to learn how to play under center to see the field . The 'spread offense' had to change to play in the NFL but its now such a big part of today's NFL that they don't have to and teams now even take more chances on guys who are runners more than passers form the gun with the spread option . Thats the reason why Mcdaniels in Denver wanted Orton over jason campbell because he knew Orton despite playing in a single back under center limited shotgun system with the bears he could adapt to the patriots shotgun passing attack that Mcdaniels wanted to use in Denver . What you see around the league now are things that Orton has always been good at but were not heavily valued 10 years ago . Hes not going to turn into Rodgers or Rivers overnight but to dismiss what he could bring to the table as some are doing without even looking into the circumstances is whats wrong with todays sports . When we play the broncos in a couple of months it will be interesting to say the least
  11. It was a hot read and he was not supposed to run his full route because of the blitz . Instead of making the cut he should have immediately turned around . If he did the ball wouldn't have been behind him but right in his chest . It was never about catching the pass in stride . Its the sight adjustment and read that both the QB and the wideout have to make in that situation in which its an obvious passing down . These are the types of things that fall into the category of "Orton is telling us what he wants from us in the huddle " types of things from last week. These are the types of things that orton can help the offense and the rook with because hes seen these sorts of situations enough to point it out on tape and on the field
  12. It wont be Orton that beats the Pats it will be the Bills that beat the Pats and it will mean that we are moving in the right direction and gives us a chance to build momentum and a nice streak before heading unto the bye week.
  13. I could post dozens of clips of qbs having passes batted down . Do you believe that EJ got benched because he threw pick 6 because plenty of qbs have thrown pick sixes . Romo and Brees always have one two instances a year it seems where someone takes a short pass of theirs to the house . EJ got benched because he wasnt making throws BEFORE the pick 6 and didnt make throws after the pick 6 . Its that simple and not that hard to figure out and the pick 6 by EJ is a tiny blimp on the radar of Ejs accuracy issues . In the clip you analyzed Orton was 30-46 for 358 2 tds and 2 picks after having not started a game in 2 seasons playing against a defense set to defend the pass most of the time because he had no run game support . In some of those instances you can clearly see the miscommunication from having not practiced that loing with the starters . I can clearly see him in one instance instead of forcing the ball into coverage throwing it low where no one can get it but not risking a pick . I see him overthrow Dez but I also see Dez get bumped off his route as well . You say he threw it behind but I see him attempting several back shoulder throws and the timing simply isn't there yet after one or two practices . Orton is not some passing master and he will have his ups and downs i dont see how anyone could watch football this season and not understand that . But EJ was bad and bad for an extended period of time in a football 8-10 quarters of bad football is a extremely long time in football and he was simply bad . I dont get why people just cant admit that and I am seeing far too many instances of people taking an instance of someone else being bad and comparing it to multiple quarters of the bad football EJ was playing and it makes no sense. There are not many instances of non superstars playing qb that survive weeks of bad play ,
  14. well to be honest in dallas he started one game and we saw what he could do . he had marshall back when marshall was an admitted knucklehead and set records with marshall and then they got rid of marshall . The issue is that Ortons never been the guy and never had the backing of a organization and team where the say you are our guy for the next 3-4 years . Grossman was the high paid first rd pick in Chicago and Orton was behind him The Broncos traded for Orton because the coach didnt get along with Cutler and he felt Orton was good enough until they could draft a QB With the Chiefs it was cassells teams but Crennel actually gave Orton credit for helpong win that job http://m.espn.go.com/general/blogs/blogpost?blogname=afcwest&id=40350&tag=andrew-luck&wjb= In Dallas he signed on to be the HIGHEST paid backup in the league and dallas felt orton could start for teams when they signed as a reason why they paid him so well This is why I say that a lot of times starting at QB football is all about opportunity,circumstance, and luck . and now hes in another meatgrinder with a 1st rd pick behind and the coaching staff under tremendous pressure and new owners to boot . If Orton helps us get to a playoff and wins a game do we give him the team for 3 years and see where it takes us ? Only time will tell
  15. Just about every football game is decided by an inch and guys who are willing to die to win that inch on any given sunday
  16. Im saying after like 15 years only a nut would worry about something like that . The goal is to get there and play the games and you evaluate your team and its players when you get there not on what you perceive from some crystal ball to be the great play of opponents before you even play the game . Orton wont be taking on those qbs that will be our DEFENSE and Ill put our defense up against any of those qbs . Orton will be matched up against the defenses of those qbs teams and the only one that really is lethal is Seattle at home If we get to see Rodgers,Kaep,Brees or Wilson it will be neutral site and it will mean we are in the SB . We win our division and like our chances against anyone in our conference with Orton and not because hes the greatest but because if we win our division and get a home field game we will have proven that we are one of the better teams in the league and have a shot regardless of who the other team has at QB The Bears drafted him of course they didnt over look his abilities the Broncos traded for him of course they didn't over look his abilities The Chiefs picked up off waivers of course the didn't overlook his abilities The Cowboys signed orton to a nice deal of course they didn't over look his abilities We signed him to a nice deal as well so I don't think we are overlooking his abilities the fact is that being a starting qb in the NFL is as much about luck as well as opportunity and circumstances .
  17. Its not a qb driven league anymore its passing league buts its not a qb driven one . There is not one qb out there winning games by himself anymore and no teams is winning simply because they have the better qb . ten years ago yes but the league has gotten way more sophisticated now and you dont need a top 5 qb you just need a top half qb as long as you have depth and talent at other positions
  18. at 31 years old Orton could be but he has to earn that chance and the next 3 months will be his opportunity to do so but it most certainly is not written in stone . Orton was benched for tebow in week 5 and stayed with the broncos another 5 weeks or so he was cut in week 12 and started the final 3 games for the Chiefs going 2-1 and beating the broncos and tebow in Denver. The Chiefs lost with Orton came when Orton drove the team down and setup a potential game winning fg which the Chiefs kicker missed and the game went OT and they lost to the raiders . That loss cost them a playoff spot
  19. Oh please EJ did not get benched because he missed a few reads he got benched because his footwork was horrible ,he wasn't even calling out the right protections pre snaps and rarely was making the right decision on the hot routes because it . Ej in the huddle had no influence he was a passenger while Orton was driving the huddle .All qb's miss throws even Manning but if you cant make the basic omnes how can you help him grow as a NFL receiver ? EJ has hurt the offenses development bigtime and at this point Orton has to basically shake off the rust from his own game but break the offense especially the wideouts of some of the bad habits picked up by playing with EJ. On that last throw which was a great catch by Sammie but wasn't a errant pass. Orton threw it precisely where he wanted to in that situation the wideout has to read the defense himself and then settle into the soft spot of the defense . This sort of stuff wasnt being done last year ,in the offseason ,in training camp ,in preseason ,and the first 4 weeks of the season . Physically EJ can do it he can make those throws Orton was making when there is ZERO pressure to do so but mentally it aint even close and its not rookie vs veteran its about simply knowing how to play QB period . The ability to see the field and anticipate are paramount in the NFL at the QB position and EJ just cant right now and thats why there is no comparison . Orton had some rust but he saw what he saw and his decisions was based off that while Ej a bunch of times didn't see it and when he did couldn't decipher it quick enough to make a decision as fast as you have to at QB in the NFL.
  20. because of course qbs win games with no help this thread is hilarious because Orton is not better than Eli but the Orton rules some of you have created are just flat out hilarious
  21. This thread is funny because you can tell who watched the game with a notepad taking notes on everything they want to try to use claim they were right about Orton . Oh how that win must've stung
  22. Why dont you post a list of your top ten receivers and Ill post a highlight rel of each from just this year and see how many fingertip and highlight catches they are making for other Qbs ? receivers are supposed to make those catches and Qbs are supposed to bring out the confidence in them to make em. Ej was a passenger in the huddle while Orton is leading the huddle . I dont get why people cant see that distinction
  23. You leave out context on the road against the top defense that was a great offensive performance . We won time of possession on the road against a team that 2 weeks ago shut down the packers and held Rodgers to a 160 yards and a td . Winning shouldn't be about looking perfect every time its about making the plays that need to be made to win the game .
  24. the defense kept us in the game which considering the circumstances is what you want and the offense made the plays that needed to be made . We dont win without all the contributions we got today
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