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Felonious Monk

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Everything posted by Felonious Monk

  1. Awesome throw and catch. What a welcome sight, given how pathetic the D is today.
  2. For as good as OBJ is, I feel the same about him as I do about Matt Harvey. I don't like/want divas on my favorite sports teams.
  3. Playing the overrated Dolphins at home after the bye -- I really thought this was going to be a breakout game for the defense. Lots of time left, but it doesn't change the fact that they look soft, beatable and borderline apathetic.
  4. Memo to Bills, Dolphins: Neither of you is good enough to execute trick plays. Try mastering the fundamentals first. Thank you.
  5. Back in 1997-2000, I was part of the Bills Backers of Orange County. Huge group -- 250 strong. They still around?
  6. We need Geno to start. Blitz IK on every play. I'd pay good money to see that.
  7. On the bright side, they didn't have to change their slogan much. Suck for Luck! (Suck with Luck!)
  8. It's a valid argument, and I have thought about it. At the end of the day, is it the guy who finds the winning pieces or the guy who makes them appear to be good? The reason I give Brady more of the credit is that despite all of his wheeling and dealing, Belichick's drafts usually are pretty average. He's really good at identifying other teams' castoffs, but they're still castoffs with low ceilings. Brady is the one who has to make it work with them. I would love to see them split up at some point, provided Brady plays one season, and it's for an NFC team not located in Dallas.
  9. I wasn't aware there was proof of him cheating this year.
  10. BB, I'm sure one day I'll fully agree with one of your posts. Different train, but at least we're on the same track this time. I posted something positive about Brady last week that I thought for sure was going to elicit venom. It didn't happen. So I'll try it again to see if that was a fluke: I HATE Brady. But for as much as I hate him, I respect someone who can put a major scandal behind him and prove the doubters wrong. He's so good that he doesn't need to cheat. With a 7-0 start he has earned the right to scream it into a megaphone while brandishing two middle fingers high in the air at midfield. But he doesn't do that. He's smug. And that ticks people off way more. He knows it, and he's loving every minute of this season. Brady was the joke this past offseason. He bode his time and effortlessly turned the tables on his critics (AKA pretty much anyone who is not a Pats fan). Who saw that coming? I sure didn't. The Pats are nothing special on the surface. But Brady has the ability to temporarily transform practice-squad-type players into all stars -- then back to scrubs when they leave for another team. He has done this for most of his career (scandal, no scandal, Gronk, no Gronk). I have never witnessed anyone else play at this level as well -- for this long -- in any sport -- with nearly zero supporting cast -- while winning championships. Disgusted as I am to write this, there's "elite" and there's "Brady." And I think the history books will share this sentiment, sans the asterisk. My saving grace is that by then, I probably won't be around to read 'em. It's bad enough that I have to witness it.
  11. Last night at dinner, my wife smiled and asked me, "How does it feel to root for a championship team?" I thought she was being facetious. So I shot back, "Yeah, they suck. My favorite football team SUCKS. Is that what you want to hear?" Puzzled, she squinted and said, "But -- I thought you've been a diehard Mets fan for 35 years. Haven't you?" HOLY SH*T!!! We've only watched every inning of every Mets game for the past two months. We've partied after each playoff win. I grew up a few blocks away from Shea. I've been a Mets fan since the early '80s, when Mookie Wilson and Jesse Orosco were rookies. Yet my first thought went to the Bills. After a much-deserved apology, I tried to explain my reaction. It's really, really simple. Thanks to the Bills, I've forgotten what it's like to root for a winner. During every one of the Mets/Cubs games, I was sure they'd blow the lead and lose. 1986 seems like forever ago. Granted, I was barely a teenager back then, but in my eyes, my team couldn't lose. Now, in my eyes, my team can't win. For as much as I love the Bills, I really, really hate them.
  12. Glad I'm not the only one. Was starting to feel very lonely.
  13. Kiko: Games missed in NFL career due to injuries: 21 of 39 Shady: Games missed in NFL career due to injuries: 8 of 103 Sure, Shady gets banged up. And he suffered a catastrophic leg injury in high school. That was nine years ago. Kiko has suffered three of those in the past five years. I think Shady has another three years in him. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't see that being the case for Kiko. You bet I make that trade, despite the fact that the wife and I have matching Kiko jerseys.
  14. He's a Bill and I'll continue to root for him as long as that's the case. But on Sunday, the word "bust" came to mind far more frequently than usual. Edit: It's Monday and this hasn't changed.
  15. I think Denver, Seattle or Cincy would have been better examples. Heck, that argument can be made about any other NFL team (except MAYBE Green Bay). Without Brady, sure, the Pats are mortal. Keep Brady in and replace ALL of those other guys with scrub practice squad players (which is what most of them would be on any other team) and they'll find a way to compete and win. They prove this year after year, yet most choose to deny it despite the overwhelming evidence. I'm gonna go puke now. Doesn't change the truth. Cue "cheater" comments in 3... 2... 1...
  16. Unfortunately, I think this on every positive play these days. So to answer your question, yes.
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