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Everything posted by Yeezus

  1. plz stop man. you sound like you have no idea what a real NFL QB looks like Allen is going to get eaten alive by NFL defenses if he runs around like that. and you still have no argument against my original point, that he can't sit in the pocket scan the field and make throws. also, since you want to bring up throwing outside of the pocket on the run, HE ISN'T EVEN THE BEST AT IT IN THE DRAFT look up the numbers, Mayfield and Jackson are both far superior than Allen throwing on the run. So the one thing skillset he has, he can't even top his own QB class at. please don't quote me next time with such lack of knowledge of the own QB you are defending. this makes sense lets draft the 1 QB who isn't ready to start year 1 and pass up on the multiple guys who prob can carry the load of being starter year 1. typical Bills logic. Bills fans once again have been bamboozled into believing everything OBD is feeding them.
  2. thank you so much for showing this everyone should watch this video. Bc 95% of those throws are him going out the pocket when things break and just hooving it downfield. You can't do that in the NFL. NFL QB's need to be able to sit in the pocket, dissect the defense, make multiple reads and find the open target. Josh Allen IS NOT good at this. Just like Tyrod wasn't. Can't believe after all the QB's we have had here people still want a guy like Allen, let some other team draft him and set their franchise back years. not ours
  3. In what way does throwing 90 yards in the air translate to being able to hit every throw? He doesn't just have accuracy issues, he is insanely inaccurate. Like the fact that a QB with his stats is even being considered a 1st rounder ahead of guys like Mayfield and Jackson is embarrassing for the NFL. no one gives a rats ass if he can throw long, go look at his deep ball accuracy, he was playing against some of the worst competition out of any top QB coming out and he still can't put up good numbers. what do you think will happen when he comes to the NFL?
  4. he is in no shape or form a similar athlete to Cam. Just b/c he has a simlair size, are you !@#$ing kidding me? the LB's and Dlinemen in the NFL will eat Allen for breakfast, Cam actually has agility and shiftyness, Allen has none of that NO ONE CARES ABOUT SIZE ITS IRRELEVANT. Stop comparing him to Big ben. Josh Allen is one of the most inaccurate QB's to come out of the draft in the last 10 years. He is literally EJ Manuel clone with a slightly stronger arm.
  5. if we draft Josh Allen this franchise will be set back another 6-7 years. absolute joke if it happens. the guy is more inaccurate than EJ Manuel for gods sake.
  6. no lmaoo it was after the combine. he was trash at the senior bowl
  7. yup. did you see him at the senior bowl? He looked like the event was too big for him. but he can throw bombs in shorts, thats what we should look at. this board has become delusional.
  8. Can't think of many others that are projected this high in the draft with the skillset he has. he is literally being hyped solely based on his physical attributes. Height, weight, big hands. All factors that are virtually irrelevant when it comes to QB's translating into the NFL. Yet GM's are putting this guy infront of actual talents like Mayfield, Rosen, and Jackson, guys who have shown they have far more talent than Allen, but lack the physical size. It's a joke. Josh Allen has the skill set of a 5th round QB, the fact that he is being compared to Wentz is hysterical. He is one of the most inaccurate QB's in the ENTIRE DRAFT. I can't even imagine wasting all of our hard work to take a guy who is a glorified JP Loseman. Lets throw away real skills like reading defenses, accuracy, footwork, QB vision. Allen is not good at any of these things, but he has 10 inch hands so let's put the franchise on his back. Every year there is always 1 team who gets suckered into these type of QB's, drafts them far too high, and wonders why they are looking for another QB in 2-3 years bc the guy they drafted has thrown more picks than TD's and still can't read an NFL defense. Please don't let the Bills become this team.
  9. imagine believing ESPN rumors they don't know ****. close thread. it's all speculation.
  10. He hasn't been linked at all the 3 QB's that have been linked to us are Rosen, Mayfield, and Jackson. Beane wants Rosen, these pre draft trades are all to get Rosen. There is 1 guy they want and they are doing everything they can to get him. Josh Allen shouldn't even be selected in the 1st round, he is a bust waiting to happen.
  11. what in the actual !@#$ have you seen that makes you think they will get rid of Luck?
  12. Rosen has to be our guy. he is the smartest QB in the draft, the most accurate, and the best at reading defenses. those are the most important attributes you can get from a rookie QB. I'll honestly be disappointed if we draft anyone else except for Rosen.
  13. some of our players are honestly !@#$ing delusional thinking Tyrod is a quality NFL QB this city hasn't seen a good QB in so long its forgotten what one looks like
  14. hahahahaha i swear no one on this !@#$ing board has even seen Kirk Cousins play. he is the definition of a QB that chokes in big games. Look at his history of MNF games & must win games. Dude lost at home to the Giants in a win and get in game.
  15. lmao what a load of horse **** Also if the Bills ignore the QB position again and draft 2 defensive players in the 1st round they deserve to not make the playoffs we gave up 10 points in the wild card game, the defense is really not the pressing issue right now.
  16. yes we know Taylor is a bottom 3 starting QB , so what
  17. no. Players like Brady/Manning don't have the patience to become a coach. They see the game lightyears ahead of everyone else, which is why they would make bad coaches. plus HOF players have no desire to coach, they don't need the money and have already given everything they have to the game.
  18. No Gilmore is garbage. but we let Darby go for peanuts and that was a bad trade.
  19. he played very good down the stretch this year, he put up 40+ points in a divisional playoff game away from home, and now almost to the SB. he is far from a scrub. Tyrod Taylor, EJ Manuel, Fitzpatrick...those are scrub QB's.
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