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Everything posted by Yeezus

  1. We should have beat the Jets on TNF and the Bengals and thats the difference here. Idc what you say Tyrod was not good enough this year.
  2. this was a piss poor trade A young WR who is finally healthy for a middle of the pack CB who is prob the most injury prone player on the team. EJ Gaines should not be given a new contract
  3. Terry should worry about finding a franchise QB and a competent OC
  4. offense as a whole was piss poor starts with the playcalling and scheme. we really should have hired Sean McVay
  5. STOP BRINGING IN !@#$ING VET QBS Id rather go 4-12 with a rookie QB that can learn and dvelop than go 8-8 again with a journeyman QB
  6. Thanks for the memories Tyrod but he should be done in Buffalo. Doesn't matter if we win or lose next week we aren't getting in. Chargers will spank the Raiders and that will be that
  7. no one !@#$ing cares anymore just lose, get a better draft spot and find your !@#$ing franchise QB i'm so sick of watching journeyman QB's on this team for !@#$s sake
  8. Mcdermott has no clue what it takes to run a successful offense in the NFL. It is why he hired Rick Dennsion, a guy who also has never had a good offense of his own. This guy ruined our run game and took a top 10 scoring offense with the same exact personnel and butchered it The Bills have REPEATEDLY hired conservative DC's with no sense on how to develop a QB or run an offense and our fans wonder why we haven't made the playoffs in almost 20 years. Does anyone really believe this coaching staff can actually develop a rookie QB?? Imagine a rookie QB with Dennison's god awful playcalling. It's 2018, the only thing that matters in the NFL is having a franchise QB and a top 10 offense. If you don't have either than don't even bother thinking about playoffs
  9. watch us go 9-7 and miss the playoffs bc Tenn couldn't beat Jimmy G and the 49ers
  10. we are relying on 4 of the worst teams in the AFC to help our playoff chances classic Bills
  11. if Luck was on any other team he would be a top 3 QB right now A team that can actually build an oline so hes not getting demolished every game. That poor guy took so many hard hits.
  12. !@#$ing Ravens have such an easy ending to the season. why is it we are the only team in playoff contention that has to play 3 division games in the last 4 weeks
  13. Look at our OC's for the past 20 years this franchise keeps hiring defensive minded conservative coaches and wondering why they haven't made the playoffs or found a good QB. Well no one on this staff knows how to develop a QB let alone run a successful offense Ditch the 1980s offense and you will see 300 yard games
  14. Mcdermott got embarrassed by Bill and Brady last time. so yea..
  15. this guy is a god awful radio announcer and has no knowledge of this team he just says nice things about everyone. and wtf do you expect when youve been the worst pro sports franchise in America for the last 20 years?? give us something to be happy about and we wil. How many other fans show up to the blizzard game vs the colts??
  16. Ravens aren't losing anymore and the Chargers most likely aren't either. Philip Rivers is on a hot streak and the Oakland secondary is complete shambles
  17. exactly so either we go 10-6 or hope Tenn wins today and loses the next two bc if Tenn wins today there is no way in hell they beat the Rams in LA
  18. they aren't losing vs the Jets or raiders Rivers is one of the best QB's of all time in December
  19. Mcdermott has shown he doesn't make very smart in game decisions nothing new here.
  20. if the titans lose today then they must win 1 of the next two otherwise we are tied with SD and they get the spot
  21. God the Rams are so good McVay would have been an amazing hire. such a smart coach
  22. we do but if the titans go 0-3 and us and the Chargers get to 9-7 were out we need a 3 way tie to get in
  23. ridiculous? 95% of this sub was calling for Mcdermott to be fired after punting on 4th and 1. I only bring up good arguements about the state of the team right now and all I get are replies like this just talking about how I'm a bad poster and how I should be more "positive". no one offers actual counter-arguments. its a joke
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