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Bills Fan of St Augustine

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Everything posted by Bills Fan of St Augustine

  1. Take your time - we are all merely pawns in the game of life...
  2. I'm good with this. We get a top 4 QB in this draft and keep our other #1!
  3. I'm good with this. We get a top 4 QB in this draft and keep our other #1!
  4. We just can't be jumped...Especially by the Pats...Go get him now!
  5. Yep, pull the trigger at the right moment. Poker patience! Trade up to 2 to get a guy we can trade up to 6 to get instead? Yeah, real stupid!
  6. Someone convinced me we need to get your QB first and then build a line to protect him. (you know who you are) Our QB of the future is drafted, McK gets killed for a year, we draft in the top 5 next year. OL comes together in another year through draft and FA. WR is added. D is solidified. Bills win SB in 3-4 years. I wake up?
  7. 1 or 2 work for me. 3 is not going to make me very happy....
  8. That's not what I said or meant Joe. I said any of them could, not all of them would.I think one will, but I have no idea which one it might be. After Rosen, I'm fine with any of them including Allen or Jackson.
  9. Damn nice post , no flame required - I am all in on Rosen and could be convinced on Darnold. Any of the rest could be there at 12. I guess the question is whether we are willing to gamble they will be or not.
  10. I agree MoJo. I like trading up for Rosen, but the rest I'm more lukewarm over. Would Lamar be bad at 12? This seems like our floor by waiting and not giving up draft capital. I lean toward wait an see, but hard to argue against trading up for their guy.They just need to get this right as we won't get another chance for quite a while.
  11. Relax and wait for the draft to unfold. Worst case we pick a QB later and still have a boat load of picks. This regime won't panic and give up the farm for a potential QB. None of these guys are sure things though I like their chances. I'd be happy with any of the top 5 at 12.
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