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Cleveland Rocks?

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Everything posted by Cleveland Rocks?

  1. Watkins is the #1 WR on the Bills, right? I think only a couple of those others guys are in that role. Makes a bit of a difference in who is covering them as well. I dont think they is much doubt as to who is the best WR out of that group. Gordon should make a difference in how defenses need to game plan, even with some rust. If we can get Cameron back too that should help, but right now that is a week to week mystery.
  2. Doubt that. The stats are one thing, but watching those other rookies play there is a visible (even to me, an average fan) difference in the ability to gain separation, run routes, acceleration, and make clutch, off-target catches.
  3. Funny, we get these same articles in the Cleveland paper with the opposite viewpoint, that the FO didn't have any urgrency to win now by passing on Watkins and it will cost them the chance to make the playoffs because they decided collecting future picks was a better idea than adding elite talent to a roster that has a chance to win this year. He is the one guy who could have made a difference in the four losses. When you don't have a deep threat and can't run the ball, you can't do much.
  4. The Browns will get what they deserve. The scheduling gods made sure of it. In consecutive weeks, they will face the two elite WRs who they passed on in the draft as they try to make the playoffs for the first time in ten years. Would they have an infinitely better chance to do that with EITHER of these players on their team instead of having to defend them? Yes. Gordon or no Gordon, because they wouldn't have 4 losses and be in last place in the div. if they had EITHER of these players while Gordon was out.
  5. Yep and frankly, the timing was weird. The guy has to come out and try to win a game for you tomorrow.
  6. Wow, this game is a tough one to call! Who will they have covering Sammy.... that's my question.
  7. Buster Skrine or (gulp) Justin Gilbert vs. Mohammed Sanu ... holy crap I'm going to need a lot of liquid courage to watch this game.
  8. Funny, but I already knew what Geno was going to do. I am thanking Vegas for miraculously ignoring that.
  9. Michael Thomas (Keyshawn Johnson's nephew) #3 for OSU is a WR to watch. But they spread the ball around so much, you never know who is going to make the big plays. They have TWO good TEs as well.
  10. Haha - I'm a Browns fan. They lose the games I think they will win and win some games I think they will lose. It has been that way my whole life, and I never bet on them either! I win. Happy! It is my opinion
  11. Haha, not quite. I made a boatload on the SB last year and use it to bet from time to time, its set aside for that. I also won $500 last time I bet on the Bills ATS in Chicago.
  12. I just saw a stat that Marshall's last 2 games against New England = 135+ yards each time. Cutler can pick apart any defense if he has time. I think he will, this week. Take the "Over!"
  13. Just saw Shonn Green, Tennessee RB, was arrested on multiple charges.Regardless, I think Houston is going to rock this kid. Clowney's 1st game back - watch out!
  14. Don't bet that often, but couldn't pass this one up. It is a fact -- Bills keep finding ways to win, even on the road. Jets keep finding ways to lose, even at home. It is my opinion -- Bills Offense is underrated Jets defense is overrated If this game is close, only one team has shown the ability to come out on top this season.
  15. Bills 30, Jets 17 They don't have anyone who can cover your receivers. Also, you have that tall TE that is going to pose some real matchup issues.
  16. Locker looked really good against the Browns until he got hurt. I think he is injury prone but will find a home somewhere as a backup.
  17. He has the Marshall and Jeffrey Show this week though... Belichik can't be amused by the lack of focus. He should be putting in more time, not less.
  18. This is probably funnier for non-Jets fans. Losing 6 games in a row and being out of the playoffs in October kind of puts a damper on the comedy show. He doesn't seem to take a whole lot seriously, including his record. He is better as a coordinator.
  19. They don't have a Bye, just a couple extra days.
  20. Denard Robinson had 127 yards. DENARD.ROBINSON. They were up 6-0. In FG position on 4th down. Instead of taking the points on the road, they do this schoolyard play where they tried to catch the Jags in a defensive substitution. It failed. No points, Jags get ball and score TD. The Browns never scored after that. The HC needs to have their team ready to play each week. This team has been ready to play ONCE all year. The other games have been L's or they need a miraculous comeback in the 2nd half.
  21. You weren't 5 seconds away from being blown out by a winless team with the worst defense in the league. But thanks. Raiders next at home. Hope they don't look past this team as well. Because you know, this team was good enough for people to be checking off wins. Gotta love Browns fans.
  22. Geno sucks and they don't have a single DB who can cover Watkins.
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