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Everything posted by bbb

  1. They are the laziest two people going. I'm pretty sure one of both of them check out at 6, and they just do the reruns of earlier interviews and play a tape of them signing off...............They get so much time off. One or the other constantly "has the day off today."...............And, they can't even put in a 4th hour of work.
  2. It's so true. Every time there is a Jussie situation, they say but there is this rising wave of hate crimes. And, the next one happens and it's another hoax - and they say it again.
  3. Yeah, as Gugny said, it GOT a lot of airplay, but I'll hear a number of Police tunes these days, but I can't tell you the last time I've heard Synchronicity II............It rocks way harder than any other Police song.
  4. Wait - if acts got a lot of money by coming to WNY, because there is a paucity of entertainment options, wouldn't they all come - so they can make a lot of money!
  5. Synchronicity II is the best Police song ever, by far
  6. Funny that I thought of this exact question earlier this week.
  7. How can he come back to the Pats? He's got to have finals coming up at CMU?!?
  8. Thanks! Somebody who actually can answer my question!
  9. It didn't seem too bad to me. I was listening while doing work around the house, so I didn't hear every word. He was without Bulldog and for whatever reason, he seems to be nicer to people when Bulldog is not there and he's on his own. God, will you stop about the Sabres not getting enough coverage. You must be very young. A decade ago, all that station did, before it got the Bills games back, was talk about how great the Sabres were and how horrible the Bills were..................They are talked about all the time after the Bills season, and a lot during the Bills season............They don't talk about anything else BUT the Bills and Sabres............The #1 sports story right now is Tua. Did they talk about him much, or at all, today? They NEVER talk about college basketball, even though we have four D1 teams in the area, and one was ranked all last year.
  10. Twitter thought we were in a recession.
  11. I actually park in my garage, too. And, don't understand why so many people don't - for just what you're saying................I was thinking of this as a Christmas present for those idiots!
  12. It seems like it would be a great idea if it worked https://frostguard.us/
  13. This totally confused me at first, and now just pisses me off. Somebody is in the middle of a sentence and all of a sudden an ad starts playing..............I'm OK with ads. But, just have them be at the the point where a commercial break was taken (I'm listening to the podcasts - I hope it's not happening like that in real time, too!)
  14. Unlike the Music City Miracle, which I did think was not a forward pass (unlike most Bills fans), this needed a camera angle straight down the line............I think it should have been ruled inconclusive.
  15. I'm surprised that I haven't seen it mentioned once this week. Hasn't he never really been the same since that cheap shot by that Jet?
  16. Exactly. And, with Bulldog as his yes man all the time, he's used to not being challenged. Can't handle it when he is.
  17. Sal made so many good points like the ones you mentioned, and Mike just kept blowing them off.........I mean just the idea of Feliciano obviously signaling hurry the F up - if the marching orders were to run down the clock, he wouldn't have done that. I do have to say it's better radio than having Bulldog just agree with everything Schopp says.
  18. I hadn't seen the actual clip until right before I posted it there (there is also recent footage of Cherry talking about poppies in Canadian war cemetery in Europe and I thought I heard him say he is involved in the whole poppy wearing thing) and didn't know how much MacLean was nodding - I saw his apology Sunday, though, which seems to contradict all the nodding (allowing it?)
  19. I multiquoted a bunch of things going down this thread, most of them from Bangarang, who doesn't get the difference between critical honest reporting and Sully. But, this is the whole answer - in one sentence.
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