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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. That’s more like it. If it were Boyst62 season, Cam Newton is the only bait you’d need to get him on your hook????
  2. “Them” don’t believe this serves any constructive purpose on a young team searching for an identity and leadership on the Offensive side of the ball.
  3. Don’t forget Brenton Bersin and Dameire Byrd? Point being, Cam raised the level of a bunch of mediocre to bad receivers to League leading offense status. Yes, he had a running game and D but he was the oil that made that whole engine run smoothly. I hope to Sweet Baby Jesus that JA gets to that level. This board will be one big Hippy Kumbaya Love- fest. His best target, by far??
  4. Quick quiz: No searches, off the top of your head. Name the receivers Cam “ sucky QB” Newton had in his 2015 League MVP SB season?
  5. I’m not saying he can’t produce for us. I am saying he isn’t number one material and for every “ wow “ moment you will have a “ WTF” moment. I also do not expect him to last the season. I would love for him to ball out but don’t expect it. I also don’t see the need for him to do his little Boo Hoo fest about his poor, hurt feelings while throwing his former All Pro QB under the bus. It is a bad look,
  6. I get it. If you haven’t watched him play a lot, you think The Bills might have something. Here’s what you haven’t seen: He doesn’t use his size on a consistent basis to his advantage. He drops too many easy catches. He isn’t great at high pointing the ball. He doesn’t separate well. Whatever elusive is, he’s the opposite of it. He takes hits he shouldn’t. Nasty hits. He LOOKS like Tarzan but PLAYS like Jane. He isn’t a number one receiver.
  7. Zero, Zilch, Nada..... that is his stat line for his second year . Two knee injuries in three years, another not so good trend. But, keep the names coming?
  8. Put him next to a Real QB who is decisive, has one of the strongest arms to come out in a while and prototypically looks the part and there is no comparison. And that’s both AJ and Peterman. Having been burned SOOOO many times by my inability to control my “ Billieving” , it would be nice for once to actually have a huge break in the Bills favor turn out. Please let the O Line be above serviceable and let Allen Showout in Preseason!!!!!!???
  9. As I get older ( 49 in September) I find that the novelty of most things in life has worn off. I have wondered many times over the last few years how I will feel if the Bills actually became a dominant team again. The feeling of the Kelly era was AWESOME . It was magical when Kelly came. I remember listening to his first preseason game as a 16 year old, on the pier at Olcott Salmon fishing with a bunch of strangers around me. EVERYONE had the game on. I’ve dropped seasons of the Sunday Ticket multiple times because I couldn’t stomach what was being presented during the “ Drought”. Ill get the Ticket this year but I won’t let it ruin my Sundays and if they really suck I’ll tune out till they start JA.
  10. It’s easy to look good when the ball is consistently put in the exact place it needs to be...... Can’t wait for Brady to retire!!!
  11. Finally got a chance to watch it. What a trip seeing Chris Burkett, Rob Riddick and Ronnie Harmon. I think I saw J. Mueller. Weird watching this team before the “ Bickering Bills” season. I was 18 that year. Makes me feel old?
  12. David Carr came to Carolina with the understanding he wasn’t going to play. Delhome went down and Carr was absolutely terrified to be in there. It was painful to watch. He is the only QB I’ve seen in close to 40 years that I truly believe was ruined by the beating he took. Shell shocked! If JA continues to look like he isn’t completely overwhelmed and our O Line looks serviceable by the end of Preseason I would prefer he start. Having said that, I’m prepared for the inevitable lumps he’s going to take and take it as part of the learning process. McD has to have the cajones to keep him in.
  13. My first playoff game. It was special as it came at the end of a special season and we won. Sky was the limit back in those day and you just knew it!!!
  14. I wanted them to get back to the SB every year. The year we played the Titans we would have gotten back if we hadn’t been screwed on that call. Not sure we would have beaten the Rams but I wanted it and was pissed at the time!!! Our Oline was shot for Washington and that was a ROUGH game to watch. I firmly believed we would beat the Cowboys in the first matchup and remember being stunned as that debacle unfolded. The thing about the Kelly led Bills is they would often have games where they just didn’t show up, screw off for 50+ minutes and then pull it out. I’m not saying they quit but at a certain point they were being toyed with and it was embarrassing ? The second game I went into with my eyes open and felt good to start but once the shoe started to drop in the third quarter.... oooofff.
  15. Amen!!! We are three days into camp. Our Rookie QB is showing a little more than many of us expected. Hope, Optimism .........?
  16. Let’s agree that it’s 2018 and Josh Allen is on his way to being better than both of them.
  17. KB has to get used to a QB who actually trusts him to go up and get it and doesn’t throw it 5 feet over his head if there is a defender within 5 yards. sounds like Allen is showing serious moxie today???
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