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Everything posted by Tintonfallsbillsfan

  1. I am not sure how healthy Watkins was this year. He still is great player. The beckham thing does sting .
  2. Kyle knows his window is closing a loss like this has to kill him
  3. spikes and spiller will not command a lot of money you could probability have all six if you want. Mario can re do his contract and they have a ton of room
  4. I think he stays for at least one more year. Atlanta would be the place but I think they go high profile with a new expensive stadium opening soon.
  5. 9-7 I think they beat Green bay too, short week and road game for them
  6. Can't understand why Gilmore wouldn't take the opportunity to run over Manning. Not saying he should try to injure him but ring his bell a bit.
  7. Receivers were not getting open early . What else can he do but take what they give him
  8. E.j has one major flaw . Accuracy . Had it at Fsu has it now. If he was hitting open receivers he would still be the qb and still developing like any other young qb I don't know if that issue will ever be fixed
  9. no he killed dogs not beat. The original longest yard is a great film . First scene alone is worth the price of admission
  10. He is fine by me , can't deny that d became and has maintained an angrier edge to them .
  11. Not ready to right him off. New location, right coach and little maturity and he might pan out. He has skills How about you pair him with an Andy Reid or the guy in Arizona and see what happens
  12. What does Burt Reynolds have to do with these guys. For that matter putting Rice in with Mr Pudding pop and o.J is a little rough too Burt's the man leave him out of it. Figure out a way to put the dog killer in your backfield then your on to something Btw they are telling Ray Rice won't find a team when the Pittsburgh has a multiple rapist playing qb and New York has a Dog killing jack ass playing qb
  13. doesn't spiller have 2.9 million dollar player option for next season. I have no idea what hughes will cost 5 for 60 ? 5 for 40 ? I really don't know what is value is for another team with next year and two tag years they control darius for 3 years at about 36 million so figure any contract would start with 50 million in guaranteed money It is going to be a whopper but this is the guy you have to keep
  14. Jeez your a john lennon fan and you fall for such over the top sentimentality of Mitch
  15. This is not looking like a strong draft , let's see who cleveland takes and how everyone's career plays out before making knee jerk predictions
  16. while I can't agree with trying to injure anther player if they were going to dive at one players knees could me at least make it Tom Brady
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