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Felonious Monk

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Everything posted by Felonious Monk

  1. Not as bad as I thought. I was expecting a 15 minutes/15% Geico plug.
  2. Anyone else watching the Raiders/Chargers game? ​If I'm LA, I say, "Thanks, but... LOL."
  3. Does that mean we get to see EJ and Crossman square off against Brock Lesnar in Hell in a Cell tonight? If so, I'm sold.
  4. I forgot the play, but during the broadcast someone on ST committed a bonehead penalty (shocker, I know) and one of the announcers said, "Danny Crossman is going to have a chat with that young man." Problem is... No, he won't. That's why they suck so badly, genius. It's astounding to me how this guy gets paid every Friday without wearing a ski mask and brandishing an AR at the bank. Never thought another ST coach would suck hard enough to make me long for Ronnie Jones.
  5. Yes and no. Politicians can be corrupt and masters at back room deals -- but still be complete morons. Off the top of my head I can rattle off a couple dozen from each party, but I'll save that for another day in PPP.
  6. GB is the only other NFL team I root for. Lots of similarities to Buffalo -- errrr... non-football related.
  7. This. It's incredible how some people choose to see only what they want to see.
  8. I was thinking the same thing. But, I have to say -- after watching the Phish Sunday, Miami should sign her. She's got more fight in her than anyone I saw on the other side.
  9. Apologies if posted in another thread. http://sports.cbslocal.com/2015/10/01/nfl-month-without-arrest-first-since-2009/ Apparently, it has been six years since a month has gone by without an NFL player being arrested. Congrats, I guess.
  10. Oh, there's always something to talk about. If Woods scores a TD there and the Bills fail on the 2-point conversion, whose head would Bills fans want? Carpenter's.
  11. It's been discussed, but I think it warrants its own thread because it's the first thing I thought about while watching last night's game. I do feel differently, and it sucks. I think we'll all get a better feel for this team on Sunday. I suggest making a poll out of this.
  12. While I agree that our win was more convinving, we did it at home and the Jets did it on the road. That should be factored in, IMO.
  13. Didn't watch that game, but... three of those exact same passes? In one game?
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