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Everything posted by jeffismagic

  1. This column is like Bills fans predicting the demise of the next QB we start or draft. Easy to do as failure is expected. But they will be wrong eventually.
  2. This column is already being circulated by Rex in the Bills locker room. Guaranteed.
  3. If we make the playoffs, Percy will be used on teams. This early in the season I am fine with keeping him healthy.
  4. He's a beast at QB. We can't sit back like we did first game last year against the Pats. Thank God Rex is here. Should be a good game.
  5. The Colts were in max protect which left few weapons available for Luck to throw to. Our D line was fine.
  6. My favorite Tyrod anecdote is from the the recent Tyler Dunne piece. His trainer on TT.. So Taylor didn’t crank up the volume. Every exercise, every step had a purpose.“Put it this way,” Bartholomew said, “if most guys in the NFL were soldiers, this guy’s Special Ops.” http://bills.buffalonews.com/2015/09/13/take-charge-guy-taylor-grabs-the-reins-for-bills/
  7. Colts gameplanned to stop Taylor but sold out to stop the run and dares him to throw. Them Taylor torched them. Feels good.
  8. Need to give Tyrod a clean pocket. Too many free rushers.
  9. Cassel would have been sacked on that last 3rd down play.
  10. So far we are not winning the line of scrimmage on either side of the ball.
  11. This website was created by a Pats fan when Deflategate broke. Everyone does it is this defense and this crappy website. We should create our own and use SEO to outrank this.
  12. Giants won 2 recent Super bowls with strength at Dline. Baltimore recently had Ngata & Suggs. Patriots early Super bowls Seymour was their best player and added Wilfork.
  13. How many times did the Bills get crushed last year? New England and San Diego? I don't remember people saying that we lost close games when we were 6-10 or 7-9. The record is the record. I'm with Parcells on that.
  14. This is fair. Their offense was terrible last year. I think it will be improved but let's see what happens. The Greg Roman factor is only cared about by Bills fans. Most analysis ignores the fact that the Bills had college coaching on the offense last year. Rather be the underdog anyway.
  15. 3 years in and Tannehill has not led his team to a winning record.
  16. You don't know how to read posts, work on your reading comprehension before you call another poster a moron. My point was that Ernie Adams came from a culture of cheating. Relax, you're going to strain your heart and the games haven't started yet.
  17. Have you been asleep for the last decade? There has been a white collar crime wave where banks are rigging trillion dollar markets, laundering drug money, and since you brought it up, allowing allowing money to go to terrorists. "In a year-long investigation, the Subcommittee found that HSBC violated several rules, exposing the U.S. financial system to “a wide array of money laundering, drug trafficking, and terrorist financing.” According to the report, HSBC’s Mexican affiliate channeled $7 billion into the U.S. between 2007 and 2008 which possibly included “proceeds from illegal drug sales in the United States.” http://www.forbes.com/sites/afontevecchia/2012/07/16/hsbc-helped-terrorists-iran-mexican-drug-cartels-launder-money-senate-report-says/ But regardless, this is a football forum and the point of my post that you ignored was that Ernie Adams came from this culture of cheating and is now doing that for the Patriots. That culture is now the Patriots culture and explains why they cheat. It's natural and accepted and they assume that if they get caught they will just get a wrist slap.
  18. Heard the David Lee interview on the John Murphy show today. Some points: Tyrod was quizzed by Lee on a difficult installation and Tyrod knew every new formation. Lee joked that Tyrod had a photographic memory. Regardless, that's important as we have a large playbook. EJ- Lee mentioned that EJ has improved in accuracy since start Lee has been there. Said EJ would miss throwing to the left and middle of the field (throwing behind receivers) and that this has been corrected by working on correcting EJ's footwork. Cassel- Sounds like Lee loves him some Cassel and calls him the glue who helps the other QB's improve.
  19. I'd love to see how good Belichick was at coaching without secret agent Adams talking to him all game on his headset.
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