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Felonious Monk

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Everything posted by Felonious Monk

  1. Playing prevent WAY too early. Edit: This team should never, ever play prevent.
  2. You've got Shady and Karlos healthy and playing great ball. QB draw? Coach is trying to get too cute.
  3. That's right! I was abroad for the holidays and missed it. Thanks.
  4. Fair enough. When he went down, he sort of froze -- slow mo. Hope he's okay (after 11:30).
  5. Anyone recall off hand the last time the Bills won a night game? Not trying to troll, I really can't remember.
  6. Can't see him not being cut if he misses that. Man that was close.
  7. Not sure, but the lead zebra looks a bit like Clay Aiken. Does that count for something?
  8. I think Karlos is, too. Very excited about our future at the position.
  9. Been watching too much Nascar. That's big in Nebraska.
  10. Nice INT, but for Christ's sake tuck away the rock. He was begging for it to be stripped.
  11. Christmas in November! Wow these uniforms (both sides) are just hideous.
  12. I see what you're saying, and I felt the same way. Until 2007. The wild-card Giants won three straight road games (Tampa Bay, Dallas, Green Bay) -- and we all know what happened in the Super Bowl against the Pats. The wild card model makes it almost impossible for that type of team to win the Super Bowl. But if a team like the Giants can beat Green Bay on the road to get to the Super Bowl -- then topple an undefeated powerhouse to win the Super Bowl -- I don't see anything cheap about it. I have a much bigger problem with 7-9 Seattle (2009) making the playoffs strictly because it's the best of the worst in its division.
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