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Everything posted by Yeezus

  1. why don't you offer something other than coming after users as arguments? you don't offer a single good argument. maybe you should be banned
  2. wish we lost last week so we can just be done with this god awful season
  3. The Jags and Rams will break their playoff drought this year meanwhile the Bills still are a steaming pile of ****. But Mcdermott needs 3 years right? !@#$ing joke of a franchise. Pegula has done nothing to improve this team
  4. nope they will let Mccoy go and draft a RB with one of the top picks classic Bills. its how we have been the joke of the NFL for the past 20 years
  5. Mcdermott might be worse than Rex At least Rex tried and looked like he gave a ****
  6. Mcdermott just shut up you are a !@#$ing awful coach
  7. Right track? what have the bills done this season thats different from the past 20 years. they look like the same !@#$ing team. Mcdermott is no different than the past failed coaches. He is painfully conservative, he has no idea how to adjust to the game and he constantly gets out coached.
  8. worst part about this season is we didn't even !@#$ing tank and we will be stuck with a ****ty draft position.
  9. need 7 points to keep playoff hopes alive QB loses 19 yards on a sack. typical bills football.
  10. Can't wait until Mcdermott gets fired in 3 years and we start the whole process over again!!!! Go bills!!
  11. Does mcdermott do anything but !@#$ing clap you see other coaches game planning on the sidelines and taking notes down. this guy has no idea how to coach
  12. just go all out on offense now. we have nothing to lose.
  13. Game was over when it was 3rd and 10 and we settled for a field goal with 3 mins left in the half in pats territory. this coaching staff was embarrassed today.
  14. there should be a separate thread for that. why would you do play by play in a gameday thread with ppl watching delayed streams
  15. here comes the TD drive that ends the game. thanks for playing for field goals mcdermott.
  16. can you stop doing play by play. no one wants to hear it. we are all watching it or watching a stream.
  17. why isn't Gronk being played man to man. you can't play zone with him he will find the soft spot 9/10 times
  18. he was left wide open? he's good but anyone on this board could have caught that
  19. how the !@#$ do you leave Gronk open. just mindblowing how clueless this coaching staff is
  20. opening drive possession might have changed the entire game. get 7 there and we take control. instead now we are playing from behind and we are prob the worst team in the league at that
  21. we need to put up points on almost every drive we get to win this or even have a chance. No more 3 and outs. I don't understand why the offense is playing so conservative. just go for it ffs.
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