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Everything posted by Tintonfallsbillsfan

  1. good think Chan's not here he wouldn't be ready to next year. " it's freds turn "
  2. Lot of talent for orton to play with . Hitting open receivers will be a big step up. E.j will have three games imo . if they lose the first 2 and nothing changes if the first half of Chargers game it will be orton time
  3. I don't know what kind of Broadcaster Sal will be with a full time gig but Mike Schoop is awful.
  4. Make it stop. btw does Mike Schoop watch football " bears are going to be great and Miami is going to be good "
  5. Ladies and gentleman your new Coach Jim Schwartz lets say after Jet loss to drop them 2-5 either way it is getting Micheal Ray richardson time "the ship be sinking" not really but not the start we had hoped for
  6. Hard to understand how he got worse. Seemed like he would be a solid 3 maybe a 2 . Showed guts.
  7. I don;t understand why you wouldn't want to work on something during games and what are they possibly going to run that a team will not be able to adjust to fairly quickly. Imo with Ej I would rather run the full offense as often as possible . We will see soon enough
  8. THere are about 10 plays that could have one the game for the Bills. The near Fumble in the endzone, Ingrams first down, ect the funny thing is the kick is the least likely to work. 47 yards on grass in pressure situation is not good odds.
  9. the jets are much like the Bills , Quaterback will determine if they win 6 or 10 games
  10. I think the headline should read Baker forced to treat everyone equally
  11. Bradford, Smith and Dalton all could make it to free agency for various reasons. The roster is such that these average qb's could probalby get you ten wins. E.J does have the skill set to be better then these qb's, lets hope he puts it together
  12. All the points are valid , for my money the Nfl would fear a steriods like circus , if Schumer holds day after day after hearing on concussions. When did they know, who knew, and dear lord how will it effect the children. The media will have a field day. Night after night one punch drunk ex player after another on T.v detail the horrors of their current situation.
  13. 8 is enough Urbik stays he is either a starter or top reserve at guard and center Williams starts, you can find metrics that put him as a good solid player to a disater. Should be fun to see, I bet he will be above average. Richardson is the wildcard one of the rest will be there until the last cut and will have to sweet it out Hairston and Henderson play will probably dictate weather they keep 8 or 9 olineman
  14. The giants and Jets fans are still having tailgating there asses off at Met life
  15. 6-10 or worse and they could be in trouble 9 wins or more and they should be safe For the record I like this group .
  16. I apologize in advance for being an occasional open mouth chewer
  17. Deviance ? What is deviant , and why do you get to be the Judge . ok, for one minute assume you are correct and it is a choice, I still don't know what your objection is .
  18. and why would it not be acceprtable, it's not a choice
  19. Fisher made the pick, he wasn't that high on their board but wanted to make a statement. I say good for him you say enlightened , I say human Eat their own puke. you might want to find out why you are having such a sevre response . I mean I wonder if Gay poeple feel like eating thier own puke when I kiss my wife. Nah I don't wonder becasue they don't nobody would , almost nobody
  20. The president can comment on anything he wants too. You can listen or ignore it is your call I bet many said that when Jackie Robinson made his mlb debut
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