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Everything posted by Yeezus

  1. they have plenty of heart but they really don't have that much talent, and combined with the fact that we have a pretty average coaching staff it makes for a bad combo. I mean look how many times has Mcdermott's poor game decisions been bailed out by individual players. Tre white twice (bucs and cheifs) Shady last game
  2. a team that has a dominant Dline and can successfully run the ball literally the worst matchup for us
  3. he punted on 4th and 1 from midfield with 4mins left in OT he was playing for the tie. its not about the result its about the mindset of our coach.
  4. maybe us fans who are tired of being a bottom tier NFL team for the last 20 years...?
  5. why were so many delusional bills fans saying we would easily sweep the phins they are 1 game behind us and statistically better than us in almost every category.
  6. let us remind everyone that our coach publicly stated he was playing for a tie on sunday. A TIE.
  7. The Bills literally have the worst coaching staff in the AFC east Gase is going to embarrass this team next week. cue the "he needs 3 years" excuses from every bills fan
  8. Yup. Mcd and his staff will get outcoached again next week and Miami will more than likely blow us out like the Saints and Chargers did with the ground game
  9. lmao he isn't coming here. bills fans are delusional
  10. ummmmmm he literally hired everyone. from both teams...
  11. McVay is a rookie coach and has the Rams who were just as bad as the bills the last few seasons on their way to a division title. Doug Marrone took the hopeless jags and turned them into a legit team. Why do we always give our coaches excuses ?
  12. Thats what happens when you have a good boy coach who only signs good boy players
  13. Embarrassing today. Might be the last straw for me from his comments on the Gronk hit. Basically said Gronk is a great player and it was a honest mistake from him. Pathetic from the HC of this team, what the hell is that about? He shows zero emotion on the field other than standing there and clapping his life away. There is zero leadership on this team and that comes straight from the coach. His conservative demeanor not only cost us points today but it isn't something that will success here in the future. All this talk about how these players love playing for each other but then they collapse at the end of every game, and don't stand together. Rex might have been a poor coach but at least he never gave the fans BS. He spoke the truth and never threw his players under the bus. And if someone came after one of his players like that today he would have something to say about it.
  14. look how easy it is for them to get 10 yards out of the 1 yardline
  15. could have scored there and it would have been a 2 poss game.
  16. why would you go after Gilmore vs a rookie WR coaching staff is clueless sometimes
  17. literally just shotgun run with Mccoy and its a TD. Dennison go away plz
  18. Peterman just needs to slow it down, he gets rid of the ball too quickly
  19. that was the best pass of the day for the bills
  20. Mcdermott is too conservative to ever have success here we should have hired a coach like Sean McVay. young, offensive minded, can work with young QB's, fits players to a scheme that suits them.
  21. time in the pocket, wide open WR, and he makes a bad throw. come on
  22. Worst thing this team did was trade sammy watkins He was great with Tyrod. he was finally healthy and our dumbass GM trades him and the rest of our talented players.
  23. Mcdermott has gotten blown out more in the last 4 weeks than Rex ever did. just saying
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