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Everything posted by dezertbill

  1. So what if he didn't force his way in? What if he was given a key or access by Shady? No invasion charge.
  2. This. Although keep in mind this is a unique situation where the player didn't lay hands on the woman. If he is within the law and his rights, does the NFL suspend?
  3. So here is my question for any legal aficionados out there. It's public knowledge that, when out of town, Shady has sent his people over to grab items from the home. Seeing this through cameras, she called police and this was stopped. No charges were filed against anyone, so I would have to assume that no laws were broken through their actions. Now, if the home is in Shady's name, and she is a "tenant", then they both share access. Also, if the home is in Shady's name, then he has authorization to allow someone access to the house with or without her knowledge (interpretation of Georgia law). Police reports say that the home was specifically targeted, and that the victim was asked for certain items. Based on this, there has to be some sense that this is an inside job. Yet, Shady hasn't been charged (or even hinted of being up for) any crimes. It's apparent from what is being filed in the courts, this woman feels entitled to this space and will not leave. She also feels entitled to personal possessions that Shady says are his, but she claims are hers and will not relinquish. So, here are my thoughts. Shady sends someone over to the home thinking she is in London (or perhaps she isn't home) looking to retrieve items in a home that is in his name. (Mind you, he may or may not have documentation via texts, VM, etc from her claiming she will destroy the items if he doesn't cooperate with her. It's a possibility.) She is there and confronts this individual. It's obvious through her fighting Shady in court, she isn't willing to relinquish these items easily. This individual then tells her he is going to take these items. She refuses to allow him to, and she initiates a physical confrontation with this person. This person is unwilling to sit idly by and allow her to physically attack him, so he responds with his own physical reaction. Obviously, with this person being stronger and larger than his girl, he causes more damage to her than she does to him. He then leaves, with or without the items. Now, due to the fact that this occurred in a home that Shady owns and there are legal proceedings currently in play, this isn't a slam dunk case for the police. There are a lot of pieces to try and fit together, specifically who has access to what, and who can allow people access to property that they own. My thoughts are, if there is an open court case regarding whether she has to relinquish belongings that Shady feels are his, then to send someone into the home and just "take" those items to me goes against court orders, and could possibly be deemed as theft...even though those items are in a home that Shady owns??? I sense that the police know a ton more than we do, and the semantics of this case make it difficult to just throw cuffs on someone. If this was her home, and someone broke in, then I truly believe that the police would be moving much faster. But because this home is owned by Shady, his rights are being weighed in on this. Also, could the police know who the assailant is, but are in a situation where A) He was authorized to enter the home by the home owner, so no law was broken there B). Is the possibility of her escalating the situation and causing first physical contact being taken into account???? Of course, the police are going to go off facts and not some social media post. If suspect was sent to the home to merely pick up belongings that Shady said were his, and he authorized him to be there, then I don't see that as a home invasion. I think as the days pass and more information comes out, we'll know just what the cops are thinking and whether or not this is an easier case to figure out than someone like myself who isn't a legal beagle.
  4. The facebook poster has her page public and it getting hammered by people catching on to her post questioning the integrity of Shady's ex. Expect her page to go private very soon.
  5. Right, which doesn't necessarily clear him as we learned from the Rae Carruth case. If he was behind this, he'll get the same punishment as if he was there.
  6. I agree. Also, the facebook post specifically states that Shady sent dudes to her house to do this to her.
  7. I think the question is more about whether Shady was behind this, not if he was actually on the scene and did the beating. If it's proven that he did send people over to do this, he would face the same fate as if he was the one there hitting her.
  8. I remember last year when McD made the statement that the time between final OTA and training camp is his "greatest worry".
  9. Also, Hernandez destroyed his cameras after the incident occurred to hide the evidence. Correct me if I'm wrong, but she took down the cameras before the incident occurred.
  10. That's a great question. Especially since it would have instantly implicated whoever did this to her by simply looking at the video.
  11. I will say this. If it is PROVEN that Shady did send people to the house to beat her, then he will be held accountable as if he was the one hitting her. That's some serious jail time.
  12. True, there are many links stating that the police are "investigating" what happened. However, I find it odd that a $100 billion dollar corporation such as the NFL and all of it's Lawful and FBI connections and branches cannot find a police report from this person a day later. Because the police are investigating it doesn't mean that a police report exists when she was allegedly admitted into the hospital, although one would think the hospital would have no choice but to call the authorities.
  13. The link states that the NFL and Buffalo Bills are still trying to find out if there is a police or hospital report tied to this woman's claims. The NFL has former state, local and FBI employees on their payroll. Obtaining this type of material is immediate when it comes to one of their employees. The fact that it's a day later and they are still trying to find documentation about the incident or whether this hospital visit even happening is odd, to say the least.
  14. This is what is puzzling. When this happened, why weren't the police by her side taking her statement the moment she was admitted? Why is it a day later and still no one even knows what hospital this women was at?
  15. On paper, sure. But her case never saw the light of day. Her claims were dismissed by police and never reached the public. Attorney and business owner said let it go. Had charges been filed, then there would have been a countersuit for false charges and defamation of character like no other.
  16. I, too, have seen a woman boldface lie about being drugged & rape allegations to nurses and police when she was never so much as given a drink or touched. She did so because she couldn't explain to her abusive and controlling boyfriend where she was, and was trying to extort money for her silence. Police dropped the case because all of her claims were baseless and she didn't have a lick of evidence. But make no mistake, women will try to put a man behind bars for the rest of his life over something so selfish in order to justify what is in her mind. Once you have experienced that, seeing a situation like this makes it easy to believe that one is innocent until proven guilty. Especially when dealing with some of these Instagram models whose insecurities are larger than skyscrapers and feel that the world owes them something because they look pretty in front of a camera.
  17. legal documents backing up the claims vs. hearsay from one of the involved parties
  18. This smells. TMZ has been reporting that Shady has been trying to break up with this woman since June (who knows if it was earlier), all the while she is telling police that Shady was talking marriage with her, which contradicts why he would have his crew try to move her furniture out. To me, that comes across as a jilted lover trying to justify her reasoning why she is sticking around. What sad is, from what is being reported, you have a woman who Shady has taken legal action against including suing her, has made attempts to kick her out of his home, filed statements calling her his "ex girlfriend". And now she is provides her phone to her friend who posts digitally cut photos of her allegedly before and after (before in London, I'm assuming after having returned home the next morning) stating that Shady beat her senseless? First off, I can't see Shady physically being behind this. He would have been in jail by now if there was any proof that he could have been at the house during the time of the assault, or in the least not be able to explain his whereabouts during this event. So the question remains, did Shady get so frustrated with this woman that either with or without his knowledge someone in his circle went to her house to "take care of this problem." In this day and age, there have been some horrific stories (Greg Hardy, Ray Rice) of men doing horrible things to women. Unfortunately, that has given certain women the power to know that if a man so much as touches her to try and kick her out of her home, she will threaten to call the cops on him, make it sound like abuse, and he'll be suspended for who knows how long. Honestly, it wouldn't have surprised me if this was the card she played with him when he asked her to move her stuff out of his home. Instead, he went the legal route trying to get her removed. Shutting off her utilities? The only way Shady could cut her utilities was if they were in his name. No utility company would allow him to cut them off if they were in her name. If he was trying to break up with her, why wouldn't he stop paying for her stuff? I can see Shady telling her he was going to do it. Did she just not believe him, or dared him too? For the timing of this beating to be reported today after months of court hearings (one of which was to occur today) in which Shady has taken legal steps to remove her from his life, raises a ton of questions. For this woman to refuse to remove herself from Shady's life, even telling police that he "discussed marriage with her" smells like a stage 4 clinger. Yes, based on the facts Shady is innocent until proven guilty. That is what the law is about, anyways. Right?
  19. QB for the 2-14 Bills in 1985 Ferragamo/Mathison: 263-577, 3331 yards, 9 TD's / 31 INT's. 165 Yards per Game, 52 QB Rating. And we had the 17th ranked defense. That Torrell Troup tho...
  20. It's funny when players sign for the most money, then make it not about the money. In fairness to him, his QBs were Kyle Orton, EJ Manuel, and Tyrod Taylor during his time in Buffalo. He was the only player to come close to, and exceeding, 1000 yards. Woods and Cupp already had continuity with Goff when he showed up in pre-season, and he was behind the 8 ball all year. Only problem is Mahomes is still an unknown. While he looked good in limited action, if he falls on his face Sammy will follow. Doesn't surprise me another posting saying Sammy has looked good during off season OTAs and learning the offense. He has always taken his craft seriously. I wish him the best because he truly is a talented guy.
  21. With all the torn ACL's this spring around the league I think we.ve been pretty lucky up to this point.
  22. For me this is a very good sign, because if he was struggling this would be leaking out as well. But honestly were only in OTAs . Shorts and T's aren't a live game. If he keeps growing and progressing on his shortcomings, he may make Beane look like a genius. That's what the Bills Brass kept talking about, his willingness to learn and grow. He did it during the senior bowl and he is doing it now. That's all you can ask of a guy with the type of talent Allen has. He keeps that mentality and he is going to be a great one.
  23. Sully and Gleason are old dinosaurs in a new age. Even when the Bills made the playoffs, Bucky was in the background of news conferences asking negative questions. Sullivan himself admits he is one of the most negative people he knows. Maybe he got off on that. Maybe it's worn thin on his bosses and readers. Regardless, digital media is taking over hard copy newspapers. Newspapers deliveries are down drastically. This means advertising dollars are shifting as well. Those guys probably just got too expensive, or their roles were diminished, or could be a host of other things, including their negative view of the sports teams. But as a Bills and Sabres fan I can see a negative product on the field. When a positive happens, I don't need someone writing about how that positive is dressed with a bunch of different "what ifs" and "this could be bad" scenarios. Glass half empty writing all the time gets old.
  24. The way Terry & Kim have run the team since he purchased it, it's obvious that she has been involved in Terry's Billion dollar business for a long time. You don't handle a billion dollar business without knowing what the heck you are doing. She isn't grading talent. She isn't hiring scouts or coaches. She is handling the business side of a football team, the same way she handled business for her family's Billion dollar empire for the last few decades. Whether it's football or gas, business is business. With that being said, she doesn't seem to be the type of person who is going into this thinking she knows it all. The billionaires surround themselves with smart people who know the business extremely well, and utilize their feedback as part of their decision-making process. Nor is this her first rodeo of making tough, pressure filled decisions that can affect the future of a billion dolllar business or franchise. So it's not a surprise to hear the owners say this. You can make a point that "what else are the other executives going to say about her?" To me this is seeing the glass half empty. Based on the business acumen and immense success of the family, I would tend to believe they are speaking honestly.
  25. IT's all BS until they step onto the field. They have to talk about something. Although screwing up team logos gives you an idea of their thoroughness.
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